All Ex-Elders, Mr.Flipper going to Final MeetingW/Elders! I'll be careful!

by flipper 83 Replies latest jw friends


    "this thread makes me understand that it is all about freedom to do what you want and not be responsible to anyone including God"......Reniaa

    You Publicly admit to not Following the WBT$..Do you ever get tired of being called a Hypocrite?.. ..........LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • wannaexit

    Hi Mr. Flipper, I always enjoy your posts and this thread was of particular interest to me. My hubby(goes by name apocalypse) and I faces a similar situation with local elders.

    I believe it takes great courage to do what you did for the sake of your family. I know it did for us.

    Please continue to post for the sake of those of us a little more reserved.

  • flipper

    WANNAEXIT- Thanks for the kind words. It is a challenge for some of us not to be in fear anymore due to the power and influence of elders due to how the witness cult conditioned us and controlled us to be in fear. But once we get it into our heads that they are just men, nothing special we take away their power over us and see they can't hurt us. Elders do not expect us to stand up for our rights and speak our minds. They expect us to hang our heads and be submissive. The more power and control of the conversation we exert- it takes away their power

  • cantleave

    Well Done Mr. Flipper! They are still on your case though, you need to be extremely vigilant.

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    Love for Jehovah casts out fear and unhealthy thoughts about our fellowman, we learn how to show honour properly and submit to legitimate authority, including the right of each and everyone of us to freedom of choice and will.

  • flipper

    CANTLEAVE- NO, don't worry friend. They aren't on my case any more . This thread was posted over 2 years ago. I haven't heard from the elders since . I think they know better than to mess with me . Like a tiger I'll chew them up and spit them out.

    SPIKE TASSEL- Yes, I do submit to legitimate authority - but not the WT society because it's not a legitimate authority . Police, yes, my taxman, yes, my wife, yes - but the WT society, no. We all have freedom of choice and free will- but Jehovah's Witnesses still active- do not

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    Let's express true love wherever we are,

    by thought and action and gift,

    by the tone of voice we will go far,

    if we always work to uplift.

    Whether with friend or foe or a passer-by

    let our heart always stay true

    to the Holy Word, take the road on high

    and pray for them all on cue.

    The ignorant lack wisdom and the fool may lack tact,

    but 'tis better to choose words with care

    so that Jah be glorified by the way we act,

    and we're protected, even in the JC's lair.

  • flipper

    SPIKE TASSEL- Nice poetry. What kind of " spiritual mushrooms " are you ingesting tonight ? Just teasing

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    I was raised on Seuss, the J-dubs came later,

    That's all I'll say, Flip, since I'm a placater.

  • flipper

    SPIKE TASSEL- Seuss, J-dubs, and mushrooms ? LOL! I would say that's a volatile mix ! LOL! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

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