to the JWD person who sends erynw hatemail

by eclipse 96 Replies latest jw friends

  • eclipse

    As much as I hate to make a new topic for a low-life like you - you need to read this.

    There are people in this world who are born to hate and to suck the life from others.

    Those people are the blood-sucking parasites that thrive on hurting, and abusing others.

    Those people are rapists, pedophiles and sadistic sociopaths without any moral fiber or conscience.

    YOU are among that classification of sub-human vermin devoid of empathy love or compassion.

    You can quit telling Eryn to die already.

    You can quit telling her that she can shoot herself in the head just because you are a friendless person without anyone to love them.

    You are pathetic. People like you disgust me. You are a useless waste of human flesh. You contribute nothing to humanity.

    If you keep emailing her your cowardly emails, know this -

    You cannot hurt her because she has more love in her little finger than you could ever wish to have in your entire body.

    You are a coward since you hide your identity and you keep going to all that trouble of making a new addresses.

    Do you not have a life that you have this perverse need to email a total stranger hatemail?

    Seriously, that is SAD.

    Some village is looking for their idiot, so I sent them your email addresses and told them to contact you.

    And if you think that emailing her makes you tough or special,

    try emailing me and we'll see what happens. eclipse _ exjw @ (no spaces)

  • Warlock

    Post the haters e-mail, and we will take care of it.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Wow - why would anyone want to attack Eryn? A nicer person I don't know.

    Well, creeps will be creeps.

    Likely he will not see your post, or care. Creeps will be creeps.


  • Vivamus

    Thats just pathetic (the emailer)

  • skyking

    This thread will not last long before it is removed.

    In the mean time I agree. Gettign rude does nothing. Typed words hurt, I hope the person that sent this hate PM or email feels big and Bad.

    Some are here because they are already hurting they don't need additional hurt.

  • Nosferatu

    Yeah, post the email.

    Better yet, they can send me hate mail! Here, I'll start...

    JWs are pedophile-loving cult.

  • undercover

    While I can understand your frustration and anger, it might be best to let the mods/admins handle this behind the scenes. They can delete accounts and can figure out who has multiple accounts and deal with them.

    If either you or erynw can let them know the details, I'm sure they'll work on it.

  • brinjen

    Why go to all that trouble just to make someone feel bad? What can you possibly get out of it? That's the sickest act I've ever heard of on here.

    {{{{{{{eryn}}}}}}} {{{{{{{eclipse}}}}}}}

  • eclipse


    This thread is not in violation of board policy since I have not / will not post the hater's email without explicit consent from Simon or the mods.

    They are aware of this situation and I wanted to call this person out and see if they show their cowardly face here.

    I doubt they will, but that person should know that their actions are not welcome and will not be tolerated.

    If they want to email me, they are free to do so.

    Just so everyone knows, they do not PM her, they email her to her email address that she had previously posted on her profile.

    She has since taken out her email address.

    This low-life emails her whenever there are threads or posts written in regards to erynw's wellbeing.

    The mods do not know who this person is.

  • shell69

    This is disgusting. Lowlife idiotn.


    shelleycunliffe at hotmail dot com.

    Bring it on idiots!

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