What's the difference between humans and animals if there is no God

by JH 85 Replies latest jw friends

  • Undecided

    If there is a God there is still little difference between animals and humans except humans have more ability to think. We live a few years, raise offspring, get sick by some bacteria or virus and die and so do the animals. What is the big difference because of a God?

    Ken P.

  • found-my-way


    very true, animals have not made beer (or WMD's)

  • onlycurious

    Okay, so let's get something straight. I don't despise animals. I love the furry little creatures. My dog is awesome and is a great addition to our family.

    I just see danger in teaching our children we are nothing more than an animal because the implication is that we are not uniquely designed and created. We are just an accident, a 'poof' that just happened.

  • under_believer

    > If I am merely an animal, and am just a happenstance that came into being
    > because of something called the evolutionary process, then:
    > I am not special, I am not created, I don't have a purpose, I am not intricately made,
    > I am not unique, I hold NO value or worth, I am not an individual.

    I find that conclusion to be astonishing. Why must the proposition that you weren't created mean all that stuff?

  • under_believer

    > We are the only species on the entire planet, in our entire solar system,
    > in our entire galaxy, in the whole universe with such great potential.


  • DHL

    I don't believe in a god and I don't think the difference between humans and animals is that big. Science can meanwhile prove that animals are quite intelligent, use tools, come to conclusions and make differing decisions because of that, have feelings, mourn, and so on. That pretty much describes humans, too.

    It always troubled me to think humans are the crown of creation as we were taught. Because I never heard about animals building WMD (as was already said) and destroying the earth for the sake of making (even more) money. Maybe humans are just a malfunction of nature, monsters if you will. So I consider it a strong possibility that humans will become extinct as we are so busy destroying our own foundation of existence. And I'd say, the earth will be a better place without humans. Hopefully it will then be able to regenerate - if mankind leaves anything on this planet that could be regenerated.

  • funkyderek


    If there is no God, does this make us the most intelligent Animal?

    We're the most intelligent animal anyway, regardless of whether there's a god. Similarly, the blue whale is the largest animal even if there are no fairies.


    The core of this thinking really de-values us as individuals.

    If I am merely an animal, and am just a happenstance that came into being because of something called the evolutionary process, then:

    I am not special, I am not created, I don't have a purpose, I am not intricately made, I am not unique, I hold NO value or worth, I am not an individual,

    I could go on but I am sure you get the point.

    Yes, the point is that you don't like what you believe to be the consequences of this possibility. That tells us nothing about whether the proposition is true or false. If I'm not a multi-millionaire, I will have to work hard for a living, I won't be able to visit the places I want, or help the people who need it most, or buy loads of stuff that I'd really like to have. Unfortunately, that doesn't make me a multi-millionaire. I'm sure you get the point.

    I am a youth worker and it is amazing to see adults scratch their heads and wonder why there is more depression, more suicide, more cutting, more anorexia, more substance abuse, more more more......

    Our children are a product of a few generations being told they were NOT created and intricately designed by a loving God who cares about them, knows every hair on their head, gave them a special personality of their own, breathed life into them and called it GOOD!

    So, that would necessarily mean that there is more crime, depression, suicide etc. in highly secularised societies, right? Can you provide some evidence that this is the case?

    Of course, whether there's a god or not, the fact is we evolved from apelike ancestors. We are animals with instincts, and it is the denial of these instincts that seems to lead to the biggest problems in society.

  • AlmostAtheist

    Douglas Adams (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy) said that humans think they're smarter than dolphins because we have technology, jobs, hobbies, art -- and all they do is play in the water all day long.

    Dolphins think THEY are smarter for precisely the same reasons. ;-)

    On the whole, I think I'd rather be a dolphin.


  • jaguarbass

    If there is no God, does this make us the most intelligent Animal?

    We eat animals more than they eat us.

    Is there a God or not? How can you figure that one out? I want there to be a God, or a father who helps me in this life. Helps me make wise decisions and enjoy this life fully.

    I guess it depends how I spin things in my head. If I want to see evidence of a God, I can.

    If I want to see evidence of no God, I can see that.

    That makes me think, Know God know peace. No God, No peace. Can you live your life based on graffiti writings?

    I dont know.

    If there is a God, I have a difficult time knowing him via the bible or religion. Which means I just have to know him on my own. And what can I make of that. He doesnt give me what I want. He doesnt give me what I ask for. But like the rolling stones say You might find sometimes, you might just get what you need.

    But everybody gets what they need. And when they cant get what they need, then they die.

    So I still cant figure out if there is a God or not.

    And yet sooner or later we all die.

  • kwintestal

    I just see danger in teaching our children we are nothing more than an animal because the implication is that we are not uniquely designed and created. We are just an accident, a 'poof' that just happened.

    I think it's much more dangerous to teach our children there is a God, especially the way it is being done now. We're destroying our earth, but no big deal, God will fix it. That takes the responsibility off of US. So who fixes it? Also, teaching our kids that there is a God, who's different then other people's gods. Our God is better, stronger and real. Other gods are false and weak, and are a tool of the devil. Where's tolerance in all of that, and accepting others rights to have beliefs? Teaching kids about God, teaches them to hate.

    Besides, who said us being here was an accident? Statistically speaking, it was bound to happen somewhere, and could very well have happened elsewhere as well. If you play the same numbers in the lottery for a million years and finally won, is it an accident?

    If evolution didn't happen, then why would God leave so many clues hidden around the earth and the universe to prove that he did?

    I remember reading an article a year or two ago regarding fossilized remains found on an island. The reason they were a big deal is because all the remains were miniturized. Elephants the size of horses. Why? Because there was no reason for them to be big. There were no preditors on the island so over millions of years they got smaller and smaller, just the natural evolutionary process. Why would God leave a clue like that?


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