Sorry Crumpet. Denim not for Christians per 4/07 KM. ; - )

by Open mind 65 Replies latest members private

  • OnTheWayOut

    What will happen if someone violates this law?? They will be looked down upon, counseled and marked.

    I am probably wrong, but I would say they only enforce this on couples with no children, elders,
    MS's, and those upwardly mobile brothers. Anyone with children, they won't push it even on
    Dad (unless he's elder, MS, or upwardly mobile). Any pioneers- well, we don't want to lose
    pioneers over such a stupid rule.

    But now if you stay in a hotel off the list- that's serious. That's equal to not agreeing with the
    GB, which is apostasy. Come to think of it, so is wearing jeans.

    And many of you brothers should wear those slogan t-shirts at the pool. It's a rough site without
    them, and the plain white t-shirts don't hide it when they are wet. SISTERS, TOO.

  • bluesapphire
    What a witness this will give to the community! Jehovah is pleased when our appearance bespeaks our role as ministers."

    Oh yes! And the community will flock to the Kingdom Hells because they saw polyester with gay lapels in their city!!! They'll stop and ask us,

    "Excuse me, ma'am, but where can I go to learn how to dress as you do? You must know all there is to know about God because you dress so well! And your lapels ... well they just speak for themselves!"

    A good indication of why I'm no longer a witless is because I was NEVER THIS WIT-LESS! Had I read this in my day and time I would have simply ignored it!

  • purplesofa

    I think what is really sad about this is

    so many people have to take time off work for conventions and if it is not local.......some turn this time into a holiday. They look forward to getting out and having some fun.

    Any time I have gone on trips for work, free time was time to have fun.

    There is nothing wrong with that.

    I went to a Baptist Church once in the wintertime .....the preacher told us how good girls wear one piece bathing suits and bad girls wore bikinis. I was like WTF?



  • OnTheWayOut
    good girls wear one piece bathing suits and bad girls wore bikinis

    Young sisters and good looking moms- how do you cope with the
    bikini rules? Just buy a one piece that's just as hot as a bikini.
    Young guys, and older built guys are the only ones that can get
    away with speedos, but if you are going to look at the hot mamas,
    you won't want such a thin skin on top.

    The rest of us (myself included) remember that t-shirt. And baggy
    is better if you can get it.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Just a little semi-hijack of my own thread here.........................

    How should I play this new control err... "light" with my loyal-dub wife? (Who, btw looks great in any denim she cares to don )

    Here's what I'm thinkin':

    1. Let her bring it up for sure. She and my teen daughters won't be able to help themselves on this one. Tee hee.

    2. Then at the appropriate time in the conversation, ask this: "Is it just me, or does it seem like they're getting a little more controlling lately?"

    Whatta ya think?

    Open Mind

  • nvrgnbk

    What a bunch of idiots The Goobering Body are!

  • BFD

    1. Let her bring it up for sure. She and my teen daughters won't be able to help themselves on this one. Tee hee.

    2. Then at the appropriate time in the conversation, ask this: "Is it just me, or does it seem like they're getting a little more controlling lately?"

    Whatta ya think?

    When opportunity knocks...


  • OnTheWayOut

    1. Let her bring it up for sure. She and my teen daughters won't be able to help themselves on this one. Tee hee.

    2. Then at the appropriate time in the conversation, ask this: "Is it just me, or does it seem like they're getting a little more controlling lately?"

    If she doesn't bring it up, after that meeting say "What did you think of para._____?"

  • bluesapphire
    "Is it just me, or does it seem like they're getting a little more controlling lately?"

    Love it! Especially throwing in the word "more" since it implies they ARE controlling.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Wifey update:

    Well, I waited.........and waited.......until the third set of commercials in our post-meeting TV viewing and I couldn't resist anymore. Plus, I was worried that my wife might start falling asleep and I wanted to strike while the jeans/t-shirt/shorts absurdity was still fairly fresh in everyone's mind.

    So, I took OTWO's quote almost verbatim:

    If she doesn't bring it up, after that meeting say "What did you think of para._____

    Her reply?: "I THINK IT'S STUPID!"

    Yaaayyy for wifey!!

    Then she starts doing an almost verbatim recitation of OTWO's earlier post:

    Okay, common sense folks. Regardless of what the OKM says, you wouldn't wear
    a badge if you changed into jeans, shorts, or t-shirts. I know some weird j-dubs who would
    but the common sense folks would not.

    Good news: She did this rant in front of the kids with plenty of piss-and-vinegar.

    Bad news: She was still in mid-rant when the commercials ended and we were back into our second-favorite flavor of mind control.....Network TV. So I wasn't able to insert my "Don't you think they're getting a little more controlling?" question. But, I'll save it for another ripe occasion.

    This wasn't earth-shattering by any means, but it does reinforce in my mind the value of holding onto my good reputation, active J-dub status. If I was "weak" or "having doubts" there's no way she would have blurted out what she did. She would probably be constantly circling the wagons and dropping little pro-JW PR bombs on the kids.

    As always, thanks for reading and sharing.

    Plantin', waterin', hopin'................

    Open Mind

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