Did the heavenly calling cease in 1935? Not anymore!

by AnnOMaly 288 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Quandry

    I don‘t think the R&F JW really give a toss about Bible understanding, teachings, doctrines, or any other Truth, just go along to the meetings, be a mindless’s JW who attends meetings, that’s what it is all about, nothing more, just a Religious’ Organization that Meets

    Yes. I agree. When I was sitting at the meetings, knowing that I could not begin to understand the WT in my lap, usually confused and not knowing what to answer, I smugly contented myself that I was THERE--sitting at the meetings. Ah, I was obedient, thus assured survival of the big A.

    It has become like the Catholic repeating the Rosary many times. It is the act. One can be seen attending the meetings. You occupy the chair, therefore you are saved.

  • Quandry

    "They do not belive that their being of the anointed gives them special "insights" beyond what even some experienced members of the great crowd may have."

    If they do not have "special insights" then how are they receiving information from the ones of the annointed who are "evidently" giving them information from heaven about the identification of the "great crowd" since they were resurrected beginning in 1935 as the WT announced earlier?

  • DanTheMan

    I think that this is all an effort to put the 144,000 doctrine in the same place they've relegated so many doctrines from the past - out there somewhere and still part of the official theology but far from the conscious minds of the r&f JW's.

    I imagine that in a few years that using the word "annointed" at the kingdom hall would garner the same "huh?" reaction as using the word "Colporteur" or "Jonadab".

    The dumb-dumb-dumbing down continues. The Org is simply on cruise control, and exists for no other reason than to perpetuate itself.

    "Hi, my name is DanTheMan and this is my friend Bobtheslob, we're out today visiting your neighborhood and sharing truth's from God's word the Bible. This issue of The Watchtower has an interesting article about the annointed class of Christians, and how it was once believed that the sealing of this class was over in 1935, but how now Christians aren't to judge other Christians who partake of the emblems at the Memorial. Would you be interested in having a copy?"

  • OnTheWayOut
    It seems that resurrected ones of the 24-elders group may be involved in the communicating of divine truths today.

    Okay, here's my speculation after a good night's sleep and meditation.

    Since the resurrected ones are communicating the divine truth to the Governing Body,
    it's no longer necessary to put anointed in the Governing Body.

    Since being anointed doesn't give you any special insight, and since your calling is
    a personal one that nobody else is able to question, and it is possible that many
    partakers are not truly anointed, the WTS will discontinue counting them.

    This way, the drones will be able to feel that the GB is truly spirit-directed when new
    members are appointed. They can secretly look down on people who partake, saying
    "He thinks he's anointed, ha ha." For the most part, nobody will notice or care if the
    partakers numbers reduce.

    Plenty of articles are being studied about "those that leave Jehovah" because they feel
    that some will wake up to the new changes, and question them. Others will be sufficiently
    mind-controlled not to listen to the ones who woke up.

  • BluesBrother

    Got the mag today , I am glad that someone has scanned it already.....If I were a practising dub, what would I think?

    When the "1914 generation" was dispensed with in 1995 it was the first sowing of seeds of doubt. I could see clearly that doctrine was being changed to fit the circumstances, rather than setting the standard that would be proven true by circumstances. Basically , if it doesn't come true then change it ....

    The only limiting factor on the timescale was the existence of the remnant and their aging , they clearly expect some to be still here at the Gt Trib...Now that has been blown away too. The remnant will be added to indefinitely by people of any age so their age will be irrelevant. The only indication of the last days are the subjective interpretation of Matt 24 and 2 Tim 3.. That can be extended indefinitely

    The WTS is becoming a religion that promises a reward sometime soon, but with no time limit ... just like any church

    They cut the cloth according to the times and try to fool the flock .. Sadly most will still buy it

  • nvrgnbk


    These brainwashing bastards make me sick. We were taught that living certain things, believing things taught, meant the difference of life and death. They start running out of time, start looking silly, they just change doctrins.

    Every new literary bowel-movement from these guys just smells even worse than the previous. I can't believe what I'm reading.

    I'm beginning to see the whole "revolving-door" thing in action. They throw this garbage out there knowing that thinking persons will have trouble swallowing and they really don't seem to care. They welcome it. Only the effectively brainwashed, a loyal core of drones remains.

    Thanks JWD and all of you thinkers that make it up for helping to save my life,


  • Quandry

    On the way out,

    It seems that resurrected ones of the 24-elders group may be involved in the communicating of divine truths today.

    Okay, here's my speculation after a good night's sleep and meditation.

    Since the resurrected ones are communicating the divine truth to the Governing Body,
    it's no longer necessary to put anointed in the Governing Body.

    Yes-that's what I was trying to say but my post was confusing and yours-well, isn't. If no one is special, then who do these 24 elders communicate with? If the spiritual food is dispensed from the FDS, and they are all annointed, and they receive "divine truths" from dead annointed, doesn't that make them have "special insights?"

    If no one is special, then the dead annointed can choose to send their "communication of divine truths" to anyone, can't they?

    So if someone jumps up in the middle of the meeting and begins yelling that they are receiving "divine truths from the 24 elders" should they be tackled and hustled outside, or should the PO be calling the governing body with "new light?"

  • Blueblades

    Someone mentioned that the Revealtion Climax Book being studied at the book study has to be changed again with this new light on 1935. Does anyone know where in the book 1935 is mentioned concerning the old light. Someone printed out all the changes that were made in the climax book before they began to study it for the third, fourth or fifth time. Just wondering what the book study conductor will do with this new light when they come to the old understanding in the climax book.


  • blondie

    ** re chap. 20 p. 125 par. 18 A Multitudinous Great Crowd ***

    Their being identified in 1935 as the great crowd of other sheep was an indication that the choosing of the 144,000 was then about complete.

  • garybuss

    I can can't wait to see the new outline for the memorial talk.

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