Do all men cheat?

by Save My Soul 151 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dansk
    Personally, I have never cheated on my wife of 15 years

    I think you have answered your own question!

    However, I'll bite. I have been happily married for 29 years next month and in all that time, and even during our courtship, I never once cheated on my wife. When I was at college and also at work the chances to cheat were there. They always will be. The point is, if you truly love your woman and she loves you the biggest betrayal one can do is to cheat on them. I think it says a lot about a person and their relationship if they can walk away from a chance to cheat.


  • ninja

    I havent

  • darkuncle29

    No not all men do. I think that if you don't cheat on your spouse, it just means you have a level of integrity to yourself and those you love. There is also the concept of an open relationship, I'm not in one nor do I want to be. From what I've seen, most people are not mature enough to be in an open relationship without causing problems for their primary relationship. I do view that as different though than cheating on your spouse. If I knew someone was cheating on their spouse, I'd be inclined to not trust them as a friend or business assoc.

  • R.Crusoe

    This is a loaded question in so many ways! You may have been conditioned by mother or whoever, in early years to think think total devotion 'holy'. Then, if you are with a person you bond with and makes you feel happy to be around you likely feel deep satisfaction and no conflict, rejection, low self opinion, empty of love etc.. So you don't even feel like straying. Conversely if you have grown up with a fun loving wide social circle of friends and freedom from religious conditioning, you may have always thought opportunities to enjoy life are to be taken and not scoffed at. Most people will fall within the range between these extremes! Mismatching in marriage is more likely than less likely. This has consequences of its own. If you have been a sincere person and loyal but dumped down the road, or made to feel that way by your partner, your soul will seek affection and appeasement thus rendering you similar to those who grew to chase opportunity. In your heart you will be very different. To others you will appear the same. Not unlike exiting JW land in some respects - whatever course you take is painful whilst whatever course others take seems natural and enjoyable! Hope this introduces some perspective/understanding rather than judgment.

  • Dorktacular

    I have never cheated on anyone, especially my wife. However, as I have told the wife in the past, I'm a good dog, but you have to pet me once in a while if you expect me to stay on the porch. Hopefully, I get "petted" tonight.

    Anyway, I know of one guy for sure that cheats on his wife. I used to work with him. Whenever we went out of town for business, he would immediatley start recruiting a whole string of sexual partners to fill up every second of his out of town visit. I saw every night "welcoming" a different woman to his hotel room. And then he would brag about it in the morning to the rest of us guys. We were all married and we couldn't beleive this idiot. We told him to stop bragging about it. "Dude, if that's what you want to do, that's your business. Keep it to yourself. We think it's very disrespectful to your wife what you're doing."

    Long story short, I sent an anonymous email to his wife telling her what was going on. I hope she finds out what kind of jerk he is before something really bad happens, like her getting an STD or something.

  • 5thGeneration

    I've had sex with 3 partners in the 16 years I've been married.

    1. My wife

    2. Lefty

    3. Righty

    Lots of guys don't cheat.

    I wouldn't risk losing her for 18.9 seconds of pleasure!

  • DJK

    I never cheated in the twenty eight years (combined) that I have been married.

    IMO, your not a man anymore if you cheat. Scumbag might be a better description.

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    My manager is cheating on his wife, and he's doing it openly with a colleague. The wife worked in his office for a year with no pay. She is filing for divorce and demanding a year's salary along with child support. My manager's manager also cheated with a colleague openly. There have been at least two other episodes in the last ten years that I'm aware of. JW's would say that's the way of the world. However, several of the "worldly" people in my office are shocked and disgusted with what's going on.

  • mouthy

    I am so happy to read that some of you dont cheat.
    But in my experience I think most men do. ( so do women not as much though-I did)

    I have had many "confess" to me ,they fell for the wiles of a lovely woman..I also know women who have cheated on their loving husbands.
    As was stated sex is a real draw!! It seems to be rampant in the whole world. I believe that is why we have so much desease &,unwanted pregnacies ,,If you are a man that doesnt even look at a woman with lust.
    I sure do admire you!!!!! And the women that strayed , believe me its not worth it. Your conscience will truly bother you in your old age...
    I have had to keep my mouth shut about the ones I know ....Which I have done!! But I feel a hypocrite when I am with those that have confessed & they are in my company with the one they cheated on.

  • sweetstuff

    No, not all men cheat, I know lots of great guys who have never strayed from their significant others, I have also seen women cheat on wonderful husbands, I think people who cheat, male or female have an unhappiness inside they are looking to fill and they think a new partner will give them that happiness, never works, yet they do it anyway.

    Cheaters suck, period, regardless of gender.

    Too much time and hassle that I'd rather spend on cooking and footrubs for my lady.

    Hmmm, how you doin Avi?

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