What if you're missing the purpose?

by journey-on 161 Replies latest jw friends

  • poppers

    From journey-on: "Maybe this is the true meaning of the scripture the JW's love to quote about "being in the world, but not a part of it." "

    It makes sense now, doesn't it. Not only that, it is possible to experience this right now this very moment. That's why it's important to realize that all there is is this very moment of "now", because that's where life is. Life isn't about some vision of a perfect world existing in the future - it's what's here right now.

  • nvrgnbk

    I'll let jt answer in his way.

    I'd like to say true nature or true essence is that which remains after all is stripped away.

    It is, in fact that which observes the thinking mind.


    It's the ultimate reality, unaffected by our perception.

  • purplesofa

    The first time I heard this story was from a talk at the kingdom hall.

    Natural processes of pain are different to me than the pain that you feel when you are hurt and heal.

    If we were left alone, not had all the mental garbage to work through, our growing process pain would be, I imagine as the animals feel pain and go through struggles, its natural, they are intinctive as to how to move on and survive or die.

    Of course humans are more complicated.

    There are several things that have helped me to overcome painful things in my life to grow and move forward.

    One was when I quit smoking. Whatever I was feeling and experiancing in the way of withdrawal and life(social) changes certainly was not going to kill me. I did not need smoking to sustain my life. Smoking was not going to necessarily kill me, but quiting was going to make my quality of life better. If nothing else, my house would not stink anymore! So the process of quiting smoking took about a second, but it took about a year to quit craving them and I had to stop going out for drinks and dancing as for me they went together. My lifestyle and habits changed. It did not kill me, It was painful, but like I said my life is better now for it.

    When making choices spiritually, I had all faith in the human mind and spirit. I believed that if God promised us he was going to fix the entire planet, little ole me could be fixed. I believed that there is love and forgiveness and I could change and put on the new personality.

    This process and realization was painful almost to the point of suicide. Not a dramatic suicide but just a peaceful feeling of wanting to go to sleep and never wake up and at that particular time I was reconciled to that.

    Now, I am alive, of course. I am constantly in growing processes that at one time would have been devastating painful, but I have learned that it is all a natural process, I dont fight it to happen, experiance it as it is, but stay focused deep inside me where true pure love is.

    What the hell is purps going on about????? I dont know, but this is what comes to mind with your thread.


  • poppers

    From nvr: "It's the ultimate reality, unaffected by our perception."

    Ultimate reality is unaffected by anything, but when identification with mind/ego remains intact that reality is distorted. It's interpretation by mind that causes trouble.

  • journey-on


    I am one to believe in Karma

    Do you believe in Karma for just this one lifetime....you know, "what goes around, comes around." Or do you believe our soul continues to come back till we learn the lessons we need to learn in preparation for when it's time to leave the cocoon and enter another dimension?

  • purplesofa

    as far as our purpose, I believe we can make our purpose anything we want.


  • journey-on


    Thank you for your input.

    I am constantly in growing processes that at one time would have been devastating painful, but I have learned that it is all a natural process, I dont fight it to happen, experiance it as it is, but stay focused deep inside me where true pure love is.

    What a great attitude to have been able to develop! I guess this is what others are also saying: Live the duality of your life with all the joy and pain, acknowledge both, recognize that this is the natural evolution of life and don't fight it, but remain focused on "God" whose nature is Love.

  • changeling

    Somebody mentioned Karma. I do believe that "what goes around, comes around", but not in a spiritual sense. Not in the sense that if you do good someone will reward you or if you do bad someone will punish you. But in the sense that we can change the outcome of most situations by our own behavior and perseption. In the sense that there are natural consequences to our behavior.

    I also believe that we attract positive people with a positive attitude and viceversa. Not in the glib "law of attraction" of The Secret, but in a practical sense.

    All this does not imply that bad things can't and don't happen to good people. Or that the innocent don't often suffer through no fault of thier own.


  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    For those of you who espouse the philosophy that one needs to discard who we "think" we are and embrace the "reality" of who we really are, what if, there is a Divine purpose to our miniscule existence in the here and now and that purpose is to experience the pull of opposite forces (duality), and you are missing it by not allowing yourself to experience the ego self? What if you are missing the whole purpose of this pull of pain and joy by trying to suppress it or place yourself outside of it?

    Part of "the reality of who we really are" is the ability we have to experience the pull of opposite forces/duality and form ego identities surrounding them. I think if you are actively trying to suppress "duality" or your "ego identities" than you are missing the point. The point is not to suppress or disallow those things. It is simply to become aware that they exist. Notice the dualities in nature and in life and in other peoples thoughts and actions. Notice and be aware of our own. As we become more aware of them we can see how they arise and dissipate often within our own minds. Perhaps they were "real" in that moment, but as soon as the moment is passed they are no longer "real" they are just memory. Also, with our own ego identities, we can become aware of their existence, how and why we created them in our own minds, what purpose they served, and question if they still continue to serve a useful purpose. We can never live in a world without duality or dispense with our own ego identities once and for all. They are part of what our brain does perhaps as a survival mechanism. But as we become aware of how our own minds create dualities and ego, then we realize we don't have to let them run our lives. They shrink from monsters and demons that drive us to "little schmoos" as one teacher put it.

    As far as it being a "Divine purpose" to experience all of this, I think that is "mind" layering on an extra meaning. It is "ego" which cannot accept that this "miniscule existence" is the true nature, is "reality". Ego looks for a greater meaning to our existence, a greater purpose than what we are experiencing right now. Perhaps there is no purpose? Perhaps there is only present experience? We can accept or reject this explanation but that will not really change the reality of it. It will just mean that we miss what "is" because our brain is busy searching for greater meaning or purpose.

    Cog (I struggle a lot with this concept too, I love to look for the greater meaning in everything and I have trouble accepting that there may not be one. I think this is especially difficult for people from a religious background)

  • jaguarbass

    Thats a good story. I have heard it before. Stories like that ca n help one find inner strength in their time of adversity.

    I dont claim to know why I am here or where I am going and cant answer those questions for anyone else. I am curious always have been always will be. And as curious as I am, I will be equally suspicious of anyone who tells me they have the answer, especially after my wac tower experience. I am aware of various possible explinations explaining our exhistence. But nobody on this side can prove any of them to me.

    You say you are at a crossroads of your spiritual journey. Life is a journey the destination is death. So enjoy the journey. They say if you don't know where you are going one road is as good as the next.

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