Does Knowing the Truth Make you a Happier person?

by gumby 152 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Crumpet

    GUMBY! Oh my god - how did I miss this thread? By you! Who I have missed to little tiny pieces - come here ya pesky varmint and give me a kiss!

    Me too, but that didn't make me a happy person. Happiness has to come from within. At least now that I know that their teachings are false I can concentrate on fixing my own problems NOW rather than waiting for some mythical "new system" to sweep all my irritations into oblivion.


    I am with Finally Free on this one. I am much happier knowing the truth. What I thought was the truth was a horrible ugly truth. I was going to die young and so were all the other human beings I shared the planet with - just because God had a major ego problem and couldnt stand a little competition. Just because HE couldn't stand the fact that some of us would rather spend Sunday making love with other human beings or spending time with our kids than paying lip service to Him all dang day. The real truth is not stark to me. What I thought was truth was a nightmare of constant guilt, unworthiness, futility, distrust, hatred, and that this was pretty much as good as it would ever get made me suicidal. I didnt see how paradise was going to stop me feeling unworthy and evil unless God did a personality transplant on entry and frankly looking around the hall - he was going to need complete reprogramming for 80% of the people there or they were going to be unbearable companions in eternity.

    I am so happy that that is not the reality and that the 20% who were good decent folks found their way here.

    Every day I feel a bit more positive and each day is exciting now - its not just one more day on the road to armageddon anymore - its one more day I can enjoy, make progress as a human being and I love it even though tough stuff is happening with me right now and all the things that I thought were certain are not.

    Embrace the uncertainty and learn to love the surprises each day offers!

    And come to crump fest in vegas on may 26th -LOL!

  • mouthy

    I have not read all the posts.So forgive me if my answer upsets any oneBut Even though you KNOW Gumby that what you were told & swallowed was supposed to be truth ,You NOW know it was the lie. YOU have PART of truth!!!! but not all.You see you have given up your life to do something you dont believe in> Go to meetings WHY!!!! did you do that???? LOVE!!! did ya hear me LOVE!!!! That is TRUTH ( Well MY GOD tells ME that Love is what we should have for even our enemies) I am not saying your family are enemy- but look what you did? sacrificed your feelings for wife, kids, grandkids< Yes I am MUCH happier since I was kicked out of the lie...Yes I lost some of my family.... to the lie. But what I have since finding that out is> PEACE!!!! I do regret that I made so many people JWs & I cry about that sometimes, but then I read Romans 8:1 it gives me peace not as the world figures peace is but a settling inside my "inners" that I took a wrong path in life & listened to men...All men!!!! While my kids were dying !!( you know about them) I started to really put my trust in HIM The God of TRUTH....No man taught me about HIM..I can honestly say I felt his presence while I was looking after them.....before they died, daily for 1 year 7 months( BOTH!!!! )Now think about it Gumby !! say you KNOW your kids are going to die.....Would you not ask God( even though you dont believe there is one) as a last straw?? He gave me the strength to do all I did, I KNOW I couldnt have done it without HIm Yes I cried to him, got angry with HIm yelled at HIM... But I feel because THEY had asked Jesus to be with them - And believed they were going to see him...I feel that what the WT told me is true- THE ONLY TRUTH they told me They have no pain, no tears, no suffering now...Eye hasnt seen ear hasnt heard heart cannot
    per ceive what HE has in store for them."...I'll never have to worry about getting old. < Mary said in her post ( some one said to her) Yes as I sit here old wrinkled,one foot in the grave.I truly DO belive HE is managing my life now. I handed it all to HIM ...Sorry it is a ramble ....But You know old old old folks RAMBLE!!! Invite my friend in ( JESUS!!!!.

  • acadian
    How about you personally......are you a happier person?

    I was before the borg, during and after, my happiness is not determined by what's on the outside but whats on the inside... Gumby, what you are looking for, you have already found, and it's YOU! The Kingdom is within start there... Rather than continuing your search for truth, just start living you know how to treat other's the way you like to be treated? What is truth? But to love one another...that's truth. scripture says "to owe no one anything, except to love". "Be the change you want to see"...Gandi Acadian

  • KW13

    Well i think if knowing you ain't going to paradise and that the dubs are brainwashed doesn't make ya a tad miserable, the depression cos of the society will.

  • anewme

    What's changed Gumdub? Nothing really. You got your family and friends back! So I think its not truth that makes you happier, its having true friends and happy family life that makes a person happy.

    The larger mysteries of life may be beyond our grasp, but you have succeeded in reuniting with your loved ones and that is a very happy thing.

    So be happy sweetheart.

    A few witnesses have succeeded in fooling the system by attending the occasional meeting, skipping FS altogether, growing a beard, faking an injury or illness, and keeping their families and their sanity.

    I like the story of the astronomer Galileo who renounced his theories in order to stay alive. Do we respect him any less? No. He knew the truth would stay the truth and be discovered someday with or without his sacrifice.
    We here know how you feel and why you returned to the borg. Your reasons are totally understandable.

    You have our blessing Gumby!

    And you have our love.

    We miss you so much and appreciate your occasional post! It is a cause for celebration here!!!!


  • Blueblades

    Hi Gumby! Many of history's greatest thinkers have wrestled, ( as you and I many others on this forum are doing now, ) wrestling with the ultimate question of belief and nonbelief. Life after death etc.Though it might seem unlikely that any new arguments could possibly be raised on either side, in the end we are left with deciding for ourselves which path to follow. To answer your question, what you wrote in your opening comments on this topic is where I too find myself., unsettled. Happiness for me is a day to day thing. My family and grandson is my happiness. All the best to you and yours.


  • UnConfused

    Hey GumGuy - I felt JUST AS YOU DESCRIBED for quite a while. All I can say to you is for some reason it passed. I think mostly due to realizing that either way there isn't anything you or I can do about any of it.

    If the Bible is true, all we can really really do is try to be a good a person as we can be and let the rest go.

  • nvrgnbk

    Thanks unconfused for simplifying what so many religions and individuals have fought over for centuries.

    If the Bible is true, all we can really really do is try to be a good a person as we can be and let the rest go.

    And if it isn't true, your plan works just as well.

    Love and respect,


  • sf
    I did however go back for the sake of my family because life for me was too awful without them and I couldn't cope. I now have myfamily back but the difference now is.....I have no hope for meand my family and so this question now hits me in the face each and I a happier person in knowing the truth?

    I rest MY case. How much more pathetic can you be? Just as long as YOU, YOURSELF AND YOUR FAMILY are intact, death, hared, corruption and deception TO THE OTHERS and POTENTIAL OTHERS will not cause YOU to lose any sleep, then have at it BROTHER.

    Tell me gumby, and others, what's it FEEL like holding hands with those whose are stained with the blood of innocent life that have died due to the policies you CHOSE/ CHOOSE to re-connect with and endorse as "dedicated members"?

    TELL ME!

    I am reaching a breaking point here with this type of selfish insanity. How much more precious is YOUR family compared to your fellow brothers family gumby, and others [LURKERS IN PARTICULAR]? Or that of the unsuspecting potential "householder with children" that very well will take the "golden carrot of everlasting life"? DO YOU CARE ABOUT THEM AND THEIR FAMILIES BROTHER?

    How in the HELL could you condon this organizations death records of young life due to the mangled blood policy by re-ALIGNING YOUR-SELF with Them, again?

    I must say, you TYPE of people infuriate me to no end. Yes, it's MY infuriation to deal with. And guess what?

    I intend on doing just that.

    SHOPPING TIP: BLEACH IS A GREAT BARGAIN AT YOUR LOCAL 99CENT STORES! I'm sure there's plenty for you all to stock up on. [ Although, I hear tell that you can't really ever get rid of bloodstains COMPLETELY. But it hasn't stopped any of you so far.]


  • Quandry


    For many, not knowing is ok by them. They live life to the fullest and enjoy life in not knowing all these things i've mentioned. I wish I were as they are in not knowing but unfortunatley for me personally, i'm not ok with this. On one hand i'm glad to know the truth about the witnesses but on the other hand i'm left void.

    I have thought alot about your topic and discussed it with my husband. He does not post on here, but we are on the same page of misery about the devastating dissilutionment that sets in once one knows that the wizard is controlled by the man behind the curtain, and no amount of yelling by the man to pay no attention to him but to look to the wizard can make you believe again.

    We devoted more than thirty years to believing that the big A was right around the corner, didn't take vacations because we would miss service and/or meetings, felt smug in our knowledge that the people around us were doomed, felt the guilt of never measuring up completely, and all other things good dubs do.

    I had always thought (and felt kinda bad about it) that people like Mother Theresa were wonderful, caring individuals, even though not JWs. Well, I still do. There are people who care about their fellow man and those are still the ones I admire.

    I also think about the knowledge I do have about Jesus. He went where the people were, healing all that came to him, no matter how tired or hungry he was. He did have the power to do good, and used it in this way. He did not complain about the people who came to him, even though they may have walked for miles and smelled bad or had horrible sores on their bodies.

    I would really like to know how Jesus wants me to worship God. I wish I did have the answers to the questions the way I once thought I did. I do want to worship in the right way. I can only rely on the knowledge that I love the man who did so much good for others, even as I love Mother Theresa for helping the poorest of the poor. (By the way, I was never Catholic even before JWs) I would love to be in the midst of people who feel for others the way Jesus and MTheresa did. Will this ever happen? I want to hope.

    Yes, I feel the void........


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