A reminder on Shunning family members again in the January 15th Watchtower!

by Gill 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gill

    I think the first two paragraphs are interesting in that they seem to equate leaving home and more than likely, leaving the Watchtower society, as leaving God!

    'A Christian woman whom we will call Joy, tried to raise her son to love Jehovah God. When he reached his late teens, though the son rebelled and left home. " It was the deepteest hurt I had ever experienced.!" Joy says, ' I felt betrayed, broken hearted, and frustrated. I was overwhelmed by negative thoughts.'

    Perhaps you too have tried to raise your children to love and serve God - only to see one or more of them turn their back on him. How can you cope with such bitter disappointment? What will help you to remain steadfast in your service to Jehovah/'

    The annoying thing about this article, is that 'we' children who have recognised that the Watchtower is nothing more than a book publishing company are berated as a disappointment to our parents. Simply because we don't want to add to the profits of this huge coorporation and remain a slave to it, our parents are recommended to shun us!

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    They failed to deal with a third, very real and frequent situation.

    The child is not a minor, but is living at home, disfellowshipped.

    Let me tell you from personal experience that it will not be pleasant for parents who elect to act as if Love is part of thier thinking here.


  • truthsetsonefree
    Let me tell you from personal experience that it will not be pleasant for parents who elect to act as if Love is part of thier thinking here.

    No question about the above. They will be under constant pressure to shun the kid. Put them out. Especially if any of the parents are elders, MSs or pioneers. In fact it is grounds for removal.


  • Gill

    Good point AK - Jeff! It might be embarrassing to include the usual advice that a non minor child, still living at their parents home, who is disfellowshipped should be evicted. I'm sure someone will be able to find the Watchtower quotes for that 'situation'!

  • Gill

    I do know of a disfellowshipped 16 year old boy who was thrown out of his parents home at the beginning of the year.

    He was very lucky to have such good NON JW friends to move in with.

  • My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW
    My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW
    'Remaining Steadfast When a Child REbels'

    In reality, at one time or another all normal children rebel, experiment, test the waters,....don't they?

    You can draw his attnetion to various scriptures and to the publications provided by the 'faithful and discreet slave.' WTS

    or you could just be a normal parent, see it for what it is, and use common sense in dealing with your child, instead of further alienating them.

    a christian parent would strive to avoild needless associati on.

    Unless you need moral or financial support from the people you are shunning, then it is OK under the grounds of calling it business related

    Siding with your rebellious child would not be providing any real protection from the Devil. hysterical thinking created by the WTS.

    Being a responsible parent would. Not raising your child in a cult and putting pressure on them to get baptized at a ridiculously early age just to appease you, helps as well.

  • jambon1

    They never cease to amaze me with this cruel, heartless, bullshit.

  • Gary1914
    If the child is a minor and is living at home, you will naturally continue to take care of his physical needs.

    Actually, this is frightening. What about the child's emotional needs? It is not enough to just feed and clothe a child. A childs needs to feel that he/she has self-worth and that he is loved for being just who he is.

    Suppose the child is in his teens and is old enough to make up his own mind about the religion he follows? He does not have to be a fornicator, or a drunkard, etc., etc. Is he still to be treated so poorly by his parents? This is one of the sickest articles I have ever seen!

  • Hoping4Change

    In what way does shunning (especially one's own children) imitate Jesus (or Jehovah)? Was David ever shunned? How would JW's answer these questions?

  • Mary

    I just find it so heartening to listen to the bullshit written about shunning your children by f**king stupid men who have never HAD children to begin with......what morons.

    What I find incredible, is that this stone cold, heartless bullshit is written in the pages for WORLDLY parents to read (assuming that people are still placing the rags to the public). If I were a worldly person who read an article stating that if my child 'rebelled', then I would be obligated to shun them, there's no damn way I'd ever want to join. Jeezus, don't the boneheads in the Writing Department think before they write?

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