NAME JUST ONE thing....ONE THING...revealed by God....

by Terry 284 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry
    Terry: The person who knows has the most responsiblity. The person with the power to act has the most responsiblity.

    Otherwise, you let the inmates run the asylum. This, apparently, is God's "plan".

    God gave us choices. Can I just put it this way? You can lead the horse or a donkey to the water but you can't make it drink. Or you can take a person out from the gutter but you can't necessarily take the gutter out of them.

    You must step back and take in the BIG PICTURE.

    Man has a locked-in nature. Man is (according to scripture) DESIGNED.

    Man functions the way anything that is designed functions and that is according to design.

    A furniture designer puts wheels on the legs of the table he wants mobile. The others must be lifted.

    Form follows function.

    Man functions as designed.

    Man cannot escape his design.

    The argument about free will and choice completely and utterly ignores that human nature is inescapable.


    Follow this logically if you will.

    What did Adam and Eve have and what did they lack?

    The "sin" came from what they lacked and not from what they had.

    Adam did NOT know good and bad; he lacked that. Why? BY DESIGN.

    Adam wanted to be "like god knowing good and bad". Why? He lacked what God had.

    If Adam were already like God he would not need to do something which gave him what he already had.

    You see, the responsibility is the designer's and not the designed (man).

    If I design a chair that breaks when it is sat upon who do I blame? The sitter or the chair maker?

    Think about this before you respond.

    Thinking is all about looking at PRIMARIES and not secondaries and contingents.

    View things from the fundamental upward and not from the opposite end of the telescope.

  • Terry
    Science has discovered that energy cannot be created. It can be shared or transmitted. So, some energy gave a piece of itself to us.

    Look at it another way.

    Energy cannot be created or destroyed. How can God, then, be Creator? How can God be a destroyer?

    God can only be a "changer".

    Ex Nihilo is a very late idea.

  • Terry

    Terry are you ok?


    Compared to what?

  • RAF

    Energy cannot be created or destroyed. How can God, then, be Creator? How can God be a destroyer?

    God can only be a "changer".

    ... No if (I SAY IF) God is the essence of everything - he/she/it is the potential of everything

  • hibiscusfire

    Terry: Compared to what?

    Over analytical Terry. I asked if you were ok because I thought you were heartbroken about your son. Sorry my mistake.


  • Terry
    Over analytical Terry. I asked if you were ok because I thought you were heartbroken about your son. Sorry my mistake.

    In that case; thanks for asking.

    I can't be heartbroken about my son now. The more REAL events you have in your life the less time you have for fantasy and delusion. My son's condition has made me grow up more than I ever would have.

    I've also seen how many ways there are to rationalize something unpleasant away...that is...until you can't anymore and actually have to face the truth and DO something constructive.

    I'm stronger now in good ways.

    All this in order to say; this is the reason I don't have much tolerance for fantasy faith manifestos.

  • hibiscusfire


    My son's condition has made me grow up more than I ever would have.

    I've also seen how many ways there are to rationalize something unpleasant away...that is...until you can't anymore and actually have to face the truth and DO something constructive.

    Then maybe God does have a purpose for doing this then. It is for you.


  • Terry
    Then maybe God does have a purpose for doing this then.

    Yeah, like Nazi research programs.

  • Calico Ethel
    Calico Ethel
    Then maybe God does have a purpose for doing this then. It is for you.

    Good gravy woman do you have no shame? There is a time to shut the f*ck up and about one post ago was it.


  • AuldSoul

    (1) That conception is possible without sexual union.

    (1) That matter transmutation is possible.

    (1) That an embryo of a specimen can accurately predict the nature of the full-grown specimen.

    Take your pick, any one will do.

    I really like discussions of the original source of anthropogenic fire. It seems bizarre to imagine anyone sitting and rubbing sticks together long enough to discover that fire was the result. It seems equally bizarre that any animal would do this, intuit the import and uses of the result, and pass the knowledge along to offspring—or that such knowledge would survive climactic devastations to special populations. Yet, I doubt many would argue against the dramatic impacts the use of fire has had on the technological advancements and cultural progression of humanity.


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