If you had to, what religion would you choose to be?

by Crumpet 81 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JH
    JH - if you is goin to be a Jew then we will just have to have a circumcision party for you buddy! How fun will that be? I think you'll have to get very drunk yourself for that one!

    I've been circumcised at a circumcision assembly

  • JH
    JH is not strictly female! Nor he is strictly rodent! LOL!

    Didn't I tell you about my sex change Crumpet?

  • aligot ripounsous
    aligot ripounsous

    Well, I like the idea of one unique god, with no trinity, which is the reason why I still associate, though flexibly, with the JWs, until I find a better bet. In fact, when you look at it, there are not that many denominations which meet that criteria : as far as I know, I may be wrong, there are jews, moslems...and JW. Also, the prospect of paradise earth is appealing, although laced with many question marks.Heard of Jews for Jesus, but I don't feel ready to investigate thoroughly yet. Chat échaudé craint l'eau froide, and my best half is probably not ready to severe all ties with the congregation, not to mention the children who are put off as regards religion, lest they should go another run with 5 hour meeting weeks.

  • Crumpet

    Hi aligot! Welcome - belatedly! Where does your user name come from? Its quite unique.

  • crazyblondeb

    Personally, I like to attend the gatherings at Wal-Mart, or the local mall!!

  • greendawn

    Out of all Christian religions I would join the catholics because I have roots there from my mother's side, that would be the sole reason feeling rooted in the place not dropping there suddenly out of teh blue. Otherwise I would a be non denominational Christian open to all mainstream christian religions. Beyond that if forced to choose some other religion it would be judaism.

  • LittleToe

    I started a religion once, but after along period of no increase I realised that I had screwed up with the first few commandments:

    1. Thou shalt not congregate
    2. Thou shalt not proselytise
    3. Thou shalt not speak of that which is unspeakable

    After that I just consigned it to the round file (trash can) and moved on..

    ...nothing to see here...

    LT, of the "unorthodox Christian" class

  • SPAZnik

    anewme - nice

  • aligot ripounsous
    aligot ripounsous

    Hei, Crumpet, that's a very down to earth user name. Aligot is a mixture of mashed potatoes with Auvergne unsalted cheese. It gives a nice sticky and thready puree, absolutely divine. Just have it with ripounsous, patois word for wild asparagus that you pick up in hedges, plus tripes (they say tripous) and local red wine (Marcillac or Chanturgue will do marvellously).

  • Crumpet

    It all sounded marvellous until you said tripes - I just dont think tripes is something I can eat. Maybe its the sound of the word as I have no idea what it actually consists of...we dont get that much wild asparagus in these parts unfortunately. Maybe its too damp and not enough sun here?

    Thank you for the explanation. You English is very good - are you native French? Mine is simply a derivative of my actual name and my school nickname but it does convey an English origin.

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