Mental Illness - diagnosed for me

by Crumpet 133 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Guest with Questions
    Guest with Questions

    Hi Crumpet,
    I don’t have much to add, but you, and also Tyrone, are in my thoughts. I haven’t read all the responses so if anyone else is suffering with this I empathize with you also. You are so brave to acknowledge this to others and I see that so many have responded showing that we all care. I think that this affects so many families. I worry that my son also may have it. Even when he was a small child just starting school I felt that the teachers were trying to push him, a square peg, into a round hole. I sometimes wonder if, in addition to a chemical imbalance, creative people are misunderstood which creates confusion and frustration, a feeling of being different from the majority of people. I don't know. Anyway, all the best on your road to recovery discovery. PS I assume your avatar Crumpet is an English muffin.

  • Crumpet

    Guest with questions - that is so freaking funny - I have to figure out a way of printing that out for my desk at work as it will make me smile during this tricky stressful days.


  • sass_my_frass

    Hi Crumpet, and congratulations on your diagnosis! (if that makes sense?) I remember a doctor asking me 'have you ever been diagnosed with depression before', making it seem like it's just a flu or something that I'll get over if I treat it right. That was liberating.

    I went on antidepressants for two or three years (can't remember). It was only a couple of months before I realised that I was making progress with my problems because the meds were taking care of the symptoms - the massive lows. I can relate to a lot of those symptoms you listed. It's occurred to me that I might have some degree of bipolar, but I was always a bit worried about looking into it. I wanted to thank you for posting your news. I should get it checked (like the funny-looking freckle on my shoulder).

    One in three adults develop a mental illness. Isn't it great to know how completely normal you are?!

    I'm glad you still float around here when you're down. I missed you!

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    Mornin Crumps! You know before I was diagnosed with celiacs I used to love crumpets. If you toast them and add butter with semi hard honey they are delicious. Only problem is the butter and honey leaks on you. Gluten free crumpets would be delicious. I don't even know if they sell them. Thanx for thinking of me GQ. Incidently if Crumpets are made with rice flour rather than wheat than they are safe. The gluten protein found in rice is not toxic to sufferers.

  • diamondblue1974

    Glad to hear that you are getting help Nina - you have a great deal of support on here and like for many, its often your life-line.


  • Mrs Smith
    Mrs Smith

    Thanks for sharing your diagnosis with us. This is 2007 there is no reason for anyone to go through life with any illness (mental or otherwise) without at least trying some sort of treatment. Otherwise all those lab rats would have died for nothing!! Have some compassion!

  • Mariusuk.


    We all go a little crazy sometimes, I am positive that all of us have some kind of mental instabilities at one point or another. You can't be really all that crazy if you know you are because if you were you wouldn't know, you know. (If you get that then maybe you are lol)

    Kisses precious, the pills will be sweet


  • cyberdyne systems 101
    cyberdyne systems 101

    Well as is typical of me i miss your post and have to get you to refer me to it! Nevermind i've found it now and its was good to read, yes i've heard of bi - polar but didnt know what symptoms of it were, so thats good to read to.

    I'm pleased that you've looked for this help and found it to be something deffinate and most importantly treatable. Yes you may like some of how it makes you feel, but as you also noted its unhealthy side effects are not desirable. I'm so glad that you have a direction to move forward.

    I will be passing this info on to a mutual friend of ours, i'm sure they will be interested in whats going on with you.

    I wish you all the success with your future discussions and possible medications

    Take great care

    Speak soon, x

    CS 101

  • roflcopter

    Wow I found this really interesting because I have found more and more that JW's and Former JW's suffer from many different mental issue's. (Myself included)

    But what astonishes me the most... is Bi Polar Disorder seems to be very VERY common in the religion. I had 4 close friends of mine who were JW's all diagnosed with Bi Polar.

    I would be curious to see a study done on Jehovah's Witnesses and Bi Polar Disorder.

    (I also knew a couple "brothers" with schizophrenia too!)

    Oh and these were people that were born into the religion as well. So it wasn't as if they were "weak minded" people that the dubs preyed upon.

    Anyways, I wish you the best


  • Sassy

    Crumpet, I'm sorry I didn't see this over the weekend. I'm so glad that is seems you made some progress in your appointment. My step father is bi polar. He functions quite well on meds.. he also sees a therapist. it helps. I noticed the comment about St John's Wart.. I've taken it in the past.. I will add what I was told by others to me when I did... it can decrease the effect of the birth control pill...

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