My Email Exchange with Trevor Spencer....

by AK - Jeff 133 Replies latest jw friends

  • SnakesInTheTower


    Let's just be glad we're rid of the wierdo and stop giving him any more attention

    I guess you and the rest of the mods will be comparing IP addys of all the newbies to that of the fraud's..... as if you did not have enough to do with this otherwise great bunch...

    SnakesInTheTower (of the "isn't there some real people we can give our help and attention to now?" Sheep Class)

    ps...thank you Simon....

  • Priest73

    Awesome Snakes!!! your name is fixed!!!

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Wow - Sankes became Snakes!!!


  • horrible life
    horrible life

    I am so very happy for you Snakes. And happy for me!! Every time I saw your name, it made me want a cup of coffee. And I don't even like the stuff.


  • moshe

    I must be in a real minority here, as this Trevor / Linda story registers a big zero.

  • purplesofa

    I posted this on the funeral thread

    The last thing Julie told me before signing off is that Trevor would let us know where he has been when he gets back on Sunday.

    I know he has no leg to stand on as far as us believing him..........

    but I felt we would get closure today.

    I rather have my problems than Trevors.

    I just wanted to say that.


  • nvrgnbk

    I rather have my problems than Trevors.

    Compared to that guy, you have no problems, purps.

    You're a sweet lady with lots of friends.

    He's just a lady.

  • purplesofa

    You're a sweet lady with lots of friends.


  • Mary
    dedpoet the dweeb said: do you recall exactly where you were on April 15th 1989? Unless it's a significant date for you, I wouldn't think so, but curiously, as someone who doesn't remember exactly what he did a couple of weeks ago, I do. I was at this event If you watch the video, I was sitting in the lower tier of the grandstand about 50 yards from the events that were taking place.

    It's true, Trevor was there! I have absolute proof! Take a look at this picture taken that very day....he's sitting right next to Elvis)

    dedpoetsfantasy.gif picture by sam3217

  • restrangled

    Don't anyone hold their breath or start feeling comfortable.....

    He's a con-artist looking to do it again.....


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