All Ex-Elders, Mr.Flipper going to Final MeetingW/Elders! I'll be careful!

by flipper 83 Replies latest jw friends

  • awaretoday

    If you want to laugh you tube Saturday Night - Cow Bell episode with Farrell it is hillarious!!!! So glad you could survive the crucible, that elder number 2 just wanted to make browny points to get promoted or something.

  • flipper

    AWARETODAY- Yeah, my wife and I have that Will Ferrel DVD - Best of Saturday Night Live and it has the one with Christopher Walken saying, " I need more cowbell ! " It is hilarious for sure ! The elders were trying to get me - but fortunately it was the last time I ever met with them. No reason to anymore

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    to Flipper:— actually, I don't do mushrooms, of any description

  • flipper

    JUst noticed this was bumped up a few weeks ago.

    SPIKE TASSEL- Sorry you don't do mushrooms dude - you might enjoy them ! LOL! I put portabello mushrooms on our country fried potatoes every Saturday morning ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    Actually, just the odd slice here or there might be in a frozen mixed vegetable pack, which I put some of into a soup dish I make each week. I forgot about that. Most of my meals are pretty much the same, day after day, week after week. That's just how it works best for me, whether it's Asperger's that's at the root of that, perhaps it is. I don't do food to enjoy it, I just do it so I keep my concentration and energy where it needs to be.

    By the way, I see we both look out for that banging game you got going for us. It's great to have something that we all take turns at: day after day, month after month, year after year.

  • flipper

    SPIKE TASSEL- Yes, well whatever works for each person is good when it comes to a proper diet. Some people enjoy eating the same things a lot ; some of us enjoy quite a variety. As long as we maintain our health. Sorry to hear you have Aspergers- I didn't know. Hang in there friend. Glad you enjoy the keyboard banging game

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    Yes, I DO maintain my health, giving what health I HAVE. Thank YOU for your RESPECT and CONSIDERATION, even such as I AM, and the variety in HOW I present myself.

  • jookbeard

    go for it Flipps

  • flipper

    Well- Many of us are on here to learn and educate ourselves so thought it might help some who ever have to face these elder JC's down the road

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    I am learning how to bless my enemies, even if they ARE my elders, by practicing for it, right here on JWN.

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