Whoopi Goldberg on The VIew

by changeling 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • changeling

    She actually came out in defense of Michael Vick. She said in some parts of the South dog fights are common so we must understand where he's comming from.

    Well, in some parts of the South people discriminate against African Americans. Are we supposed to excuse them, understand them? Hell NO!

    I used to be huge fan. Now, not so much.


  • mrsjones5


    Nevermind the drug and crime element that goes along with dogfighting. It's just good clean fun folks!

    Yeah right


    I just read this and I don't know where dogfighting started but it's not only in the south, it's all over the freaken country!


    Are you freakin' joking me ?

  • lonelysheep

    Dogfighting cannot be defended, regardless of who is doing it and where.

    Last week, CNN kept pumping the ASPCA commerical that hasn't aired in a while. You know, the one with Sarah McClaughlen (sp?). It makes me want to cry.

    Anyway, all I could think was, "Damn you, Michael Vick!!!"

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    I agree with her. IF someone is raised to believe that Racism is good we can't just rush to judgment and expect them to have the same standards as us. They must first unlearn the things learned. While I don't justify what he did, I do think people are forgetting this is a very cultural thing. He had been planning this since he was in High School. I am sure a lot of you had some stupid plans in High School. Anyways southern people love killing animals. They kill deer and all kinds of other animals with out thinking twice. Death is death. Sorry. Just because Dog's are little cute animals WE love everyone cares. Had he been cock fighting it would have just been a news joke. Even though cock fighting is just as horrid.

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    Oh I would like to add I am happy he got caught, as I am avid Panthers fan! No more Vick screwing up our playoff hopes!

  • What-A-Coincidence

    F her comment. She probably didn't realize what she said. Her apology to come out in 3 2 ...

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    What a flipping joke. Why should she apologize...for free speech? Oh for her taking a side not liked by you guys? Whatever, I think I love Whoopie for showing courage.

  • sspo

    She would've felt different if the accuser was a white guy.

    The majority of blacks still feel O.J. is innocent.

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    Bullshit. Based on what? She defended Ted Dansen when he pulled the black face stunt outraging the NAACP.

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