Tell us a weird fact about yourself

by ninja 120 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jeffro

    I know pi by heart to 40 decimal places
    I can (usually) induce goose bumps on command

  • J-ex-W

    I just bought a new clear shower curtain for my one and only bathroom in my brand new apartment--not because I need it (I already bought and put up my nice opaque one that goes with the decor). I bought this second one because the design of it is a nice, bright multi-colored ATLAS of the WORLD...

    ...and I justCould Not Resist!! I don't even have the kids anymore (or even the kids visiting me now) to blame it on... All I can think of is that this just makes me DORK of the WORLD...!!

    And yet...I refuse to send it back: I've decided it's going up as a wall hanging in the second least for as long as I can afford to pay to keep thae room open for my own use. So now ya know about me. And now I know about me, too. [I scare myself a little...]

  • J-ex-W
    i hate pickles on a burger

    I'm sorry, TWITCH...I wish I had known this. I just don't think I can dance with you anymore....

  • Terry
    Terry only thought I was finished being weird!

    I once memorized the entire Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Coleridge for my 8th grade English class and recited it. (It took the whole period to perform.) The bell rang before I was finished, but, nobody moved until I was done!

    I once turned down a "threesome".

    In my 30's (in California) people use to think I was Clint Eastwood.

    I found out I could draw when I was 18. My first portrait was a pencil drawing that was so photo-realistic my high school principal forced me to transfer from Business Ed to Commercial Art.

    I was too shy to date.

    I was almost raped in prison. Right afterward I had revenge fantasies of throwing boiling water in the face of my attacker. (Thankfully, he was removed to a maximum security facility.)

    I wanted to be a bodybuilder when I was 13. I exercised with weights three times a day! I only weighed 165 lbs and couldn't gain a pound. I walked everywhere until my first car (age 22).

    At a District Assembly once I asked two different sisters to sit with me at the same time. I crossed my arms and held hands with each of them without either knowing about the "other". I had overcome my shyness by then :)

    Once, during sex, I got bored and got up and started ironing my shirt.

    I use to have a friend of mine shoot an arrow at me (50 yards away) so that I could grab the arrow out of the air before it hit me.

    I can recite the alphabet backwards in less than four seconds.

    I can multiply two three digit numbers together in my head and give the correct answer.

    When I was a teen I would stay up all night reading three books simultaneously. So bad was my inferiority complex I sought to "improve" myself every chance I got. I sadly thought "knowing things" would improve my social skills! HA!

    In person I play dumb and crack silly jokes.

  • myelaine

    dear Terry...

    you would get along great with my bf and his computer...but not me...I don't like it at all when people play smacks of insincerity and it's ignorant...imo.

    as always, love michelle

    + I scare myself too...but that's a different story all about me and it's not really "all about me"

  • tan
    Since my car accident years ago I can dislocate my shoulder allowing me to lick my elbow.


  • Finally-Free
    i hate pickles on a burger

    Me too. It's not that I dislike pickles, I just don't want any flavour in my burger that will overpower the meat, which should be the main attraction. W

  • Junction-Guy

    I collect travel brochures. Everytime Im traveling I stop at a Welcome Center and pick up more brochures. I have a fifty gallon storage tub full of brochures, plus several boxes under the bed. I probably have about 500 pounds of brochures in my apartment.


    I used to be invisible..Now this keeps happening Doctor ..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • ninja

    I rap eminem songs at karaoke without looking at the words....I learnt this because I couldn't sing and felt left out when all my friends got up to sing at nights out...improvise ,adapt and overcome

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