An "Apostate" partakes at the JWs Memorial

by dedpoet 72 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Es

    That was awesome hehe I loved how she gulped the red wine down



  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I like Brenda. But in this case, I believe she crossed a line. I don't agree with the Catholic Church on all matters, but I would not ever go to Mass purely to disrespect the occasion.

    The people that attend those events believe it is the most 'Sacred Night', and I have no quarrel with the typical Jw. They are mislead just like I was a few years ago. If an 'active apostate' came and made levity of my sacred occasion while I was in, it would have confirmed just how that person has indeed become part of an 'evil slave'. I think this might have been counterproductive to a general effort to educate Jw's out of the cult.


  • 144001
    She herself said she has not been inside a Hall since the 80's. At what point does personal responsibility come into our actions? Some of you sound like you'd give a free ticket for someone to do any conceivable thing, blaiming the Watchtower. I'm amazed at some of the childish and irresonsible reactions I'm seeing here. In fact, that was the thing that bothered me most about the video. She began by saying she was made by the wtbts. Bullshit, we make ourselves and we are resonsible for our own actions.

    "Childish and irresponsible reactions?" Hmmm . . . given your post history, I'd say that's the pot calling the kettle black.

    The lengthy passage of time since Brenda last entered a hall is irrelevant to the discussion here. I haven't been to a hall for anything other than a funeral since that time myself, yet I still have to deal with Watchtower related problems because my parents remain as witnesses and my siblings have been emotionally traumatized by their exposure to this cult. I agree that folks need to take "personal responsibility" for their actions, but that goes for the Society as well, which should take "personal responsibility" for the horrific harm they have inflicted on so many people.

    While I would never do what Brenda did, nor do I condone her conduct, I certainly won't condemn it. Given the abuse many have experienced at the behest of this cult, I'm surprised much more serious and illegal retaliation has not yet occurred. At least what she did was legal and no one was physically hurt.

  • Lapuce

    Thumbs up to Brenda... I think what she did is good, it did show how stupid this memorial partaking is useless. I wish I had the balls and guts to do it, I admire that.

  • rebel8

    This sorta stuff is not for me. Having said that...

    It is not *really* a desecration to partake, is it? (Giggling, smirking, chewing gum, and eating/drinking such large quantities of the emblems...well that's another story.)

    I have to mute videos because all things jw are I don't know what she said.

    Isn't it true that jws believe someone knows in their own heart if they have the heavenly calling? So really they are judging someone if they assume that person doesn't have the calling.

    In-your-face activism does work with some people, and it has been successful throughout history. Only 30-40 years ago, hell, everybody was doing this sort of stuff to change the world, right? Some people's curiosity is piqued by activism like this.

  • Finally-Free

    Whatever turns your crank.


  • greendawn

    It may have undermined their faith since the person committed a grave sin as they see it and never got struck down by jehovah they may wonder, is this religion really the true religion? How can one commit such an act of sacrilege and get away with it?

  • What-A-Coincidence

    it's different. i like it.

  • ButtLight
    The lengthy passage of time since Brenda last entered a hall is irrelevant to the discussion here.

    Well for those who say it Proves to the jw's what apostates are like? It does matter. Im sure nobody had a clue she was once a witness, and thought she was probably just invited, and didnt know any better. I doubt anyone looked at her and said "look at that disrespectful apostate!"

    I personally LMAO when she gulped the wine. I wouldnt do it, but if I had the nerve, I would loose the gum chomping. She made a stand, and did it for her own different than others making a stand in their own way.

    Now we just need to know if it was really red wine, or kool-aid.

  • frankiespeakin

    She should have worn lipsstick that smears on glass and drank the whole glass, that would have been even better. As for as any getting offended, well they will just have to wait on Jehovah, like they have always done.

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