Gays Leave JWD!

by hambeak 141 Replies latest jw friends

  • sass_my_frass

    Hambeak, sorry to hear it; but you may need to inform the police and arrange a restraining order.

  • wozadummy

    For some reason I feeled compelled to speak up and not with the usual politically correct phrases. I've read hambeak's posts and never really picked up on him being "gay" ,and you know I really like to read posts on different topics without the underlying tone of these posts being from a "gay"perspective. Some one phoning up like that is terrible to put somone down for ANY known thing which is, to me a private matter. Advertising your sexual inclinations on a primarily Jehovahs Witness discussion forum to me is tasteless and I don't give a shit if it's popular to condascend,fluff up, or pander to the whims of some people thru commenting on how terrible it is to bash verbally "gays". I hate this terminology given to "classes" of people ,labelling them and then they get verbally bashed don't they? If I had a bent for hiding cherbals in my butt and came on here seeking support from all because some dick abused me ,would you all rush to me with sympathetic messages to the same degree I wonder .What if I complained that I was born this way with "cherbal in my butt" fetish ,supposedly caused by my dna and too many fluffy teddies in my crib ,would I get the same response from all here ? For I think I should not for this is a discussion group for JW stuff is it not?

    Or am I being labelled now as a poofter basher myself now, well no I should,nt be but that just depends on whether you all consider yourselves as sheep in white and I'm black. That's why I'm saying this coz to follow the popular flow of thinking is weakness as I see it and to pander to someones homosexuallity is just that. They are not victims but select it by intelligent choice and painting them as a minority is not true is it? So why the great displays of sympathy coz he's "gay"....he or she is human and should be EQUALLY treated as a person not a poor victim. If someone treats a crippled person badly does'nt that just make it a bad event from that other person ,and I would imagine that the crippled person would not want gushings of "oh you poor person " for we see you are a cripple. Some people stand out in this world by CHOICE and others suffer bigotry for being born disabled - now is anyone going now to say coz a "gay" says he's born that way he's a cripple, he could'nt help it?

    I'm going to read hambeak's posts the same way as I always did ,with interest, I don't want to know if someones sexual leaning are this way or that ...if there is a god who judges all he will one day give the answer individually to each one's life and if he condemns"gays" at that moment, who will stand by them then I wonder?



  • crazyblondeb

    well shut my mouth, and slap my grandma!! Are you gay Hambeak??? homerdoh

    I'd have never known!! heeheehee Iloveyou

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I have not read all five pages - But, Hambeak, you and many of those who have professed sexual preferences different from mine are ABSOLUTELY WELCOME IMO.

    I never knew any gay people as a witness, at least not personally or well. But those I have come to know since leaving have been a welcome part of my life. Gays are just people. Period. To be embraced!

    Stick around, please.


  • blondie

    The only time I would like to see someone banned from JWD is someone who professes to be a pedophile or condones the pedophile’s lifestyle.

    Homosexuals are NOT pedophiles.

    I don’t like to see descriptions of what a person did sexually with whomever posted on JWD. If that turns you on, PM each other, or email.

    If religiously someone is banning gays from JWD, why not people who are having sex with each other but are not married to each other or are married to someone else?


  • jgnat

    And here just this morning I was preparing to "out" myself as a gay sympathizer. This board was a big reason for my change in perspective. Watching how the ex-JW community struggles for acceptance, for basic HUMANITY, helped me realize what the whole gay rights fight is all about. It's about treating each other as worthy human beings. Gays are CERTAINLY welcome here, as fellow fighters for justice and equality.

    I WILL write more about my thoughts, kind of an open letter to the evangelical community.

    In the meantime, hambeak, feel free to PM any of the mods the name of this harrasser.

  • IP_SEC
    EVERYONE is welcome on jwd, especially gays.

    naw.. now that goes a little far dontcha?

  • lonelysheep

    WHO is this person, Hambeak?? Please drop a hint or something.

  • hambeak

    I will not say who this person is as he will identify himself by his viscious diatribe. He lives about 1800 miles from texas so he can just stew in his own ignorance because that is just what it is.

  • kwintestal

    Some people can't get over their narrow-minded, "I'm right an everyone else is wrong," attitudes. There's a lot of hate in this world and that's what it stems from. Until people start realizing that we're all just people, human beings no matter what we think, look like or do then people are going to hate other people. I'm not really a religious person any longer, but as I recall Jesus NEVER said anything about hating others because of their diferences, EVER.


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