Do all men cheat?

by Save My Soul 151 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bonnie_Clyde
    If I knew someone was cheating on their spouse, I'd be inclined to not trust them as a friend or business assoc.

    That's why I don't trust my manager. I'm trying to make some changes.

  • mrsjones5

    No all men do not cheat...just some of them. Same for women.

    My hubby, never. Neither have I. Our 15th anniversary is on the December 5.

  • Superfine Apostate
    Superfine Apostate

    define cheating. and those who say they never cheated - you may not have YET ;)

    btw: i only ever had sex with my wife and myself. so if cheating only means having sex with someone who is not your partner, i have never cheated. if cheating also includes kissing/touching .... whatever ... who is not your partner, i'm guilty.

  • M.J.

    You sound younger than your reported age. You refer to your colleague's bragging portfolio as "accomplishments", with a degree of admiration. I remember that mentality back in college with regard to say, a frat brother...Then of course there's the intro where you say "I could have if I wanted to."

    I'm thinking maybe you want to find validation for what you're thinking about doing...

  • sweetstuff
    if cheating also includes kissing/touching .... whatever ... who is not your partner, i'm guilty.

    In my books, that is cheating, period.

  • mrsjones5
    if cheating also includes kissing/touching .... whatever ... who is not your partner, i'm guilty.
    In my books, that is cheating, period.


  • Paralipomenon
    Do you know of men / women that cheat on their spouse regularly? Worldly or witness. Provide details of the circumstances (strip clubs, business trips, girlfriend in other cities, ect..........).

    Well, I guess I'm a cheater.

    Hear that bobbi? Looks like we have no choice but to endure a bitter divorce. Pity, things were going so well too.

  • Superfine Apostate
    Superfine Apostate

    so your definition of cheating is doing anything you wouldn't do if you'r partner was there?

    i wouldn't post on JWD having my wife looking over my shoulder. is that cheating?

  • mrsjones5
    i wouldn't post on JWD having my wife looking over my shoulder. is that cheating?

    Only if you think it's wrong to be here and you know your spouse would be upset to find you here, thereby losing her trust in you and calling your integrity into question.

    But seriously I think we're talking about interacting on a emotional and physical level with someone who is not your spouse. Being here is different.

  • sweetstuff
    so your definition of cheating is doing anything you wouldn't do if you'r partner was there?

    i wouldn't post on JWD having my wife looking over my shoulder. is that cheating?

    Justify all you want, that's not what is being discussed and you know it. Would your wife be ok with you kissing or touching another woman sexually? Umm, me thinks not. So, before you try to lump it in with posting on JWD, seriously dude, wake up.

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