are we inactive or what?

by inactive? 252 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • yknot


    The CO/ DO letter idea is a good idea.

    Funny I guess since my "tribulations" started when I was a child, I never have thought of reaching out beyond my Elders. IT is good advice especially with yalls records.

    If you don't want to write the letter I guess you could "hijack" the CO visit. I am ask not to attend when he comes to my hall. (WOW! I really have allowed them to put me in a box!)

    ( with all this thinking and new ideas.......I feel a rebellion coming on ......)

    JWD board thank you for the breakthrough!

    God Bless


  • inactive?

    What is wrong with the phrase JW's.. the deaf meet in our cong. and that is how they sign it, so all of us say it.

    You all keep saying fishy,, well it is to me too. As for meeting attendance, it never was much of an issue in our hall, but cleaning was. We were the last to have meeting, we clean up,, soon it was just me and my husband cause he had key, it just stayed that way, they took my key (i was no longer a pio ) but left my husbands with him and said you guys can keep cleaning the hall,, we were so grateful to have something left, we accepted it. As for time, well i guess that does not matter much either in our hall. Many was the time we went out with the other congs. that meet there cause no one goes out in our hall during week,, saturday only. As for needing pios, our hall had 7 of them left after us. We have limited territory so only pios and elders carry territory...

  • nvrgnbk

    JWD board thank you for the breakthrough!

    My BOE hatred has been going on for nearly 30 years now.

    I'm glad you had the breakthrough.

    That's an awful way to live.

    I hope you find peace, yknot.

  • jgnat

    I'm really glad you came to the board to share your story, inactive.

    As for "do more", that is up to you. I think the elders in your local congregation have wasted all your patience. Don't give them any more.

  • BizzyBee


    I know the whole trevving incident (aka Trevorgate) thing has put a chill on this board...but dammmmmnnnnn.

    Can we take inactive? at face value unless proven otherwise? And dont go looking for a boogeyman (aka Trevor) where none existss.

    What is the purpose of Jehovahs-Witness Discussion (JWD) Forum if not to help each other? NOTHING.

    I realize that a lot of people...real people...were hurt by that fool in UK..presuming they really were there... but if we allow ourselves to become so callous that we cant at least extend an olive branch to the newbies until proven otherwise...then Simon may as well shut down the board... because all this place will become is a bunch of untrusting, uncaring, fluff filled, scaredy cats afraid to trust anyone .... I know, I know..... some of you got burned by the whole T-Gate thing.... other than a couple of posts of caring support, I did not have an emotional investment into the storyline. Some of you had a lot more invested...and though T was fake..yourfeelings were and are real.

    Can we learn from Tgate but not be scarred for life? What happens if another poster turns out to be a scam? Do we turn tail and never help again? That is what some of you are doing...and quite frankly...its very JW of you! I dont give a rats ass if you like what I am saying or not. Look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself if anyone should believe who have been here a lot longer....what proof do we have that you are real? Who' is to say there are not a dozen posters all playing games with the rest of us?

    I dont believe that to be the case. I believe that at least 95% of the regular posters here are for real. I have met some in person...very real..genuine people

    Please take a more welcoming approach to the Newbies... and remember what Reagan said..."Trust...but verify." Be balanced...please

    Snakes () ..or am I for real? peace out...

    *timidly raising her hand* I looked myself in a mirror - okay, it was the back of a shiny spoon - one was there! Seriously, Snakes, you're absolutely right. You can take off your high heels now.

  • nvrgnbk


    Another weird situation here.

    You say your husband has a key, even though you cannot report field service time and you were deleted as pioneers?

    Whenever any "special" privilege is revoked, pioneering, ms, elder, etc. the keys are demanded back.

    This is very odd.

    Are you in a very rural congregation?

    Are you in a foreign-language congregation?

  • yknot


    I cannot begin to explain the Trevorgate mess, money and more was sent. A fake death ensued, tons of deception and drama. It is still very fresh.

    Just keep "active" here in posting, join the community. You are not alone, you are not the first, and sadly.....probably not the last.

    God Bless


  • SnakesInTheTower


    seeing as i have met you in person, I wont take offense... lol ..and i believe you are being I said.."Trust..but verify"...but be careful...lets just presume that the newbies are real people with real feelings...OK? so be careful how you ask the questions? I sure dont want to have to explain Tgate to every newbie so they dont get run off.

    And if the whole tgate thing had broken open before the TO fest, I probably wouldnt have gone and met some great people and made some real friends.

    I probably wouldnt have gone to Arkansas and met 4 more great people and made real friends.

    look folks, I am just trying to look at this from the standpoint of someone new coming to the I was back in February. The T-gate fraud was well under way when I signed on..unbeknownst to you all who were already was going on........and I never really paid it any attention while I was lurking the years prior.

    If I had gotten the response that 'inactive?' has been getting...I would have not only ran away screaming, but probably back into the arms of the Borg..because I wouldnt have been able to have the support I have gotten to help me walk away from the cult... instead..I have gotten great support from many here...and I feel like I...and really any of us who have enjoyed that support from the JWD community...should support the newbies...

    just sayin...

    Snakes ()

  • yknot

    I am in an extremely rural area.........I have 3 counties of territory!

  • OnTheWayOut

    Okay, gang. I am going to take Inactive at face value. To do so, I have to make ridiculous
    assumptions. Here they are.

    1. Inactive is viewed as Crazy by the congregation elders.
    - they might be afraid to tell you things.
    - they act weird hoping you will go away and bother another congregation.
    - they allow you to clean the hall so you don't go "postal" on them.
    2. Inactive (and/or family) is viewed as a big disturbance to the meetings, but not punishable by DF.
    - they think you need to bathe more or dress in clean/more presentable clothing.
    - they think you comment out of turn or shout out or disrupt meetings somehow, perhaps just
    snoring through the meeting.
    3. Inactive has threatened some legal actions if they DF anyone else in the family.
    4. The elders and C.O. feel that the situation is already crystal clear to Inactive.
    5. Inactive knows something else that would make us understand, but is not revealing it.
    6. The entire lot in this area are faking it- not actually followers of the Watchtower Organization
    - perhaps they are all crazy.

    There may be a few more things to add to the list, but I can't see moving ahead unless something
    there is addressed.

    If I don't take this at face value, then Inactive is just a troll wasting our time.

    Do not be offended, but this story has to have more information to be true.
    I doubt that the elders/C.O. would not make everything clear to you if you simply asked and were not
    viewed as crazy/dangerous or legally troublemaking.

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