WHAT do YOU know about JESUS... and His teachings?

by hibiscusfire 286 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • hibiscusfire
    sero: If this is what the thoughts from your mind are like, PLEASE go back to quoting!

    I guess you don't have anything to say about this.....

    bigfoot: i think she's curled up on the floor, foaming at the mouth. PRAISE JESUS!!!!!

    All these things bad things that you are wishing are going to fall right back on you. This only goes to show that you only have bad thoughts within you. I suggest you go get some professional help. You are obviously very sick in the heart, mind and spirit. If you are not interested in knowing more about Jesus but to intentionally and openly hate and insult then don't bother to comment. Give your insults to your friends on this forum. It's a pity that they are being biased about it. Everything you say to me is totally ridiculous and without any kindness or hope. You showing me what a miserable being you are and you want to pull down everyone with you in hell. You are so afraid of the truth. I am being this way because of your hateful words. I didn't do the horrible things you have done. I will always believe that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. We cannot get to Heaven if you do not believe in Him. Jesus' followers have been through many injustices for spreading the Word. It is expected you would behave in such a manner but to be so hateful is really uncalled for. I feel sorry for you that you are the way you are. When you go through your problems and you are in your lowest moments....you just don't have no one to really comfort you. You may have people with you but you will find no comfort. Why?... because you openly show how obviously hate the Creator. I have a right to feel the way I do. You just don't go accusing and insulting people. I did not tell you anything before. You are very out of place and rude. You are the ones who started with the insults for a stupid reason. I do not understand how you can accuse me of discussing things I have read or believe in. I never take any one's posts or stories as my own. I have my beliefs because of the things I have experienced, seen, heard or read. I have seen people posting very loooooooooooong items and that don't seem to bother you when they don't put the site. If you think I did something so horrible I didn't know it. Have I been doing something illegal? You have been very hateful towards me for no reason at all and I will definitely defend myself....who wouldn't. You can't be making others feel badly because of your bad behaviour. You are not allowed to accuse or ridicule anyone like that. Have some consideration for people's feelings.

  • bigdreaux
    All these things bad things that you are wishing are going to fall right back on you. This only goes to show that you only have bad thoughts within you. I suggest you go get some professional help. You are obviously very sick in the heart, mind and spirit. If you are not interested in knowing more about Jesus but to intentionally and openly hate and insult then don't bother to comment. Give your insults to your friends on this forum. It's a pity that they are being biased about it. Everything you say to me is totally ridiculous and without any kindness or hope. You showing me what a miserable being you are and you want to pull down everyone with you in hell. You are so afraid of the truth. I am being this way because of your hateful words. I didn't do the horrible things you have done. I will always believe that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. We cannot get to Heaven if you do not believe in Him. Jesus' followers have been through many injustices for spreading the Word. It is expected you would behave in such a manner but to be so hateful is really uncalled for. I feel sorry for you that you are the way you are. When you go through your problems and you are in your lowest moments....you just don't have no one to really comfort you. You may have people with you but you will find no comfort. Why?... because you openly show how obviously hate the Creator. I have a right to feel the way I do. You just don't go accusing and insulting people. I did not tell you anything before. You are very out of place and rude. You are the ones who started with the insults for a stupid reason. I do not understand how you can accuse me of discussing things I have read or believe in. I never take any one's posts or stories as my own. I have my beliefs because of the things I have experienced, seen, heard or read. I have seen people posting very loooooooooooong items and that don't seem to bother you when they don't put the site. If you think I did something so horrible I didn't know it. Have I been doing something illegal? You have been very hateful towards me for no reason at all and I will definitely defend myself....who wouldn't. You can't be making others feel badly because of your bad behaviour. You are not allowed to accuse or ridicule anyone like that. Have some consideration for people's feelings.

    thank you so much for brightening up my day. that was hilarious.

  • serotonin_wraith

    Hibie, I say this in a calm manner. I know the written word can come across differently sometimes, that's why I'm just making sure you know I'm saying the following in a relaxed tone.

    There are some things you are mistaken about. Do you hate the Egyptian god Ra? I hate your god about as much as you hate Ra. In other words, I can't possibly hate him because I don't believe in him.

    I don't believe in your god or in Jesus for the exact same reasons you don't believe in Ra - there is absolutely no reason to. I am open to the evidence. You have tried to provide some, and people have responded and showed you how it was not evidence. For example, someone writing about a person called Jesus 70 years after he was supposed to be born is not evidence. Having real town names in the story is not evidence that the story really happened.

    What you are trying to do is get people to believe he existed. If you do this, you need to be prepared for people refuting your arguments. There have been times in history where we couldn't do this, because if we did we would have been killed. But times have changed, and there is so much scientific data proving the Biblical god does not exist that it needs to be shared. Humanity needs to leave the myths in the past, and move on.

    The fact that you seem to be refusing to look at the evidence is disturbing. You lack knowledge of what evolution is. You make the same common mistakes people were making over a hundred years ago about it. A hundred years. This is disgraceful. What is worse is that you want to teach these creationist lies to people you talk to. If I offend you by defending reality, it is something you will have to get used to. You have the right to tell people your beliefs, and if you do I have the right to prove you wrong. It is only fair.

    Maybe one day you will be proved right. Maybe all the fossils, bones and dating methods will be proven to be the lies of the invisible dragon on Earth, maybe Jesus will come down out of the clouds like Superman. However, until that day comes to pass, I would prefer to use my brain and look at what is true, rather than what I wish was true.

    I don't mind you quoting at times, but you were passing them off as your own words when you should be giving it as a quote (maybe even providing the source). Especially if most of your preaching and answers have to be handed to you on a plate because you don't know the answers yourself. I have researched Christianity in some detail, so it's not that I refuse to look into it. I hear the Christian side most days in fact. In the spirit of fairness, it would be nice if you did the same and looked at things such as evolution, from scientific sites, not creationist ones who distort what scientists are really teaching.

    Mockery can play a part in defending reality, and I know I lay it on a bit thick, but the beliefs really are silly to me. A man coming back to life after being dead three days and flying into the sky, hilarious! Maybe the reason so many people believe in it is because the story has been given so much respect by others, and been allowed to spread by Christians preaching to those who can't think of ways to refute the arguments. I find it strange how your god needs defending by you too. I can understand your anger at having people questioning you and not accepting what you're saying, but as you say, if you are right, I will learn all the evidence was wrong and that your god (out of the 2,850 gods on offer) was the correct one, and I will spend an eternity paying for the folly of thinking for myself.

    You have given no reason why we should all drop what we're doing and believe in your god, and you refuse to look at the reasons others give to show you have been the victim of where and when you happened to be born in history and that you are wasting the only life we know for certain we have. I say that in all sincerity, and I do not feel angry at you, only at the false beliefs that are holding our species back.

  • hibiscusfire
    sero: I don't mind you quoting at times, but you were passing them off as your own words when you should be giving it as a quote (maybe even providing the source).

    Ok, thanks for your calmness. Is it that you would like some links to read sincerely or just to make fun of? I ask this because in the past whether I had produced some further information for reading or not, there didn't seem to be an end of the fun making and bashing especially to those who are just full of hate when they do decide to read.

    Is it absolutely necessary?


  • serotonin_wraith

    Most of the time you provide reasons you think the way you do, and I show that they aren't good reasons. That isn't hateful. It's defending reality and showing that your arguments aren't convincing.

    You can say I'm bashing your beliefs if you like. In a way I suppose I am, because you are bashing reality.

    When you say things like 'Oh so we all came from monkeys... riiiight...' I may find that offensive. Saying Adam was the first man, and he was made 6,000 years ago may be insulting my intelligence too. It works both ways.

    I don't get all up in arms about it, but I do respond to it.

    It just comes across as if you have to be given the answers, when you need to find your own answers. This is your life afterall, why would you want to be told what to think?

    I don't just go 'blah blah' when I reply to your posts, I try to go over each point and give a reason why it fails to be convincing. If it was convincing, I may convert.

  • hibiscusfire
    sero: I don't just go 'blah blah' when I reply to your posts, I try to go over each point and give a reason why it fails to be convincing. If it was convincing, I may convert.


    You actually made me laugh there. Typical women eh?

    Ok. I will just tell you that what I post are from my own thinking and whatever I have read. I put them together because I do not like the looooooooong posts. I just let you know that this is what I believe and what I have learnt or is learning.

    Actually, I do learn a lot more when I discuss...I ask myself questions and I look for the answers. I do not do it alone...I am asking guidance from the Holy Spirit to help me find the truth and untruth. I feel it in my heart. Hope you can understand. It is like when you go somewhere and you feel that something is not right and it turns out that it really isn't. It's not just a gut feeling....that little voice that people say is your conscience is the Holy Spirit leading you. We are to not allow the devil to tell us anything. We have to say no.

    There are things that have some missing pieces and I will seek to find them. I trust in my Lord and Saviour Jesus. I am a believer in Christ and I have much to learn yet.



  • Sad emo
    Sad emo
    sero: I don't mind you quoting at times, but you were passing them off as your own words when you should be giving it as a quote (maybe even providing the source).

    Ok, thanks for your calmness. Is it that you would like some links to read sincerely or just to make fun of? I ask this because in the past whether I had produced some further information for reading or not, there didn't seem to be an end of the fun making and bashing especially to those who are just full of hate when they do decide to read.

    Is it absolutely necessary?

    Hibie - for the umpteenth time which bit of the word PLAGIARISM don't you understand?? It really doesn't matter whether or not people want to go to the link, or whether or not they choose to mock. PLAGIARISM - passing somebody else's words off as your own is DISHONEST in the least and THEFT in the extreme.


    Isn't that two of the ten commandments you're breaking??

  • hibiscusfire
    sad emo: Hibie - for the umpteenth time which bit of the word PLAGIARISM don't you understand?? It really doesn't matter whether or not people want to go to the link, or whether or not they choose to mock. PLAGIARISM - passing somebody else's words off as your own is DISHONEST in the least and THEFT in the extreme.

    For the umpateeeeeeth time. That is not plagiarism. The spreading of the gospel is not dishonest. Then everybody is plagerising here. You think everything I say is from the net? Geeeeez and ages! Think what you want them...I am plagiarised too because I am on the net...so if you keep quoting me I'll call the police.


  • nvrgnbk

    Hibie, I think the Lord Jesus would not appreciate that euphemism.

    I'm very disappointed.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    lol @ bro nvr!

    Yep - taking the Lord's name in vain - 3 commandments down, 7 to go...

    If heaven's gonna be full of Hibies, I want to become an atheist now lol!!

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