What if you're missing the purpose?

by journey-on 161 Replies latest jw friends

  • JamesThomas


    Now, explain to me in "plain English" what your true nature is? Is it physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, or all combined into something unexplainable?

    Things can be explained; it's no thing.

    What does all thing-ness happen within? What is closer than all experience of things? What can not be captured and defined by the mind into a thing? What is most real?

    These questions can not be authentically answered by the mind. As nvr said: what observes the mind?

    The mind may label it: conscious-awareness; and walk away thinking it knows what it is. The mind does not know what it is. The mind is too limited to ever know what it is.

    When consciousness -- striped of the lenses of mental thought and interpretation -- clearly and genuinely sees itself, then you'll know what your true nature is, what you really are, and not a moment before.... and then you'll be stuck too with the impossibility of transferring it to words or thoughts.

    You will know it as not different from the very same awareness which sees these words right now. You will know it for the unimaginable reality of purity, peace and wholeness you have always sought.

    That's the best I can do.


  • purplesofa
    The mind is too limited to ever know what it is.

    This is part of the problem, trying to figure it all out. you need to allow "it" to happen. You feel it and experiance it.

    Thats when the fight is over, the duality, if that makes sense.


  • journey-on

    Cognizant Dissident

    As far as it being a "Divine purpose" to experience all of this, I think that is "mind" layering on an extra meaning. It is "ego" which cannot accept that this "miniscule existence" is the true nature, is "reality". Ego looks for a greater meaning to our existence, a greater purpose than what we are experiencing right now. Perhaps there is no purpose?

    Maybe it's my JW upbringing and my struggle to release the shackles of that indoctrination, but it is deeply ingrained in my psyche to believe in a creator. I no longer look at Him as "a big guy in the sky watching over all of us and keeping a record of our good deeds and bad deeds", however, I now perceive of this creator as pure Spirit (no "thing") who awakened to His own consciousness and self awareness as potential to create.

  • nvrgnbk

    Why is it that the observation of reality, unadulterated by myths and dogma, produces no Creator?

    It is suggested that there is one. However, none is observed.

    The typical JW illustrations about unseen "things" really existing in spite of their invisibility are useless.

    Wind is invisible, yet it is observed.

    The same cannot be said for the Creator.

  • journey-on


    It is suggested that there is one. However, none is observed.

    Do you not believe that some things can exist even though you can't experience those things in this physical plane?

    Thought exists, yet you can't observe it. I think science is proving everyday that there are dimensions of existence that humans just can't observe. Why not a creative energy force?

  • JamesThomas


    This is part of the problem, trying to figure it all out. you need to allow "it" to happen. You feel it and experiance it.

    Thats when the fight is over, the duality, if that makes sense.

    It is the nature of the wondrous mind, to want to know things. Yet, the entire universe came into being without the mind knowing, or speaking, or figuring anything out.

    Yes! there is often needed an allowing. An open willingness for a naked and vulnerable exposure to the unknowable that is before the mind and all that the mind believes "self" and "other" to be. A step beyond all duality; and yes, that is when the fight is over....though we may find from time to time we wrestle a little.


  • nvrgnbk
    Thought exists, yet you can't observe it.

    Oh but I can.

    It's that which observes thought, rather than my thoughts themselves, that is ultimately real.

    That is true essence.

  • poppers

    Cognizant Dissident, I really enjoyed your post.

  • aligot ripounsous
    aligot ripounsous

    Laissez les bons temps rouler


    I'm puzzled about the meaning of that phrase. Is it something like enjoy good moments to the full, now and here ? Ronsard put it nicely, too, talking to the girl he was courting :

    Vivez, si m'en croyez,

    n'attendez à demain,

    cueillez dès aujourd'hui

    les roses de la vie

    In fact I believe the girl was very young and he was quite mature, so he had to be a bit insistant...

  • purplesofa
    Yes! there is often needed an allowing. An open willingness for a naked and vulnerable exposure to the unknowable that is before the mind and all that the mind believes "self" and "other" to be. A step beyond all duality; and yes, that is when the fight is over....though we may find from time to time we wrestle a little.

    I would like to add there needed be any fear in allowing this to happen. We have almost come full circle in your original story.

    Some may find this painful, others fearful, others something else. But the process is growing, ever changing and probably is the very purpose you are questioning.


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