Do all men cheat?

by Save My Soul 151 Replies latest jw friends

  • beksbks

    You are too sweet Purps!


    ..Do all Men Cheat?..No!..Do all Women Cheat?..No!..Some people,do cheat on their mates...Which group do you belong in?...OUTLAW

  • Satanus

    I think it's another animals sign. In nature, many male animals do that, yet, they expect fidelity from their mates. As well, there are male animals that do stay faithful to their mates, mating for life. In the human race, you see a mixture of those animal traits. The human female animal nature is to demand exclusivity.


  • beksbks

    Actually in our modern world, women are catching up to men in numbers who cheat.

  • Save My Soul
    Save My Soul

    Thanks for the quick answers everyone.

    Encouraging words from friends truly solidifies my already firm stand. I attempt to take my wife with me on trips. This helps to prevent me from being in a compromising position.

    I think it says something about the relationship, I really do. I know those who will say that is not it, but from my perspective of those I know who have, there is something wrong. I happen to believe it's got to do with self confidence. If you don't have it, you look anywhere you can to prove that you are worth something. Until that is fixed, you can never be truly faithful.

    Or maybe I'm just one awesome woman.............................

    GREAT response, I agree. This truly says something about the relationship!!!!

    I was really disturbed when I found out. First Santa, then this.

    The END must be close

  • Confession

    I'm going to second beksbks comment... It's true that not all men cheat. It's also true that many men do. But why are we focusing on men here? It is my firm belief that, while men may be doing it a bit more than's not much more! I've known many, many women who do it too. And who are all those philandering men doing it with anyway? Do you think (as I used to) that it's with unsuspecting women? Ha! I can't tell you how many women I've seen come onto me (when I was married) and other men--that they KNOW are married.

  • jwfacts

    I know many that do not cheat and some that have cheated very rarely. And a few that habitually are like your colleague. But what does it mean to "cheat". That really is only a concept that depends on definition. Look at the Bible, and having multiple partners was not cheating, it was a way of life. The number of women related to ones financial status.

  • Save My Soul
    Save My Soul

    That really is only a concept that depends on definition. Look at the Bible, and having multiple partners was not cheating, it was a way of life. The number of women related to ones financial status.

    Point taken. I look at cheating as penetration with / from someone other than your mate. My wife disagrees, but oral is not (really, really bad)cheating IMO, just loose conduct. Right or wrong, this is my perverted warped view. It is bad but...............

    (sorry for the bad humor)

  • Magick

    now that i'm less naive than i used to be, i realize that it's not a male/female's a human issue. we all have the capacity to "cheat," but, not all do.

    if a guy (or girl) in a relationship is having sex outside of it...who is he having it with and why?

    cheating is beyond the animalistic desire for lusty sex...there's a lot of emotional issues involved.

    if two people are emotionally connected, whether they are dating, living together, married, straight or gay...they are less likely to cheat.

    i don't know if it is the same everywhere, but where i live cheating is very common. especially at work. hospitals & schools seem to bring people emotionally together and that can lead to the opportunity to cheat. woman know exactly what they are doing and men usually don't refuse.

    if the guy (or girl) is a jerk/slut...then there are no "reasons" involved, just selfish gain.

    however, regular, good, decent people cheat. this can because of the emotional factors of needing to feel appreciated or loved. or maybe they feel justified in cheating because they've been "cheated on" ...then there is the low self-esteem issue.

    so, my long winded answer would, not all men & women cheat. many do, but not all.

    it takes two emotionally healthy & mature people who care about themselves and their partner enough not to.

  • avishai
    It is my firm belief that, while men may be doing it a bit more than's not much more! I've known many, many women who do it too. And who are all those philandering men doing it with anyway? Do you think (as I used to) that it's with unsuspecting women? Ha! I can't tell you how many women I've seen come onto me (when I was married) and other men--that they KNOW are married.

    Yep, they sure do. I know from personal experience...

    Avishai, hot AND faithful??? Give the other guys a chance man!

    I HAVE cheated, in my early 20's, and I'll tell ya, when I did, it was'nt because I thought some one was hotter, etc. It was insecurity on my part. Oh, and selfishness and being a pig. Figgered out that it hurt ME as well as my partner, etc. I just don't see the point in hurting someone else, yourself, etc. to give yourself a fleeting boost. If I'm dissatisfied, I'll get counseling, and/or leave. Too much time and hassle that I'd rather spend on cooking and footrubs for my lady.

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