i found a pice of sublimnal art as a dubbie i'm shocked!

by XOCO 81 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • marmot

    Sunspot, I'm loath to go up against you, but tell me then what's the point?

    Is a smooshed yellow fetus face in a hand supposed to mean something? I fail to see the purpose, nefarious or otherwise, of these so-called subliminal images. You're just seeing a face because the brain is good at picking out faces. Take a pen and randomly scribble around on a piece of paper for a minute or two then flip the paper around and look for faces in the lines, I guarantee you'll find a least one if not more. Did you intentionally draw them? No, but your brain knows how to pick them out.

  • JCanon
    Thank you for your insight, JCanon!

    That's right. The WTS is so much into the "Mysteries" and mind control and their own brand of Freemasonry. Everybody knows the Watchtower itself is a symbol of the Tower Goddess. What's more, if JWs are supposedly "God's chosen people" and fulfill anything, then the flip side of the "faithful slave" is the evil slave, so you'd expect to find cultic and occultic Satanic things involved with this particular organization. Only I thought it would be only marginal, but its central. They are lying, dishonest money grubbers. They know the Bible starts the 70 years at the last deportation but haven't changed it! They don't intend to. But what's funny is that they KNOW that most people don't believe in conspiracy theories or secret socities, so they boldly put pictures like this face in their magazines, knowing the "faithful" to the organization will gladly ignore it, because they don't WANT their god, the FDS, to be associated with anything but light, honesty and truth. When just the opposite is the case. This artwork as a specific meaning, just as this does:

    http://www.geocities.com/siaxares/bildeabb8.jpg (small impale-dog)

    http://www.geocities.com/siaxares/bilde8db3.jpg (large impale dog)

    This is the "subliminal" message of Jesus being impaled in/by Sodom (per Revelation). JCanon

  • nvrgnbk

    Do this...

    make the same gesture with your own hand, XOCO.

    Observe the lines created in your own palm, the "image" they create.

    You'll see the rendering is pretty accurate.

  • nicolaou

    Guys, guys! Don't be too skeptical, there really is something to all of this.

    This confirms, once and for all, that the face on Mars is really a face . . . And what a face it is - none other than your bartender, Isaac (from The Love Boat). Originally thought to be the face of Huggy Bear (from Starsky & Hutch), closeup, high-resolution photos revealed Isaac to be the 'true face on Mars.'


  • JCanon
    However, there are literally THOUSANDS of people who see religious symbols in everyday objects, that piece of grilled cheese sandwich with the virgin mary on it is one famous example, but would you claim divine provenance because of it?

    Oh, PALEEZE MARMOT! I'm not the first person to see this child's face here. It's clear it is not necessary. So WHY are you pretending it is an "accident"?

    Plus this reference is just not the face. For it to be a reference to the "sign of the son of man" that many other anointed see, it must be accompanied by a flying bird, and you can see the flying bird right next to the face. That's too many coincidences. Plus why the direct association with the messiah, if the face is supposed to be associated with the messiah?

    PLEASE. A lot more is going on here. The WTS is mocking the "sign of the son of man" that is seen by the anointed, which is the face of a sleeping black child, representing the black prodigal son of the second coming. When they see the "dead black child's face" then they "beat themselves in lamentation" and cry over him, just as the Bible says.

    Why downplay the obvious. If we didn't know any better we'd think this is your shift assigned to you by the Illuminati to try to get people to go back to sleep....


    The "sign of the son of man" is a sleeping black child's face accompanied by a bird. Look at the "cryptic" bird figure next to the face here. Is that an accident too? Why woudl clouds be shaped in this manner. There are two wings, a tail and a head, clearly suggesting a bird. Why?

    Bottom line, holy spirit in the form of a bird comes to awaken the child, the sleeping black child. That's the "sign of the son of man" and here the WTS proves it not only knows this is associated with Jesus but since this could only have been symbolism from God and heaven, it proves many, many others have seen this. The WTS is mocking it here, apparently, but WHY would they need to symbolized a sleeping black child?


    C'mon!!! Believe or not believe. But why PRETEND this face is an accident only some people see? The only people who would want someone to think they are not seeing what they are seeing are Illuminati "watchers" of this board. It's completely nonsensical to talk against something to clear that it's not even SUBLIMINAL!! This is beyond "subliminal". It's just a black face in the hand of Jesus that doesn't belong there accompanied by a flying bird. We know what it means and why it's there. The artist didn't accidentally create this face and the GB accidentally not notice it before it got published. This was COMMISSIONED to somehow show opposition to those anointed ones expecting the messiah to arrive as a black gay man. That's what this is about. BUT the CONCEPT of the sleeping black face is from God, and we have a photo of the sign as seen in the actual clouds that this imitates.


    Oh, yeah, I know. GEEZ! What an incredible coincidence!!!


  • tijkmo
    Is a smooshed yellow fetus face in a hand supposed to mean something?

    yes it means they are not very good artists

  • logic

    Art has been my passion scince I was 5 years old, 55 years ago. My specialty is realistic art. My work is very detailed to give the impression of real photos. Just speaking for myself there is no way that I would have done that work and not seen anything so obvious. I shown this picture to my hardcore witness wife and she finally admit that is what it looks like. Most artists that I am familiar with take pride in their work whether good or not. When you work on a piece like this one you are paying attention to detail. I don't see how you could miss something so obvious. The artist definitely intended this to be there. The hand is not normal, and the two finger thing is not the way you would put out a helping hand to someone, just my opinion of course. When painting landscapes you can make many broard features such as clouds, trees, water, etc. with an assortment of brushes and so could create some feature that you might see immediately but detailed paintings are different. I will admit I have a pretty good imagination and I do take that into consideration when I see these things. I have seen these things in the jw artwork for many, many years and at first I just attributed it to my imagination but came to realize that some of it was just too clear to ignore.

    There are many pictures that some have shown on the internet that I just see either. I thing you really have to stretch the imagination to see some of them. It is true that some people see what they want to see. But there are some classic artwork by the jws that just can't be ignored. The one that is popular is the picture in a frame on the table by the lady sitting in a chair, which by the way the society later removed.

    Who knows, maybe it takes someone with an artists eye and an imagination to actually see this stuff.

  • AlmostAtheist

    >>The "face" on Mars, the smoke from 9-1-1, and seeing fleeting images in clouds......are all "natural" by occurrence

    I'd be more inclined to call them "random" than natural. They weren't intended to form horsies in the sky, but they just happened to. And if for some reason we'd never had horses on earth, they'd've still formed the exact same shape. We just wouldn't recognize it as anything -- like a thousand other shapeless clouds.

    Maybe somebody really did intend to draw a baby face in that picture. But since it's hard for me to imagine WHY somebody would do that, I think -- in my opinion, of course -- that it's more likely it was just a random pattern without intent.


  • JCanon


    WOW! Don't discount this!!! Unless this is actually an enhanced photo, it's possible this is a divine message. That being, a connection with the Illuminati. One guy, who is ex-Illuminati, claims that the twin towers were brought down by the Illuminati!!! Now where on earth did he get THAT from?

    This image looks like BAPHOMET, the Freemasonry Goat-God. Look at those prominent horns!!


    Just look up BAPHOMET on YOUTUBE....

    This look like a BEARDED, two horned goat-like figure!! That's three features consistent with Baphomet, connecting the Twin Towers with Freemasons and the Illuminati!

    So maybe this IS meant to be a message!


  • badboy



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