i found a pice of sublimnal art as a dubbie i'm shocked!

by XOCO 81 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • JCanon
    Is a smooshed yellow fetus face in a hand supposed to mean something?
    yes it means they are not very good artists

    Quite the opposite! They are EXCELLENT ARTISTS! The commission was to come up with some illustration of the sleeping black child and the bird next to it in subliminal art. The sleeping black face had to be associated with Jesus. So they came up with maybe placing the face in the hand of Jesus. It's quite clever! At some point the GB decided to approve the artwork. They knew some people would not pay close attention to it.

    But from an artistic point of view, to send an anti-black child message out there to the secret society members in the WTS like this, I think is quite well done. Remember how the Freemasons like to work. They like putting things "in plain sight" right in front of your face and daring you to believe what it could mean, just like the seeing-eye pyramid on the dollar bill!!! It's RIGHT THERE IN YOUR FACE! But people who don't want to believe it is anything more than a quick decision at the printers will ignore its full significance.

    The sleeping black child as a symbol of Christ is something that came from God and appeared to the anointed. The WTS could hardly ignore it, which is apparent in this photo. So it is not a mystery WHY this black sleeping child with a bird nearby is about. It is related to the "sign of the son of man" that appears to the anointed. Period. That's WHY it is here. It is not a mistake. How can it be? So it is actually great art for what they had to relate. This is not an example of poor artwork. It's not that hard to draw the palm of the hand, especially for a professional artist.


  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    I see things in the dark shadows at night and when I quickly turn on the lights there is nothing there. (35 Y.old thank you Watchtower "Demons" Bull crap}

    I had a doughnut that looked alot like Rutherford...once at breakfast I thought I saw Fred Franz in my Cornflakes...Jehovah works in mysterious ways.

  • Sunspot
    Sunspot, I'm loath to go up against you, but tell me then what's the point?

    Is a smooshed yellow fetus face in a hand supposed to mean something? I fail to see the purpose, nefarious or otherwise, of these so-called subliminal images. You're just seeing a face because the brain is good at picking out faces. Take a pen and randomly scribble around on a piece of paper for a minute or two then flip the paper around and look for faces in the lines, I guarantee you'll find a least one if not more. Did you intentionally draw them? No, but your brain knows how to pick them out.

    Marmot---I honestly do not know what their purpose would be---I don't know what pleasure they derive from being such blatant liars on anything either.....but I DO know that there are far too many examples like these embedded throughout their publications for it to be placed there "by accident". I have seen way too many of these pictures over the years, to just wave them off as a fluke.

    Your analogy on scribbling does not quite "hold up" in this particular example, because this would mean a random drawing done in this way, "just to see what emerges".....while in contrast, the WTS artwork is CAREFULLY designed and scrutinized to have the very BEST effect on the reader, (much like their very "selective wording" when explaining their peculiar teachings as well as their "excuses" for their behavior.)

    I tend to believe that EVERYTHING that comes down from the WTS presses has been well looked over and checked out for "accuracy", by those in charge. Nothing "gets by" them, or what they are trying to convey.

    (PS----I enjoy a good and thoughtful debate or discussion on differences of opinion.....what I find offensive is when a poster will make purposely insulting remarks, or insinuate that anything other than his opinion is stupid and those that disagree with his opinion are stupid or "need mental help" etc. I have no problem with respectful comments that offer another point of view....just as yours did. )



  • JCanon
    When painting landscapes you can make many broard features such as clouds, trees, water, etc. with an assortment of brushes and so could create some feature that you might see immediately but detailed paintings are different. I will admit I have a pretty good imagination and I do take that into consideration when I see these things. I have seen these things in the jw artwork for many, many years and at first I just attributed it to my imagination but came to realize that some of it was just too clear to ignore.

    And don't forget, none of this goes out without direct GB approval!!! How could they miss it? THEY DIDN'T! They comissioned this and then applauded how well it was done; how cleverly they have a situation where they can have the sleeping black child and dove associated with Christ. No telling how many other sketches were rejected for this final one.

    And yes, I totally agree that some of the "subliminal" artwork might be just incidental imagery. But THIS is specific and it's not "subliminal" it is clearly a sleeping black child's face. If that didn't MEAN anything, maybe even I'd say, well, one of those strange coincidences, but the "sleeping black child's face" is prophetically significant. It is what the anointed see as the "sign of the son of man". When they see the dead black child they "beat themselves in lamentation" over the dead child. That is what this is about.

    The WTS knows about the anointed who believe this is a sign from God and want to oppose it while sending a secret message to their secret members maybe about watching out for anointed members who believe the messiah will arrive as a black man. So it is definitely RELEVANT and specific. Those pretending there is nothing here are just in "denial". It's as simple as that. OR, they work for the Illuminati and they have to pretend there's nothing here.


  • Sunspot

    The WTS knows about the anointed who believe this is a sign from God and want to oppose it while sending a secret message to their secret members maybe about watching out for anointed members who believe the messiah will arrive as a black man. So it is definitely RELEVANT and specific. Those pretending there is nothing here are just in "denial". It's as simple as that. OR, they work for the Illuminati and they have to pretend there's nothing here.

    Oh MY!

    And you gathered all this through that "face in a hand" drawing?

  • JCanon
    Is a smooshed yellow fetus face in a hand supposed to mean something? I fail to see the purpose, nefarious or otherwise, of these so-called subliminal images. You're just seeing a face because the brain is good at picking out faces. Take a pen and randomly scribble around on a piece of paper for a minute or two then flip the paper around and look for faces in the lines, I guarantee you'll find a least one if not more. Did you intentionally draw them? No, but your brain knows how to pick them out.

    As I noted, there are two opposing groups of the "anointed" within the organization. The "faithful anointed" have gone underground. They are the ones that see the "sign of the son of man" in the form of the sleeping black child. Here is a photo of it when it specifically appeared to a sky photographer:


    The sleeping black child is only significant to the anointed and what it means. It's amazing some people would think a professional artist can't make a better hand than this so that it ends up like being a sleeping black child's face.

    Now, THINK of what would have to have been the commission to an artist to imitate the sign.

    1) The sign is a FACE, specifically. Not just the body of an infant. But a FACE so you could see the closed eyes.

    2) It has to be a black child. Another detail.

    3) It has to be SLEEPING/DEAD, meaning the eyes are closed.

    4) There has to be a bird figure nearby (eagle/dove).

    5) There has to be some connection with Jesus himself.

    ALL those elements are here. This can be no accident.

    If the anointed are seeing a sleeping black child's face in the clouds that is supposed to represent Jesus, what ALTERNATIVE reason would the WTS have to depict a sleeping black face in the palm of Jesus? It's not like there is some other more obvious message here.

    What you are seeing is the Illuminati-based WTS sending out a cryptic message for their "spies" in the congregation of the sub-cult of anointed ones who are seeing this sign. That's all it is. They KNOW what is going on. They can't "discuss" it because it would give people ideas. The subliminal art was important, they had a chance to do it cleverly this way and they grabbed the chance. It's as simple as that.

    WE KNOW THE MEANING. It's an "insider" anointed thing.


  • AlmostAtheist

    >>It's amazing some people would think a professional artist can't make a better hand than this

    Just another thing to consider -- as I understand it, the Watchtower artists work from photographs of real people. They stage the scene, photograph it, then have the artist paint it. Of course, the artist could always insert the image, whether it was in the photo or not. But it's something to bear in mind.


  • JCanon

    Oh MY!

    And you gathered all this through that "face in a hand" drawing?

    No. I'd seen the artwork and it had been pointed out as subliminal artwork along with some other WTS stuff. But I had NO CLUE as to what it meant until a photograph was made of the "sign of the son of man" that appeared to a skyscape photographer. After I saw the image in the literal clouds themselves of the sleeping black child's face along with the eagle, then I instantly understood why the sleeping black child's face was in the hand of Jesus. It was mocking what other anointed ones had seen in the clouds, which is this sleeping black child's face.

    Now that PERTINENT because it explains why when the anointed see the "sign of the son of man" they then beat themselves in lamentation. WHY? Why are they crying as if someone died? That's because that was the choice God made in depicting the "sign of the son of man" in the clouds, by portraying him as a dead child. "Where the CARCASS is, so the eagles will be gathered together."

    The WTS knows the significance of this in certain sub-secret cults within the organization, so they are addressing it in this subliminal artwork. So it was meaningless to me before, it was just clearly a sleeping black face with no meaning until I saw this is connected with the messiah.

    The sleeping black child is based on THIS. Not THIS particular photo because this sign didn't appear until 1998. The Revelation Book came out in 1988. The sign had been appearing since 1950, shortly after 1947.

    See? Amazing. Black clouds to depict the complexion of the sleeping child's face. It is specifically significant for the second coming since the messiah appears in the body of the prodigal son, who happens to be a black JW who leaves the organization and becomes the "prodigal son." When he leaves he becomes spiritually dead. But the anointed know who he is from birth and watch him during his life. But since he is spiritually dead, he is like a CARCASS to them. And when they see him, the mourn over him as being spiritually dead. When they see his face in the clouds, they see he is dead, so they mourn. That image and belief is being mocked here in the "Revelation" Book, but who cares? It proves this symbolism in connection with the messiah had appeared prior to 1988 and was completely understood in its meaning. For some reason the GB commissioned this depictation in this illustration. Even the bird imagery is made out of "clouds".

    The sleeping black face is accompanied by a bird/eagle, so likewise a cryptic bird figure appears next to the face:

    (see above)

    So why a sleeping/dead black FACE is seen in the hand of Jesus next to a bird is no mystery to the anointed who have seen the "sign of the son of man."


  • JCanon
    Just another thing to consider -- as I understand it, the Watchtower artists work from photographs of real people. They stage the scene, photograph it, then have the artist paint it. Of course, the artist could always insert the image, whether it was in the photo or not. But it's something to bear in mind.


    That's absolutely correct. PLUS, they go over every detail of every photo that is put out there. Someone would have seen what the artist was creating here and made them make it more realistic if it wasn't intentional. But, of course, it was. So they were looking at this as great artwork that included all these secret messages in this regard. Other Freemasons would see the sleeping black face and know precisely the reference. It's an anti-secret JIOR message.

    When I became of the anointed, the very next morning I was initiated into the JIOR. Brothers were waiting to take me out in service and show me the secrets of the JIOR, but one of them was how Jehovah help us to identify WTS spies who were watching out for secret anointed apostates, I guess. At the time, they used to wear these snap on shades over their glasses which they could flip up and down. So holy spirit would make them unconsciously flip the shades up and down so we'd know they were WTS spies. They wouldn't be aware of it, but we would.

    Plus while I was around the Aracadia Area and also Santa Anita Area (same area) I infiltrated some Illuminati optical shops and got a special presecription for some glasses I needed to be able to see behind me. Maybe someone knows uptics, but I suppose if you smooth out the edge in the corner of your glasses, your eye will not look through the glass but will be focussed on the surface of the glasses and you can see behind you! It's quite clever. So I ended up with the special glasses (it cost about $12 extra, interestingly!) and while at a special meeting I could see everybody behind me. I sat in front. They are WATCHING who is looking at what and they can tell if you're "looking" for something as well, which is a give away. This way, it looks like I was looking ahead but I was really looking behind me, and holy spirit would identify the spies in various ways they were not aware of, like making them fidget to start sweating and be too hot.

    It was like "sibboleth" and "shibboleth" because like Janus and Jambores, I guess, the demons can inspire certain things. So the JIOR would identify each other in those times by their clothing. I'd be sent to a different congregation to "visit" and go out in service with them, which is normal. (i.e. Sometimes some congregations had meeting for service at the hall on different days so the brothers from other congregations would meet there.) So ultimately whomever I had to contact would have on some type of identical clothing. We'd end up assigned together in the field and there was lots of opportunity to exchange secrets safely. But the "anti-Jior" would have almost identical clothing on. Almost. So we had to be very, very careful to make sure it was EXACT.

    All that to say THIS: You can't just see something like this and think you can decide what it is about when you're dealing with a cult like JWs. Thousands of witnesses likely see that pyramid on Russell's grave and they make excuses! They don't see this as PROOF of the Satanist Russell was, even though it's right there!!! So all kinds of "secret stuff" is going on with this Illuminati/Freemasonry based organization, and this just happens to be one of the rather blatant examples of what they are up too. Ultimately, maybe this was the best they could come up with. And it must have been significant in 1988 for them to include it. Maybe they thought the secret JIOR were expecting the arrival of the Christ soon and they were increasing surveillance.

    So believe what you wish. Close your eyes to everything if you want to. But for ME, it confirms that not only had the sign appeared to many others, but that the WTS GB in 1998, meaning Fred Franz, knew precisely what was going on. He was the leader behind this and would have approved and commissioned this artwork. The messiah became flesh again around the same time of the Annunciation to Mary, meaning around the time of the winter solstice on December 25th. A letter to fulfill the 1335 days was sent to the GB and the Writing Committee on November 10, 1992. It explained to them that THEY were the "evil slave" and had made themselves a god in God's temple so Jehovah was going to cast them into spiritual darkness. Remember, before the messiah arrives in the "last hour" he has to be identified:

    2 THESS 2: 3 Let no one seduce YOU in any manner, because it will not come unless the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness gets revealed, the son of destruction.

    The "last hour" is the 12th hour. Each hour is 7 years. So the 11 hours of work occur for 77 years from 1914 to 1991. So the "last hour" or 12th hour is from 1991-1998. This is the hour the "man of lawlessness" must be revealed but before the second coming. 45 days before the second coming! So the WTS were notified they were the evil slave and the MOL on November 10, 1992. The messiah arrived on December 25-26, 1992, but then president Fred Franz died just before this on December 23rd, 1992. Who knows? He may have secretly been focussed on trying to interrupt the second coming, but he died and whatever he was up to was interrupted.

    Now keep in mind, lots of non-believers don't believe in all this "anointed" hocus pocus stuff, but the GB and other anointed ones do!!!

    ALL this is REAL. The woman in Revelation who is hidden in the wilderness by Jehovah is made up of secret anointed ones working undercover and underground, obviously hiding out from Satan's spy organization. The WTS knows that some of them were expecting the messiah in the form of a black JW. They may not have known exactly WHEN or even exactly where. They had an idea though. But I know they suspected it since one of their "traveling" special speakers was in the area of a congregation where some of the secret JIOR anointed had a concentrated cell that I ended up visiting. It was near the area of Arcadia, but not specifically in Arcadia. So they were looking in the wrong place but close by. All the concentrated activities of the JIOR at this time, for the most part were in the area in San Gabriel Valley part of Los Angeles, say from Pasadena over to Azusa and down to El Monte, Temple City and that area. In fact, the first Lord's Supper after the return was in a restaurant in Temple City.

    So everybody has two choices here. To dismiss all this stuff as my imagination and lies and pretend the artist spilled some water colors that ended up making a sleeping black child's face in the hand of Jesus next to a bird, OR... accept reality.



    Nothing Satanic going on here!!! Pyramids were just a non-religious hobby of Russells, that's all.....


  • horrible life
    horrible life

    I can't see the face in the clouds. Could you tell me which quadrant the face is in? Thanks

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