Dallas ApostaCrawfest -- Official Thread

by Elsewhere 516 Replies latest members meetups

  • hambeak

    Thanks Nina for the post keep us all posted you are the greatest.

    Sparky are you watching? You need to be there with Chris and Garvin and the Kids Daddy has spoken. LOL

  • Junction-Guy

    All right Nina, I'll stay tuned. By the way, where did all that dust come from? Did it just blow in from West Texas?

  • hambeak

    Friendly one your post is inapropriate what are you trying to say?

  • averyniceguy

    FriendlyOne is a troll!

  • cruzanheart

    Yes, Junction-Guy, I think it was definitely West Texas -- all the flags I saw were flying straight west today. Let me tell you, the drive from Murphy to Irving was quite an adventure! I was hanging onto the steering wheel like an old lady (hands at 10 and 2, STRONG grip) and the car was still weaving in the lane, especially when I went on an overpass. I heard on the news that the winds were 50-55 mph, and I believe it. Our roof sustained some damage -- found a section of shingles in the backyard when we got home.

    Ah, Texas . . . such INTERESTING weather . . .


  • Junction-Guy

    Wow, Y'all do have some interesting weather down there.

  • cruzanheart

    [picking grit out of my teeth] Tell me about it . . .

    When I went outside for the paper this morning the wind was blowing briskly. When I got out of the grocery store at 11:30 I had to hold onto the grocery cart so it wouldn't go flying down the parking lot. When Jennie and I left at 1:15 to head over to Elsewhere's to scope out the clubroom and hotel situation, the car was literally being moved by the wind as I was driving. At that point I called Chris and suggested that he close the windows in the house, because he was getting over a sinus infection and Jackson was getting over a bad asthma attack. By the time Elsewhere and Jennie and I had reserved the clubroom and got in the car to look at hotels, the dust had moved in and we felt like we were driving on Mars. After the second time we got out, it was time to call it a day. The wind just about took off the car door. Jennie said she had grit in her chewing gum, my eyes were hurting from the dust, and Elsewhere was losing his voice.

    Fortunately, this doesn't happen very often.


  • Junction-Guy

    Wow, I would love to have been there to experience all of that. We dont get duststorms here in Tennessee.

  • Quentin

    Count me in and PM with were to send donations for the expense...Hey congrats LittleToe, didn't know you were getting hitched...when I met you you were a free wheeling single guy...tsk, tsk...things do change, eh?

  • Rabbit

    Count 2 rabbits that will be at the festivities!

    I heard on the news that the winds were 50-55 mph, and I believe it. Our roof sustained some damage -- found a section of shingles in the backyard when we got home.

    Ah, Texas . . . such INTERESTING weather . . .


    *sigh* About 1/2 of our roof...was in our back pasture! It's been an interesting day. A friend of ours in west Texas says all the dust came from her yard.

    Da' Rabbits (enjoying Texas weather... tonight)

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