Your Opinion Wanted-What should really be done to child molesters?

by avidbiblereader 96 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Hortensia

    First there's this statement: "A woman I know has a son who was dating a minor for a couple of years. He was about 19 or 20 and she was about 16 or so. The parents got mad about something and said they didn't want him seeing their daughter anymore. Mind you, they had been together and sexually active for a few years. "

    Why is it OK for this particular 19 year old to have sex with a minor when it isn't OK for others? Every 19 year old young man must know that having sex with a minor is against the law, and just because they are dating with the parent's approval doesn't make it suddenly legal. He brought this problem on himself and has paid and continues to pay the consequences. That is why they are called "jail bait." The only other thing I would say is that the parents who condoned an adult having sex with their minor daughter should also have gone to jail. What were they thinking?

    As for pedophiles, I don't believe they can be rehabilitated. I do believe that many of them act under compulsion, but we can't allow them to get away with it because of that. To protect others, they have to be incarcerated for life. I don't think we should torture them physically (castration, for instance) because we don't want to be as cruel as they are. But, I repeat, for the safety of others, jail for life. And young adults who think it's OK to have sex with a minor because they are "in love" or for some other self-deceiving reason should pay attention, what goes for one child molester should go for all.

  • stillajwexelder

    They should be castrated plain and simple

  • Scully

    Have the words CONVICTED CHILD MOLESTER tattooed on their foreheads, then give them a life sentence with no chance of parole in the general prison population. The problem will be fixed in due time, just like it did with Jeffrey Dahmer.

  • SixofNine

    "Why is it OK for this particular 19 year old to have sex with a minor when it isn't OK for others?"

    "OK" or not "OK", nothing of profound moral consequence happened to his psyche on either his 17th or 18th birthdays; he simply woke up the next day one day older.

    The law is a construct for the purpose of helping humanity, not for the purpose of hurting humans.

  • avidbiblereader

    Mini not to pick on you but you said

    Some are called "situational child molesters". Violence is the motivation to rape or molest. The victim could've been a woman walking down a lonely street, a 80 year old or even a child. Most of these types were affected by violence in their youth.

    When I went in for therapy, as stated to me, all who are abused have a choice Either become a link in the chain or break it, this is no excuse if you were abused. We all make consciensious decisions to be an abuser or break the chain of abuse. I had what my therapy team stated as the worst they ever heard, it doesn't give me an excuse to do it to others. Sorry but this is a decision to be a predator on others. abr

  • Fangorn

    public hanging

  • Scully

    Aren't there some people who are trying to advance the theory that pedophiles are attracted to children, that the attraction is hard-wired into their DNA and that it cannot be changed?

    If that's the case, and it becomes scientifically proven to be true, the NAMBLA people are going to be all over it and label it a sexual orientation, and fight for equality rights.

    However, there is always going to be the issue of children being deemed legally incapable to consent to participate in sexual activities with pedophiles. Whose rights override the others' rights? Children tend not to have the resources to lobby for their rights to be upheld, thus it will always be in the purview of the Courts to decide what is in their best interests. Pedophiles - especially well connected pedophiles (the two-edged sword of the Internet in evidence in this instance) - can certainly rally their troops and financial resources and lobby government for leniency, for recognition of their "disease", for funds to "help" them (in whatever manner their lawyers use semantics to muddy the waters).

    That's not a can of worms that I want to see opened.

  • nvrgnbk
    Castration and wear an implanted tracking device at all times. BA

    I don't know how you can beat this as a response. As other posters have mentioned, as heinous as the crime is the death penalty and torture seem like non-solutions while at the same time they dehumanize us.

    Sadly, there have been perpetrators that have continued to commit crimes even after castration, which leads to even more of a reason for incarceration.

    Thank you for expanding my understanding of this very tragic topic. Point taken.

    I have a question about this extremely complicated matter. Before asking it I wish to make clear that I intend no disrespect to any deity.

    Here goes:

    When is Jehovah, YHWH, Jesus, Allah, or Any Other Supreme Being just going to step in and prevent the rape and molestation of innocent children? If I had the power to do it, I would. What about you?

  • Mary

    Death penalty for sure. But being the caring soul that I am, I'd give them a choice: either the noose, or the firing squad.

    Scully said: Aren't there some people who are trying to advance the theory that pedophiles are attracted to children, that the attraction is hard-wired into their DNA and that it cannot be changed?

    Yep and naturally it's the creeps themselves who try and pawn their sick habits off on "genetics". Remember that pig out in B.C. a few years ago who, after being charged with raping children and taking porn shots of them, tried getting the Canadian Charter of Rights changed to include their right to have sex with children? He didn't succeed, but the fact that he even attempted such a thing is sickening.

  • heathen

    Why is it OK for this particular 19 year old to have sex with a minor when it isn't OK for others? Every 19 year old young man must know that having sex with a minor is against the law, and just because they are dating with the parent's approval doesn't make it suddenly legal. He brought this problem on himself and has paid and continues to pay the consequences. That is why they are called "jail bait." The only other thing I would say is that the parents who condoned an adult having sex with their minor daughter should also have gone to jail. What were they thinking?

    I don't think this is what we are talking about tho. There may be a law but if the parents gave consent and knew the sex was going on , you don't just turn around and throw a law in somebodies face after years of ignoring the law. I think we are talking about defensless young pre pubecent children .

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