to the JWD person who sends erynw hatemail

by eclipse 96 Replies latest jw friends

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    count me in on the energy........

    what the hell kind of sick person does something like this????

    sending out some protective light .............

  • momzcrazy

    In perfect love and perfect trust.


  • onacruse

    I haven't read every post above, but in reflecting the sentiments of many of you:

    The general guidelines for open forum posting apply equally to private messages using the JWD p/m. Therefore, if someone is violating those guidelines, notify a mod and, indeed, there are ways of at least eliminating that particular account, as the circumstances warrant.

    Unfortunately, it is most often the case that these nut-jobs just set up another account, and continue on with their venom. The only resort is to notify a mod accordingly, at each occurence.

    However, as tempting as it is to exact a degree of revenge against such vicious Internet savages, it would be counter-productive to post up any private messages or e-mails, both because it gives them the attention they don't deserve, and also because posting such private communications without the specific permission of the sender (as vile as that sender might be) is also a breach of open forum protocol.

    All that being said, I fully share the anger and frustration that you all have expressed, and can't tell you how many times I've had to push the "delete" button on my angry response posts...though I certainly haven't been perfect at that effort of self-control, and have more than a few times had to have my own posts edited.



    edit to add: I think it was Ang who last edited one of my last "errant" posts...when I saw what she had done, I chuckled and said to myself: "Well, Craig, you rather deserved that, didn't you?" LOL

  • Sunspot

    This is the third time this week that I have been moved to say that as much as I don't think anything that another would do would shock me....some thing and some one DOES.

    I am SO sorry for our dear Eryn to have to go through this, what with everything else she has on her plate.



  • jgnat

    Thank you Angharad, for clarifying the moderator's situation. I will repeat the suggestion that eryn change her e-mail address.

    Do keep in mind that JWD is a PUBLIC board, and anyone can read what we write here, even if they are not registered. Only the Private section is not visible to non-members.

  • bikerchic


  • Barbie Doll
    Barbie Doll

    I am so Anger right now and in shock. Eryn --is a real loving and sweet person. How can anybody do this to her. How low can they go.

    They are EVIL, They don't have a LIFE, They are SICK IN THE HEAD, (NO BRAIN) I feel they are JEALOUS, of her. So they want to hurt her. ERYN---We love you, don't let some creep, keep you from being yourself and being Positive.

  • Happy Harvester
    Happy Harvester

    A lump of coal to anyone sendingout hatemail. Very mean. (((Eryn)))

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Eclipse, I have been in and out all evening, and just saw this thread. I started hurting, even before I opened it. I skipped most of what you wrote. I bet I only read half of every 5th line. I couldn't!! I read all of the replies though.

    We have formed a support circle around her.

    Scoot over guys and gals, and let me in!!! I know I have a big butt, but damn it, I WILL join the circle!! Eryn, you have so many people on this board that care for you.
    When I read about Mouthy, being depressed, about things going on, on the board, I didn't know why. Until now. It really feels like we are a family. OMG, the Christmas cards I have gotten. (Including yours, thank you) I have them covering my entry table. From all of my friends. To have someone in my family, that is capable of doing this, I am ashamed.

    I have never seen Rising Eagle mad before. I think he described this person better than I could, not saying words that would be censored.

    you scum-sucking motherless pus bag.

  • Vernon Williams
    Vernon Williams


    Hey, kiddo....if it ever goes off the curb into the street....I hope we are on the same team....

    Best wishes in your endevors for your friend...trip and all...I do not know the details, however, will keep you both in prayer and hope.... I am happy she is blessed with a friend like you....

    In this Journey,


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