Lived through Danny H incident / Trevorgate? Do you feel a bit changed?

by nvrgnbk 79 Replies latest jw friends

  • nvrgnbk
    Linda was a Lesbian.

    Was she ever!

    That's how we like 'em.

  • Siamsa

    Does vindicated count ?

  • nvrgnbk
    Does vindicated count ?

    It does.

    Unless of course you're one of Trevor's many personalities.

  • SirNose586

    He had Dogpatch/Randy Watters post the video on YouTube for him.

    The weapon of choice was pepper spray, not mace.

    He is not banned. He has chosen not to post here on the basis of having been "trashed" for his behaviour.

    JWD did not remove the video. Randy Watters deleted it from his YouTube collection.

    Oh, sorry about the term. Wikipedia understands my confusion.

    Well, I'm glad that Randy decided to remove the video. You know, even though Danny has done something reprehensible here, there's a powerful lesson here for lurking JWs: When a former witness attacks a current one for no good reason, the first people to express disgust are the other former witnesses.

    Just remember that. The WTS would have you believe that all "apostate" (the WTS is apostate itself, after all) members are evil, Snidely Whiplash-esque villains waiting to pounce upon poor JWs. Here you have a quite vocal one who does the very thing you fear. He does not represent all former members, by no means--no one can--and I'm quite offended by what he did.

    Hopefully the video had a very short life on YouTube.

    Thanks for the closure, Scully.

  • frankiespeakin

    I was hopen she was bi and loves a good time with the ladies and men and very freindly over all. A toast to our dearly departed and recently reunited....or back together again Oh shit which is it? I can never keep tract.

  • avengers

    Do you feel a bit changed?

    Nope. Nothing whatsoever!

    You'll find liars everywhere. JWD is no exception. The JWDers whom I have met are the best. And I'm looking forward to meet more.

    "Don't lie, get high"


  • frankiespeakin

    I just want to say it hurt alot,,OK,,, but,, I will get over it ,), it will take sometime,,,, but slowly brick by brick I will build my shattered but once majestic and edifistic view of a noble human species free from imperfection shinning as iluminators and trustworhty,,, at every turn always true and full of love (those were the good old days wern't they). But now my picture has been dashed to the grounds by YOUR LIE,, just like the first lie you have destroyed peer@dice right out from under us innocent albeit innocently dumb (another words "trusting"). May you rot in hell!!!! for "this",,, and "other" offenses I'm sure God's got a "Really" "BIG" list in his file on""" YOU"".

    As for me you can still be my friend but only if you mend your evil ways and be just like me or a little worse,, sometimes,,, I really like it.

  • lonelysheep
    Or do you feel adversely affected?

    I feel disgusted. I came here at a time when I realized I was gullible and let myself be known by posting rather than lurking. This sick f**k took life experiences of myself and various other posters and created this pseudo "Linda" character. For example, I didn't 'relate' to virtual "Linda" because she started studying with the jw's at 21 and later went on to leave them and accept the fact that she was athiest all her life and happy to be so now, I AM "Linda"--as far as that part of "Linda" goes!! If I could delete Lonelysheep I would do so because of this. You know there are sick f**ks everywhere and forget to keep your vision clear and assume some are here on JWD, too. Never again will I post somewhere and allow anyone to get to know me from the internet. Foolish, foolish, foolish.

    It is foolish to forgive someone no one here knows. No one KNOWS this sick f**k. Nothing he can say can be considered true. You won't get mental help, Trevor or whatever your name is. That might cause reality to kick in. It is because of people like you that I keep my gem on me when I'm out. You just never know when someone else will act out their selfish, sick motives.

  • Dansk


    Never again will I post somewhere and allow anyone to get to know me from the internet. Foolish, foolish, foolish.

    That's a real shame! And you're definitely NOT foolish.

    I've made some absolutely terrific friends here. We've exchanged personal details, met up, had a great time and will meet up again. Don't EVER berate yourself for being a genuine person - and don't let some pathetic person spoil it for you.


  • drew sagan
    drew sagan


    As I posted on a thread about Trevor, I never really gave any attention to the guy. Never followed his stories and posts, just felt that they where kind of weird and not my thing. The way he constantly referenced a few (now found to be fake) people in his immediate circle seemed odd and so I just never bothered. I'm glad I didn't.

    As for Danny, I suppose I just feel a little bit more free to speak my mind about his practices now that it all opened up. Before the incident I knew he wasn't balanced, but any criticism would have sparked unneeded arguing. Now I think more are able to see him with a more balanced view and I'm glad.

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