Opinion peice on Athiests

by SickofLies 203 Replies latest jw friends

  • myelaine

    dear serotonin_wraith...

    "So I'm still not sure where you think the number came from. I can continue once I know."...

    please don't discontinue if you don't get an answer from me.

    love michelle

  • serotonin_wraith

    Dear Michelle,

    I hope the paint dries quickly so you can get out of that corner. ;)

    Love SW.

  • myelaine

    hehehe...least I have a "fixed" starting place...you and your "inch" seem to be in the middle of nowhere and without direction...

    love ya!


  • SickofLies

    Just you don't have to make any accusations (and if my spelling is poor blame it on the Scotch). I am not making any impartial claims about an unknowable being. My claims are very partial! I am speaking about a very specific God! As for the testability of claims, what testability do you seek? Science only concerns itslef--only can concern--itself with the natural realm. But God is not of this realm, he is of the supernatural realm. Science and reason can point us in his direction, but they cannot furnish proof. Therefore the knowledge accessible by science can not prove he exists. The proof I have presented on this thread (the Cosmological Argument) is philosphical, not scientific. To test the existence of God is to try to use a sledgehammer as a screwdriver, wrong tool for the job. As for calling me a coward, that is easy to do on an internet forum. This is what I believe (OMG you have really called me out!!), and it is not idiotic:

    I find it interesting that you feel my remarks were directed to you when I was clearly addressing someone else at the beginning of the post, but then again, maybe it's the Scotch.

    But since you seem to be craving a reaction form me I'll give you one this once. What you said about the cosmological argument earlier in the thread does not do anything to prove the specific type of god you believe in. You are simply reaffirming what I've said earlier, that people do not try and justify what they really believe, they try and argue for the possible existence of some kind of intelligent force that could have created the universe. The part I don't understand is, if I were to agree with you that the universe had a creator for the sake of argument, what evidence do you have that what you are believing is anything more than a Scotch derived fantasy?

    Religious Argument in a Nutshell:

    1. There very well could be a god that created the universe

    2. I believe that the fact it could have been means it is so.

    3. ?????

    4. Jesus died for your sins so believe or go to hell.

    Yes, that was meant as a humorous abstraction so don't start going on a rant about how I am misrepresenting your carefully thought out beliefs.

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