Opinion peice on Athiests

by SickofLies 203 Replies latest jw friends

  • onacruse

    hs, sometimes you just chap my hide...but most of the time your logic is impeccable, as in this case.

    (A bit of a back-handed compliment, eh?)

    But, to the point of the discussion: I submit that theists are too constrained, and atheists are too constrained. Considering the nature of our very being (feelings, suspicions about life, the inability to fully communicate with any living thing outside of ourselves), I suggest that "logic" drives us to agnosticism.

  • nvrgnbk
    As I stated, one definition of "god" is something worshipped.

    So you use the same definition for your God?

    He is God because you worship Him?

  • Brother Apostate
  • hillary_step


    I have never taken the position that other "gods" don't exist. I believe they do. As I stated, one definition of "god" is something worshipped.

    Come now, you can do better than this.

    Let us flesh out your statement. You accept that Vishnu exists because people (with decades of faith ; ) worship Vishnu. But Vishnu does not exist as compared to the Bible God because your experience of the Bible God is based on many years of personal faith.

    Do I have this right?


  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate

    For all hiney_spider (aka one trick pony aka hillary_step) worshippers, here are instructions on how to be just like hiney_spider:

  • nvrgnbk
    "I used to think that way when I was your age."

    "As you mature emotionally (or mentally, or spiritually), you will grow out of your present way of thinking, and you will eventually come around to my point of view."


    Sounds like some of the stuff you were throwing at 5go, B_Deserter, and Lt.Cmdr.Lore not too long ago, Bro. A.

    You probably didn't even realize you were doing it.

  • hillary_step

    Okay folks, I think you have just seen a person trounced in debate play the ad hominem card - yet again! You are tied in a knot of logic BA and your only recourse is to paste yourself silly.

    Well done faithful slave. ;)


  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate


    Sounds like some of the stuff you were throwing at 5go, B_Deserter, and Lt.Cmdr.Lore not too long ago, Bro. A.

    You probably didn't even realize you were doing it.

    Nope, I categorically deny it!

    5go- followed me around the board like a gnat or mosquito or (insert variety of pest), making unintelligible statements that had very little or usually nothing to do with my comment.

    B_Deserter- Started a thread on mudskippers that would be like a creationist, at 25 years old, starting a thread about seeing a beautiful bird flying for the first time, so now he can prove that God exists!

    Lt.Lore- acted like a petulant little child on the thread in question. Any honest person would agree.

    BA- Next question?

  • nvrgnbk

    BA- Next question?

    I didn't ask a question.


    Peace, bro.

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate
    Okay, folks, blah, blah, blah- HS

    Hillary exposed, and can't come to grips with it, is more like it.

    BA- Exposing posers.

    PS- Get a new gig, HS, or better yet, get therapy, you really need it.

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