are we inactive or what?

by inactive? 252 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Rosalee

    Sankes ... methinks thou doth protest too much :)

  • Amber Rose
    Amber Rose

    Here's a theory. They think you are guilty of secret sin. You said you asked the elders what you had done wrong and they told you to think about it. They don't know what you did but they are sure that you did something. Your daughter was DF'd. The congregation was told that you voluntarily stepped down. If you had done nothing wrong, why would you have to stop pioneering. You must be "infected" with the same "spirit that caused your daughter to sin". Especially, if you were spending alot of time with her prior to her DF'ing. The elders see your suffering as evidence that Jehovah has removed his spirit from you. And why would he do that? You are doing evil things and are hiding it. (This is not what I personally believe, just a theory as to what the cong. may be thinking) Then throw in the jelousies that you mentioned....

    I don't know why you are cleaning the toilets though.

  • Gopher

    Rosalee, your first post on this thread was:

    inactive? ... why would you ask admitted apostates for help with JW problems????

    So since you think she shouldn't come here for help, where else would she go? Back to the elders right -- so she could get back in their good graces. That's what you want. You do care that she doesn't believe the elders are the best place to go! And how dare you call us apostates! Apostates go seeking followers for themselves, go look it up in the book of Acts. We don't seek followers here.

  • inactive?

    My lingo is improving? What is the deal with you and OnTheWayOut concern with my lingo and phraseology?

    AmberRose,, secret sin? Oh for the love of pete, i have heard everything now,, if we were 'infected' i guess the pioneer sister that lived with our daughter at the time was not. Could it be that? as for the mentioned jealousies,, that is my opinion based on a bunch of unrelated previous stuff that never bothered me until this all started. As for the toilets,, everyone just calls it cleaning toilets,, i guess that is what it boils down to.. lately i do not know why we are doing it either...but i am sure if we quit the elders will say 'see they are throwing aways a priviledge' maybe that is why my husband is afraid to give it up,, i don't know anymore. But thank you for your theory Amber Rose.

  • BizzyBee
    Rosalee, all the things you have said and been judgmental about on this post, and you are only just NOW reading what it is all about,,, and you think my elevator is not running,,, hmmm


    Yeah, would you believe that Rosalee is the only poster to this thread who is not a declared apostate? (She is in her heart, but she can't admit it. Yet.)

  • Rosalee

    Wrong ... Gopher .. that was not my first post on this thread .. good try though :)

    If inactive? IS a JW she would not ask for advice from apostates ... you know that as well as I.

    Maybe YOU don't consider yourself an apostate and maybe YOU aren't but lots of people here call themselves apostates. Therefore ... I dare :)

  • Gopher

    BizzyBee -- we're former JW's. Many of us don't have another group or religion to draw JW's into, so technically we're not apostate. But of course the WTS is paranoid of us ex-JW's too.

    Inactive - Cleaning the hall is only called a "privilege" in order to get people to do it. They're really dumping a "chore" on you & Mr. Inactive. I wish he'd just see the elder's motives for what they are, dumping and not giving you a privilege.

  • inactive?

    So is Rosalee the official apostate declarer then,, and if she is a witness, what is she doing here?

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    and if she is a witness, what is she doing here?

    Interesting question considering the source, eh?

  • Rosalee

    Is it just me???

    Can all you people honestly read inactives? posts and say with a straight face that you believe her???

    Just call me a skeptic :)

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