
by RichieRich 174 Replies latest jw friends

  • Crumpet
    About the only thing I accused you of is being young, and I wish that I had 3 fingers pointing to me saying that! I was of the opinion that it was "none of our damn business."

    JK666 - hilarious! I like that one, mind if I borrow and say I made it up myself - just you know turn a blind eye if you see me using it on other threads.

    Richie I said all I wanted to on the other thread last night. You told me before or around the time it had got to the board that someone was using the board to have a go - I didnt feel the need to read the posts. You are who you are, someone who has delighted and entertained me with every post and has taken time out to give me particular contact from time to time when I felt abjectly low (like the video you sent) and that made me cry at the time (jeez I'm welling up now!) because there was no doubt in my mind you have a big heart and I was privileged to share it.

    And one thing you can never be accused of is boring. I say, if you are tired of Richie, then you are tired of life. (And yes I totally did not plagiarise any of that quote! )

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I think the people who are 'calling out' Richie on this public forum should grow up.

    There is no way that this forum can become a better place by this sort of behaviour.

    I know who I would rather hang out with.

    Cheers Richie.


  • (pro-gress)

    What I find disturbing is that while Richie claims to have all kinds of proof he offered none - and that is because he doesn't have any. He never worked here, He never worked with me, He has never attended any of the fakir intensives seminars. I'm shocked that so many people have eaten up his lies and accepted them so easily. More over I am shocked that many people here maintain "its none of my business" attitude towards this situation - richie made it your business when he led you to believe he is someone he has not - and he has been doing it at least since march and is still trying to do it now. Yes, it sucks for me - not that this is forum's problem. But it doesn't change the facts that he has been lying about himself in so small amount to the readers of this forum for a good long time. And that is your problem - if you choose to deal with it or not might not be much of business in the end, but still I cannot refrain from remarking on gullibility of many of the people on this forum.

  • OnTheWayOut

    (pro gress) All those here that consider hiring Richie or getting a piercing by Richie, they
    will ask for references. As for the rest of us, he doesn't have to prove his history and he
    doesn't have to explain any discrepancies. Whether he embellished or not does not
    change his opinions on things JW-related. It doesn't change his opinions on tattoes or
    piercings, even.

    Does it matter to you that we care or not? It sounds like you are insistant on ruining his
    reputation here. This could be a personal matter between you two. You could be telling the
    truth or lying, but why do we need to know. Offering us a phone number or documents to
    back up your claims just shows more that you are bound and determined to hurt Richie.
    Some of our members did actually believe that this was important to them, so you have

    Further, to those that say Richie was quiet, this is a stupid discussion forum- Are you saying
    Richie can't take the weekend or even several days (or months) away from his computer because
    his name might come up on a thread? Are you saying he automatically owes you an explanation
    in some timely manner for some accusations?

    If I make up some crazy stuff about (my good friends) JK666, AK-Jeff, SSPO, or Purplesofa-
    how long can they be away from their computer or refuse to answer before it must be true?
    Get a life!!!!!!! Richie, I don't want any piercings, but I would love to break bread with you,
    regardless of where you were employed or not.

    OTWO- crossing from afraid to angry.

  • jefferywhat

    Seth, I dont know RR, so I am not emotionally involved here.

    What makes you think anyone here cares about what is your private business?

    Dont presume to call me or anyone on this forum gullible you self righteous little man.

    Your comments are becoming bete noire and are having a deleterious effect on this forum and only serve to aggrandize your position.

    Run off with your somniferous posts and find the correct forum for your character assassination.


  • 144001


    "What I find disturbing" is your obsession with bashing Richie. I think there's a lot more to this story than either you or Richie have revealed, and I don't care to know the details. If what you've said here is true, then Richie lied about a fact that is incredibly insignificant to most of us here. But what about you? You work at a business that exploits bad personal decisions (i.e., getting a tattoo or a piercing) for financial profit. In my view, your sins are worse than anything you've alleged about Richie.

    I don't believe your claims that your activity on this forum is for the purpose of clearing your business name. Given the content of your posts, it is my opinion that revenge is your objective, and cleansing the reputation of your tattoo parlor is only a secondary objective, at best.

    For the record, I don't know Richie. But Richie and most of everyone else here share a common bond with me; that is, we are all victims of another business entity that exploits bad decisions for profit. So I have empathy for him. I have nothing in common with you; I don't know you, and, furthermore, I don't respect your industry. Your efforts have backfired; Richie has new friends he never knew he had.

  • primitivegenius

    seth its probably a good idea for you to leave this forum and not return again....... your just makeing yourself look like an a$$

    if you had gotten that letter sent to him telling him to cease and desist from makeing any references to your shop....... thats a good business decision........... woulda ended RR's allegid lies and any claims of affiliation and best of all not harmed your reputation or your business's.

    instead your bashing RR here, and its basicly your word against his. hes not produceing any paperwork showing how he was employed by you and you cant produce anything to show he wasnt....... and we dont care either way.

    you coulda come and made a post stateing that the poster here under the name RR has never worked in my shop and is unlicenced and unqualified to do work................ that woulda worked. instead your damageing your OWN business by bringing up posts that werent in the active list for all to see yet again if they botherd to look at them the first time. thankfully when i googled your shop i didnt see any of these pages show up......

    would be a damn shame for you to come on this board among people who dont care what RR claimed............ and then ended up hurting your business more by having something on google that potential clients could read and develop an opinion over and maybe make another choice.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Seth, you have a PM. go to the top of the page and click on the link under your screen name.

  • FlyingHighNow

    I'm glad I didn't jump in the middle of this. I'll give you he benefit of the doubt.

  • katiekitten
    That was the reaction of people who know me in REAL LIFE. People who see me on a regular basis. People who can touch me. People who immediately effect me, and thus... matter.


    All of a sudden... there was no question of my honesty. I was a liar. Bad enough. But no! Then I was an immature liar. Then a fat immature liar. Then an easily swayed fat immature liar.


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