i found a pice of sublimnal art as a dubbie i'm shocked!

by XOCO 81 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Have you seen in the Live Forever book at the back a couple has a picture of a demonic looking goat's face on the table....this was the only picture that confused me. Otherwise there are men's faces on Mars and the Moon, you can see shapes in most pictures. Im not fully convinced. In 1982 a Watchtower cover shows what looks like a plane heading towards the Twin towers in N.Y but this is just a coincidence.

  • Sunspot
    That might be a general claim if you're talking about an ink blot. But LOTS OF PEOPLE clearly see this face and list it along with other "subliminal" art. So you're just in DENIAL. I've pointed this picture out to some other witnesses and asked them about it, and they did the same thing. Just said it was a fluke and not intentional and "looks like a normal hand to me", which of course, they were being dishonest. Anybody can see with the artistic ability of the illustrators that this was a COMMISSIONED cryptic depiction, the best they could come up with, but so obvious it's not even SUBLIMINAL

    We might tend to forget that the WTS closely inspects EVERYTHING that is published....and makes sure that it passes THEIR standards and represents JUST what THEY want to say. There is no possible way that this stuff can be "a mistake" or put in there "by accident". I have no idea just WHY these things are there, OR why they are allowed to be printed this way in the first place.....but I DO know that the WTS is up to no good and always has been. Trickery, deceit and mind games are the order of the day. Who, but them, KNOWS why they put this stuff in their artwork.

  • XOCO

    i've showed this art work to my sister and she did not even see it at all and i asked her again to look really really hard at the hand and she STILL not even see it until i pointed it out to her. she told me that was freaky and that most ppl don't even pay attention to details like i do. i just have a creepy knack for details that ppl just find as impertinent info.

    2 Jcannon: u have so much insight into a lot of biblical reference u talk like a historian. i like ur suggestion of the baby looking like an African American i laugh so hard i compared the pic to my baby pics to see any of the resemblance i laugh so hard LOL!

    also i would like to thank all the ones who posted pics of of the baby hand in Jesus since i don't have scanner or anything of that nature.

    i just can wait to see the reactions of ppls faces on Monday night.

  • Amber Rose
    Amber Rose

    I agree. That is a very creepy picture. I'm sorry though, I just don't believe in the secret society connection with subliminal art. Maybe Russel was a Mason over 100 years ago but who is keeping the secrets today? Who is directing the artists to "make the hand look weirder", or put a scary face here or there, but don't tell anyone that you were told to? I don't have faith that Bethel can keep secrets that well. They're just bad artists.

  • AlmostAtheist

    It's pretty weird, isn't it? But, are you certain it's intentional? Consider this image:

    That's the "face on mars" picture. It's a better "face", in my opinion, than the one under discussion. But it clearly wasn't inserted there on purpose.

    (BTW - the face on mars kinda disappears in a better-resolution image: http://www.adlerplanetarium.org/cyberspace/planets/mars/face.html)


  • FreedomFrog

    What's the picture of in the proclaimers book (pg 16) that was on the YouTube JC?

  • marmot

    Just be careful, XOCO, JCanon is very interesting, oftentimes witty person but he also needs some help.

    The brain is wired to distinguish facial patterns much in the same way it is wired to recognize proper grammar structure. Once you are given a set of criteria to look for, the brain will automatically recognize them and there's a very specific part of the brain that does this, the right middle fusiform gyrus.

    JCanon claims to be Jesus Christ (J.C.anonymous, get it?) in part because of what he interpreted to be a face in that illustration from the Revelation climax book and because he saw a similar shape in a cloud, which he took to be a sign from heaven.

    However, there are literally THOUSANDS of people who see religious symbols in everyday objects, that piece of grilled cheese sandwich with the virgin mary on it is one famous example, but would you claim divine provenance because of it?

    If you notice, JCanon is also very paranoid about secret societies and conspiracies and he claims to have personally spoken with god. Taken separately, all of these symptoms might not point to much, but when you have delusions of grandeur, paranoia and auditory hallucinations (hearing voices) all in the same individual it's a sign of a mental disorder.

    I have nothing against the man, and I think he's got a great personality, but he needs help.

  • BluesBrother

    Some people read something into pics like this of the swirling smoke of 911....I guess if you want to believe bad enough, you can find something to believe in ....


  • Sunspot

    The "face" on Mars, the smoke from 9-1-1, and seeing fleeting images in clouds......are all "natural" by occurrence and NOT drawn by man and then placed in a magazine purported to be "under Jehovah's direction", presented as biblically accurate knowledge for the edification of sincere bible students (as they like to claim). We cannot begin to compare these instances in the same way.

  • FreedomFrog
    are all "natural" by occurrence and NOT drawn by man and then placed in a magazine

    I agree, yes....clouds can have "pictures" of animals/things/and such, but to actually draw them...it makes a person raise an eyebrow. If they are not meaning too...then please explain the hand in the revelation book pg. 52? That is sooo not by accident (IMO)

    Can anyone scan that picture here?

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