i found a pice of sublimnal art as a dubbie i'm shocked!

by XOCO 81 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • minimus

    I just looked up in the sky, saw a couple of clouds and realized that they were laughing at me! One was winking. The other just smiled.

  • horrible life
    horrible life
    what the hell??

    What's wrong KW13? Don't you understand?

  • FreedomFrog

    The only reason I would think the "images" are there are maybe 2 reasons

    1. They are bad artists (or)

    2. The artists are having fun...

    I think it's more likely the second reason because every part of the drawing is well done or detailed. Sort of like the Homer Simson thing...Homer has the initals in his hair of the creator. I seen a documentary on how this came to be and the creator just did it for fun.

    I know when I'm doing my art work, I like to add my signature in the painting sort of hidden and I get a real kick out of when a person does find it. Just for fun and no real meaning though.

  • logic

    I think freedomfrog has the right idea. It is a way of rebellion. The artist know that those above them do not edit this stuff. Some people in the know have pointed out that alot of stuff gets through to the people without editing. That is why two pieces of literature may contradict one another.

    I have always made cartoon quips out the pictures. I show them to wife and she can't keep from laughing and has to go out side. All my study books and magazines were full of my doodles, art, and jokes. I have some good stuff even if I say so myself. It is one of the ways I kept myself sane for two hours. And my little way of showing my opinion of the material.

    I doubt there is any sinister purpose behind any of it. The literature is looney enough.

    The artists can even deny they are doing this on purpose because the society says it is just coincidence. The artist are probably having a good laugh.

    There are some very good artists who do this kind of deliberate hidden art. I have a collection of very good ones from the internet. It takes a unique talent to be able to do this.

  • blueviceroy


    This will help with the reception, enjoy !

  • JCanon

    Ha, ha, ha, haaaaa. SOOOOO, someone indepently sees the same image everybody else is seeing, and lots of people can't really BELIEVE it! They can't accept it. Listen. Just look at the pyramid on Russell's grave. That's what you need to focus on.

    The sleeping black child is relevant to the second coming. That's the only reason it's in the Revelation book. It PROVES it is inspired by God and lots of the anointed have seen it, whether the WTS accepts it or not. And now we have an actual photo of the same image.

    But... some can't believe it, because they don't WANT to. Some want to think in their own minds this is UNINTENTENTIAL.

    No way. BUT, you know, that's the way it goes. That's why conspirators get away with everything because they convince everybody they don't exist. Some people love the darkness and can't face the light. Same old story....


    THANKS so much for this thread!


  • blueviceroy

    I see the pictures too . They all creep me out . I just couldn't resist putting that link out there LOL! IT"s some funny stuff.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    "For those that think there are 'subliminal images' in Watchtowers":


    Please note that there are:

    1) secondary images

    2) embedded images

    3) reflective images

    To refer to all imagery discussed in these threads as "subliminal" is not entirely correct; not all images exist or function outside the area of conscious awareness.

    As employed by artists, the above techniques are by no means imaginary but surely imaginative ...


  • KW13
    What's wrong KW13? Don't you understand?

    LOL nope...gone right over my head.

    We are sailing...we are sailing...

  • seven006

    J.Cannon, can you back your statement up with actual facts about the “commission”?

    And BTW, only one or two artist who have ever worked in Bethel’s art department are in any category that I would consider excellent. Are you a professional illustrator that is qualified to make a statement like that? Have you seen their original pieces of art?


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