What if God IS a farce?

by LouBelle 110 Replies latest jw friends

  • sammielee24

    If you do the best you can throughout your life - then what does it matter?

    God, if he exists and is watching you, will know that you lived your life with as much compassion, integrity and honesty as you were truly capable of - and will recognize that your relationship was with him only and not dependent on any religion being the middle man. If he exists, then he will have a place for you beside him.

    If he doesn't exist, and you still live your life in the same way - then you have lost nothing and neither has society.


  • Dansk

    Hi Burn,

    Already the reference you gave to "House of David" contains conflicting opinions from archaeologists. There is NOT any proof David ruled over a large kingdom.

    Also, I never said I didn't believe there wasn't an ancient kingdom of Israel that later became divided. My whole point is that there is no evidence that a kingdom on the scale suggested in the Bible ever existed.

    Still reading...............


  • DoubleVision

    Hi LouBelle

    I’m with ya on this and feel the same way.
    In fact the other day I was thinking of this.
    I think one of the reasons I decided to look into
    my doubt was when the 9/11 attack on the towers
    took place.
    Watching those people screaming , running for there life’s and
    jumping out of building from hundreds of feet up made me think is
    this how Armageddon is going to be. I thought how could a Loving GOD
    allow or even commit such a terrible act to billions of people and I was
    going around door to door teaching it.
    That, I think stopped me in my tracks.


  • BurnTheShips

    Hey Dansk

    There is NOT any proof David ruled over a large kingdom.

    I didn't say it was rock solid proof. But it is highly suggestive evidence.

    Already the reference you gave to "House of David" contains conflicting opinions from archaeologists

    Also in favour of the reading 'House of David', archaeologist William Dever writes:

    'On the "positivist" side of the controversy, regarding the authenticity of the inscription, we now have published opinions by most of the world's leading epigrahpers (none of whom is a "biblicist" in Thompson's sense): the inscription means exactly what it says. On the "negativist" side, we have the opinions of Thompson, Lemche, and Cryer of the Copenhagen School. The reader may choose.'


    I agree with you that outside of the OT all there are is scraps. But we are not devoid of evidence. I hope more artifacts are found in the future.


  • Dansk


    The Merneptah stele contains the first mention of Israel in any surviving text. The Israelites emerged only gradually as a distinct group in Canaan, beginning at the end of the 13th Century BCE. There is no archaeological evidence of Israelite presence in Egypt immediately before this time.

    Now, we know that the border between Canaan and Egypt was closely controlled at the time and so if a great mass of fleeing Israelites had passed through the border areas (which it would have had to) a record , i.e. outside of the Bible, should exist. However, there is not a single reference to the Israelites - nor even an archaeological artefact. There is not even a single word of Israel being in Egypt: not in any monumental inscriptions on temple walls, nor in any tombs, nor in any papyri.

    Egypt was controlled by Ramses II at the time and was at the peak of its power. A large group of slaves escaping from Egypt through heavily guarded fortifications would have been noted - but there is nothing!

    Also, the Bible says the children of Israel wandered in the desert and mountains of the Sinai peninsula, camping and moving around there for 40 years. There should be at least some archaeological traces of their wandering - but there is only silence. Not a scrap of evidence has been unearthed. Not one single piece of evidence from the time of Ramses II or his immediate predecessors or successors.


  • BurnTheShips
    Now, we know that the border between Canaan and Egypt was closely controlled at the time and so if a great mass of fleeing Israelites had passed through the border areas (which it would have had to) a record , i.e. outside of the Bible, should exist.

    Maybe, maybe not. Depends on what you look for. I am going to copy in a little bit here I hope you do not mind Dansk.

    Some scholars, as early as Josephus, have associated the Semitic Hyksos with the ancient Hebrews, seeing their departure from Egypt as the story retold in the Exodus. Notably, Canaanite/Hebrew names occur among the Hyksos.


    A "mystery" people is how the Hyksos have been described. Their presence in Egypt is very close to the time when Exodus describes the Hebrews being there.


  • Dansk

    Hi Burn:

    A "mystery" people is how the Hyksos have been described. Their presence in Egypt is very close to the time when Exodus describes the Hebrews being there.

    Ah, the Hyksos. They were expelled from Egypt in 1570 BCE. Therefore, they cannot be the Hebrew slaves of the Exodus.


  • VoidEater

    What if God IS a farce?

    Then all men will have to acknowledge that their actions - good and bad - are completely their own responsibility.

  • BurnTheShips
    Ah, the Hyksos. They were expelled from Egypt in 1570 BCE. Therefore, they cannot be the Hebrew slaves of the Exodus.

    Could you please explain why?

    If we lend any weight to Josephus' chronology, the Exodus of the Hebrews was about 1550 BC. This is very close to the date above.


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    However lately I've been questioning again - so many posters on here that are atheists really make good arguments & I can't reason my way out of it.

    and those arguments are based on their life experience (and, I suppose, study). However, the old saying "if you want to be successful, hang out with successful people" is also true regarding this topic. Spirtuality / religion is many things to many people. If you want to find out about the existence of God, hang out with people who have had a real experience with the Creator - not always easy to find since they tend to keep the experience to themselves (and why wouldn't they since their experience is just that - their's. They know that debating does nothing to validate the experience.) I totally understand why people would think that we're just on a big blue "marble" floating through space with no rhymn or reason, especially with all the "crap" happening in the world, however that doesn't negate that which is real and positive and yes, unseen. I think most people are playing the game of "Life" using the rules from the game of "Monopoly" - no wonder things don't make sense. my 2 cents.


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