Sorry Crumpet. Denim not for Christians per 4/07 KM. ; - )

by Open mind 65 Replies latest members private

  • Alligator Wisdom
    Alligator Wisdom
    Maybe everyone on here should go get a convention badge

    Well, at least a scanned copy of one.

    As far as I know and the way they did it at my former congregation as well as my current one now, the elders/book study overseer would pass out the lapel badge individually to approved publishers with the comment; "Don't lose it as this will be the only one you're getting".

    I suppose it is to control the extra allotment from getting into unauthorized hands.

    Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)

  • Frequent_Fader_Miles
    Our appearance should make us stand out from the general public. Therefore, even during leisure time, such as when going out to eat after the program, we should dress as befits ministers who are in the city for the purpose of attending a Christian convention and SHOULD NOT WEAR SUCH CLOTHING AS JEANS, SHORTS, OR T-SHIRTS.

    What a fine way of drawing attention to oneself witness! Dress up like Forrest Gump on crack with a brain aneurysm. Just imagine, the droves of people that will be flocking to the Kingdom Halls because of it.

    I suppose the dress code applies to the hotel pool as well ... I knew my nipple piercing would come in handy for something; perfect fit for my Convention Badge.

  • brinjen
    even during leisure time, such as when going out to eat after the program, we should dress as befits ministers who are in the city for the purpose of attending a Christian convention and SHOULD NOT WEAR SUCH CLOTHING AS JEANS, SHORTS, OR T-SHIRTS. What a witness this will give to the community! Jehovah is pleased when our appearance bespeaks our role as ministers

    What a load of rubbish! If Jesus were on earth today, he'd be wearing jeans, leather and he'd be riding a motorbike and saying words like 'dude' and 'chill out'. He dressed, acted and spoke in a way that he could relate to the people he was preaching to to show he was in touch with them. He'd be d'fd by the dubs.

  • jwfacts

    LOL, what a crack up.

    Even when I was at Bethel most of the Constructionites thought all the rules about music etc were a joke. I can just imagine the mockery that is going away from the youth in the congregation about such petty-mindedness. This will help another new generation wake up to the joke this religion is.

  • juni

    Like I've always said, "s*** rolls down hill."

    The old geezers have never wore jeans. They are still living in the past.

    As someone else said, who wears the convention badge after the programs are over? That thing comes off w/the panty hose.

    These articles make me

  • sass_my_frass

    This is the kind of thing that divides the JW freaks from the pretenders. The pretenders will just go out without their badges on in whatever they feel like wearing. The freaks, (in which group I suspect the majority of our parents belong, a major driver for us all being here), will not only go along with it, they'll be proud, and expect their poor kids to be proud too; don't kids just love wearing a suit or a flowery dress and a badge when they're at McChuckies?

  • hambeak

    What a crock! Look at the bethel videos and all the bethelites are wearing blue jeans. Just more mind control what absolute crap

  • SirNose586

    More Pharisaic tomfoolery. What else can they do but make idiots of themselves nowadays....

  • carla

    Open Mind,

    Do you have to go to a hotel for the convention? As head of the house you could insist they follow wt rules and not even allow them to bring jeans. And don't forget to leave those badges on! If you stay at home you could tell them they were not allowed to change into comfy clothes per the wt. Then the control of the wt would really sink in. Would make your life hell though. I wonder how die hard's would respond to that? What could they say? it's all rules from the fds after all. If they disagree with these small rules from the fds would it be ok to disagree with larger issues? What about being 'faithful in the small things'?

  • OnTheWayOut

    So, I took OTWO's quote almost verbatim:

    If she doesn't bring it up, after that meeting say "What did you think of para._____

    Her reply?: "I THINK IT'S STUPID!"

    Yaaayyy for wifey!!

    Then she starts doing an almost verbatim recitation of OTWO's earlier post:

    Okay, common sense folks. Regardless of what the OKM says, you wouldn't wear
    a badge if you changed into jeans, shorts, or t-shirts. I know some weird j-dubs who would
    but the common sense folks would not.

    That"s eerie. Glad it came up. My wife said "Just don't wear the badge if you change."
    They don't realize that this "Keep-on-your-JW-uniform" rule is a control thing. It's supposed to keep
    you acting like and thinking like a JW. I am glad their (WTS) power is weakening on many.

    As for the other drones who say "Well, the OKM says it, so I will do it." Let's just help them out
    by saying the common sense stuff in their face. Change and say "Lightning didn't strike me."

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