from the same paragraph....
"really, we do not judge others even our opposers."
9-1-2001 page - paragraph 7
-August 8th, 2001 - The day the lambs ROARED
by hawkaw 589 Replies latest watchtower scandals
from the same paragraph....
"really, we do not judge others even our opposers."
9-1-2001 page - paragraph 7
-August 8th, 2001 - The day the lambs ROARED
Oh you've got to be kidding Zev..
They really put that one in print...
-August 8th, 2001 - The day the lambs ROARED
An astute ex-JW friend of mine wondered aloud yesterday if the Watchtower Society might not have made a deal with the UN?
She could envision "the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York" VOLUNTARILY "request[ing] termination of its association with DPI" so that the DPI could QUIETLY disassociate the WT Society as opposed to KICKING THEM OUT VOCIFEROUSLY based on the evidence of lying duplicity revealed by the knowledgable public to the trusting United Nations Organization. This would save face for both the WTBTS AND the U.N. which was fooled by the deceit, the extent of which the DPI learned only within the last two weeks as a result of the diligent efforts of "disaffected Witnesses' worldwide.
When I thought back to the recent post about how Jim Pellechia (then head of WT Public Affairs) had protested the release of information to the press in Europe as 'not part of the agreement' the Society had made with the European Human Rights Commission, this sounded plausible.
Opinions, anyone?
Par dessus toutes choses, soyez bons. La bonte est ce qui ressemble le plus a Dieu et ce qui desarme le plus les hommes -- Lacordaire
I believe you have a point here. Way back in the events of this thread someone posted that Ms Oca, from NGO office, said on the telephone that NO ONE lies to the UN. I believe it was posted by the lady on Why1914 help line who had phoned Ms Oca.
So it could seem that they have settled out of court kinda deal, they were asked to resign.
Personally that's exactly what I thought from the moment the WTBTS resigned...
I can just imagine it now:
UN calls WT: Hey, there have been questions raised as to your 'good faith' application you made with us back in 1991.. We are going to be starting an inquiry into this matter, and request your presence (I'm sure the UN would tell the WT of the accusations and give them ample time to prepare)..
The very next day (After the GB and all of Brooklyn are up all night sleepless) the WT calls the UN: We respectfully request that we are no longer an NGO with your organization.. We did nothing wrong, but feel it's best not to distract you from your current work as it is sooo much needed in the world today (all the while snickering at the UN because they are gonna trigger Armageddon any day now). Sincerely (gag) the GB of the WTBTS..
Yep, I was the one that posted that, as that is the exact words Marylin of the help desk said to me.. She made special mention to me that Mrs. Oca changed her tone when she spoke the "No one lies to the UN.. NO ONE" words..
So, yep, Like I said above, I'm willing to wager that their resignation was because of an attempt not to have a full blown investigaion..
If you think of it, that would be better for 2 reasons:
A.) A full blown investigation would likely draw media attention, no matter the outcome.. Media is bad for the WT..
B.) They would likely loose the investigation anyway
So, I do think that is the most likely scenario as to why they left the UN..
Hi!This is to let you know that you are doing an excellent job! This affair UN/WTS is amazing and the last thing a JW could imagine that was happening. I live in a Spanish speaking country, in the Caribbean. Not a jw (I managed to escape), but my father has been an elder for more than thirty five years and this has affected the family in a bad way. My mother showed the UN letter to him, without results. He even looked at it. I'll make several copies for certain people I know... and I've been thinking to send the information to the local branch, via fax...
I'm in the process of making a french version of the excellent press release that was posted... I live in Quebec, canada, which makes sending the english text a bad idea! So ill post the french translation up soon!!!
I'm gonna send this translation to a local newspaper... i live in a relatively small town, and JW are about 75... since the local newspaper writes all kind of stuff, including "a local child fishes a huge fishie" kinda crap, i might have a chance! also sent press release to dateline, montreal gazette, etc... who knows!