Your Opinion Wanted-What should really be done to child molesters?

by avidbiblereader 96 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Bstndance

    castration or tans-orbital lobotomy old school style without anesthesia

  • LeslieV

    I personally think life in prison, but with other sex offenders only. They can then perpetrate on each other, not anyone else. Castration does not always by any means work. Think about the dirty old man. He might not be able to get it up any more, but uses his hands etc to molest.

    Bonnie, it is very possible that his oldest daughter is in denial about any molestation. It is a great coping mechanism for abuse survivors. They put it someplace else, compartmentalize the abuse. The problem is it ususally comes out in different ways. Whether it is flashbacks, nightmares, OCD behaviors, obesity, aneroxia, bumilic, the list goes on and on.


  • onlycurious

    It's a tough one because there are people that have to register now for a 'crime' that was committed with a consentual partner.

    ie. A woman I know has a son who was dating a minor for a couple of years. He was about 19 or 20 and she was about 16 or so. The parents got mad about something and said they didn't want him seeing their daughter anymore. Mind you, they had been together and sexually active for a few years.

    Well, the parents turned him in. He did time and now has to register as a 'sex offender' wherever he goes.

    For the sick pigs that harm innocent children....castration. Blow that baby right off!

  • minimus

    I don't think a child molester is NECESSARILY worse than a murderer. So far, it seems that they have something inherently wrong, defective with them. I think that killing anybody that poses a severe risk is ultimately the incorrect decision to make. Chemical castration is something that I think should be done for the public's benefit. If it is deemed that even after that step, a perp is still a violent danger, then incarceration is necessary. My view is that some who do these dastardly unnatural acts do them out of sick compulsion. If a hardened killer or molester or rapist made no bones about the fact that once they could get out, they'd wreak havoc on the innocents----then I say kill them!

  • Who are you?
    Who are you?
    Castration and wear an implanted tracking device at all times. BA

    I don't know how you can beat this as a response. As other posters have mentioned, as heinous as the crime is the death penalty and torture seem like non-solutions while at the same time they dehumanize us.

    Sadly, there have been perpetrators that have continued to commit crimes even after castration, which leads to even more of a reason for incarceration.

  • avidbiblereader
    My view is that some who do these dastardly unnatural acts do them out of sick compulsion

    My personal experience is that these people prey on others, this is well thought out behavior, a compulsion, I don't agree. If people knew there was a tougher or final act for their crimes, I would think they would think twice about it.

    Instead of preying on the young and helpless, go find another consenting adult and do your act with them, this is about power and sickness, they ruin lives the same as a murderer except the person lives with it everyday.

    Which is worse?


  • minimus

    You don't believe that some might do this out of a sick compulsion???

  • avidbiblereader

    Not in my personal experience, no, a person who does this kind of unnatural act is beyond compulsion. Stupid stuff is compulsive but not these acts, murder out of rage can be compulsive, but not victimizing a child, a defenseless and helpless child. NO.


  • Finally-Free
    ruin lives the same as a murderer except the person lives with it everyday.

    And then there's the added insult of a victim's tax dollars supporting a "correctional" system that will feed, clothe, and house his abuser. Hell, while in jail the abuser can even get a college education at the expense of the taxpayer.


  • lonelysheep
    You don't believe that some might do this out of a sick compulsion???

    I don't, Min. It is controlling, manipulative and completely intentional. It is sick, but not in the way of being a mental disorder. They allow themselves to be turned on by children.

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