Isn't God Awesome?

by Perry 450 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Nowman

    I apprecaite the earth and its beauty but I am still agnostic.


  • Perry


    That I do not see your little Jesus, does not mean I am "blind"

    Let's take a little "vision" test. Have you ever told a lie? Have you ever stolen anything, no matter how small? How about looked at a married woman with lust? Or, any woman lustfully while you were married? Be honest.....every done that? Then, you are a liar, a thief, and an adulterer. That's just three of the ten commandments. You do not "see Jesus" because you do not "see" your sin. This is the result of someone else's sin not yours. Your blindness is natural to your existence.

    Now, how many people have you judged with contempt who have done to you the very things that you are guilty of? Believers maintain that there are rules for universal justice, reasoning that if there is no punishment, there is no such thing as justice. Imagine traffic laws with no cops, tickets or fines. Could traffic laws be said to exist without such? In spite of your blindness being inherited, you are still a moral being evualating morality and passing judgement on others. This act makes you liable to universal laws of justice and the punishment that you deserve.

    What I see is so vast as to not be circumscribed, or defined, and so is unnameable as tiny individual things and objects are named.

    Here you violate another of the ten commandments - #2. Your impersonal vision of god that you "see" is really just an idol that you venerate that is more agreeable with your fallen nature.

    I'm sure that if we were to talk more we could determine that you have broken every one of the ten commandments and thus deserve God's wrath. Yet, I perceive from your posts that you do not like to be guilty of lying, stealing, or adultery. I bet that these sins violate even your own personal standards. Then why do you do them? Isn't that rather curious?

  • LtCmd.Lore
    Have you ever told a lie? Have you ever stolen anything, no matter how small? How about looked at a married woman with lust? Or, any woman lustfully while you were married? Be honest.....every done that? Then, you are a liar, a thief, and an adulterer.

    Wow, I'm a virgin and somehow already commited adultery!

    Your arguments are straight out of a 'Way of the Master' episode.

    Have you ever done a good deed? Then you are a good person right? One action does not define an entire person.

    Plus, thoughts are only a crime in gods eyes... and he holds no authority over me.

  • startingover

    Perry said:

    He states that the reason that they are blind is to prevent them from understanding with their hearts, turning back, and being healed. Jesus would heal all who come to him...but he is authorized to save only those "given" to him by the Father. Since none comes who hasn't been given, the blindness of some people is foreordained from the founding of the world just as sight also is foreordained for the blessed.

    So I guess you are saying that no matter what, if I'm not chosen like you it makes no difference what I do. What exactly do you expect to accomplish by saying that? What am I supposed to do in this horrible state of sin I live in since I wasn't chosen? Why even bother saying it if there's no hope? Are you just rubbing it in?

    To be honest, that arrogance tends to get under my skin a bit. Kind of reminds me of the way kids acted in grade school.

  • Narkissos

    It would be funny to find out that the author of this nice video is not a Christian nor even a theist. I have no idea of course, but from the text of the video, as I said earlier, that would be entirely possible. I feel it would perfectly suit a "JamesThomas"' approach (especially on the "who is wondering" part) -- except James' pictures are even better.

    Perry, your repetitive moralistic preaching reminds me of a very personal memory. I was in the forest near to French Bethel, a few months before I resigned. It suddenly occurred to me -- as I was, precisely, standing in awe of the overwhelming "nature" surrounding me -- that most of our preaching and literature, and especially the constant moralistic, guilt-inducing and judgemental tone of it, was out of tune with everything I did wonder at. I hear a very similar dissonance in your words. Whoever has ears, hear.

  • found-my-way

    Hey LtCmdr.Lore,

    I would ignore this Perry individual, and yes, he would deem you an adulterer even though you are a virgin. Yes he would call you a theif even if you have never stolen.

    You and I, and everyone who knows you here, knows for a fact that your intelligence at the youthful age of 18 far outweighs Perry's at any age.

    Perry thinks he can scare us with his hell fire and his tirades against all of us sinners...and as he thinks of himself as perfect, we shall let him live in his close-minded, delusional little world.

    People like Narrow-minded Perry do not have the ability to learn new things, their minds are like rusted steel traps. Closing everything out, and keeping the rotteness within.

  • Paralipomenon

    Perry, please get some new material.

    Jesus was focused on salvation, you seem to be trapped up in sins.

  • LtCmd.Lore
    Perry, please get some new material.

    Jesus was focused on salvation, you seem to be trapped up in sins.

    I wasn't kidding about it being strait out of a way of the master episode: Ray Comfort uses that one ALL THE TIME. And thank you Found-My-Way Lore

  • Perry

    zico asks:

    If everything's foreordained, is it possible to have free will?

    Everything is not foreordained, otherwise there would be no free will as you suggest. Here's the way it works. God chose to deal with our race in our weakness and sin. All of us have a date with DEATH. When our spirit died in Adam, our souls (minds) filled in the power vacuum. Spirit was supposed to lead, now it's just the mind. As the leader by default, it seeks primarily to preserve it's own authority. This is why Jesus said that those that seek to save their life will lose it and those that seek to lose their life will find it.

    When a person is born again he receives a new (inflated) spirit. Then he can choose to approach God or not. He/she can choose to prolong God's work within or quicken it. The gridlock of mind authority is broken as is the total domination of sin and death.

    People who are not born again also have a free will of sorts. They too can act from the core nature and choose to sin a lot with gross disregard to others, or they can simply sin a little... simply comparing themselves to the people around them and imagine themselves a little better than their peers. What they have no mechanism to do, is to compare themselves to Christ and his standard since they are under the judgement that they mete out to others and are not under GRACE.

  • Narkissos
    When a person is born again he receives a new (inflated) spirit.

    An extraordinary claim, but you do provide some extraordinary evidence...

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