Becoming officially recognized as Annointed

by B_Deserter 71 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • PinTail

    I have had the calling for many years, I pretty much ignored it until the last six years, mostly cause of listening to the dogma of the Witness theology for most of my life concerning this subject.

    The way that I knew Jehovah was inviting me was progressive, personally I feel it is not something you all of at once feel you have, as far as any special feeling you have, well, it is special to each elect, because we are all individuals. Why does Jehovah choose one and not another, because he does according to his good pleasure. The one claiming to be of this class progressively gives up his right to life as a human, this right has been provided for by Christ's sacrifice in our behalf. Jehovah is a god of ultimate loving kindness, by his providing this new creation is a demonstration of this.

  • changeling

    Pintail: you must be kidding.

  • B_Deserter

    Holy crap. So are you guys the people the broke off during the whole Russell/Rutherford split?

  • changeling

    Holy crap is right! I just clicked on that link and read a couple of pintail's old posts. He believe's this stuff. Poor baby.


  • OnTheWayOut

    You have no special privileges
    from the organization,

    Not get to drink really shity wine, and eat jezuz crackers once a year.

    I did forget that. Yes, you get one lousy free meal every year on Jesus Day.

  • neverendingjourney

    Let's not be so hard on Pintail. Everyone has the right to believe in whatever they want to believe in. Let's not forget that most of held what we now consider to be crazy religious beliefs not too long ago.

  • IsaacJS2

    I don't think anyone mentioned this variation yet, but the congregations in my area seem to have slightly different takes on things than what a lot people here have mentioned in other topics from time to time.

    I was told that you know you're an anointed when you are more interested in the parts of the Bible describing the Heavenly hope and such than you are in things that talk about the earthly hope. It's as if you are drawn to those things by some instinct, rather than the piddly little earth-bound stuff most of us losers are in to. And, of course, you just sort of "know" you're anointed like Neo from the Matrix had to "know" he was The One. Oh, and you must have done some big things for "the truth" or suffered for "the truth" in some way. That was the take from the local Elders back in my WT days.


    I keep hearing people mention things about questions being asked from time to time, but no one ever mentioned anything to me about questions either.


  • gladtidethings

    A truly "annointed" person or group isn't hypocritical or given to telling lies when caught doing something wrong like the Watchtower Society and the U.N. This proves they knew full well what they were doing, why they did it, how they did it, when and so forth. I just bought a copy: Ted Jaracz and his Governing Body fruitcake hypocrite buddies sure aren't annointed for anything more than what Pat Garza predicted for them at the rally several years back now.

    I feel rather "annointed" to make this proclamation, so in that sense I'm of the annointed class too or you can believe that about 1,000 more time than you'd believe it of those pompous self-righteous Jokes anyway. Christ is the most faithful and discreet slave, not TJ and that ilk.

  • R.F.

    No official test required. I think that's obvious because of the 1935 "new light", showing that a member of the "great crowd" can be more spiritual than an "annointed" member.


  • bennyk
    Watch for the appearance of a sub heavenly class.

    Maybe, Gary. But my guess is the Society will soon be receiving "New (and improved) Light" indicating that the number 144 000 is not to be taken as literal. That way they can keep the two-class/two-destiny system without worrying about the non-declining number of Partakers. The number 144 000 was conspicuous by its absence in the 01. May 2007 QfR. And an increase in the number of partakers won't threaten the current power structure because the Governing Body has already declared that the "genuine" (non-GB) anointed willingly serve under the direction of the Governing Body, have no special insight, and may even be 'spiritually weak.'

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