How Often Do You Come To JWD During A Day, Week or Month??? Hours or Mins?

by minimus 559 Replies latest jw friends

  • *summer*

    Dear CoCo...

    Nice to read you feel better already:-)

    Not wanting to minimize any the end, it often simply boils down to "mind over matter".

    And as the saying goes..."if you don't mind, it doesn't matter".

    Be well...


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    Though today be winter's herald of sturm und drang for a duratious spell, I sense a hint of summer zephyrs wafting about the brow. Since I do not mind what frozen waste should lie in wait before me, it truly could not matter less now, could it? How such messages transmit from there to here, this simple rustic could never imagine. That in no wise causes their reality and sure benefit to the recipient to be of dimininished import ...

    L'ete est plus proche que l'on ne pense ...


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    I've only just returned from Montenegro. The stakes were high: a buy-in of 10 big ones. Beech recouped after a major falter. Vesper, as ever, was radiant, a flame encased in ice. Survival instinct, I daresay. Oh, yes ... the water was divine.

    Home again. Jet lag was minimal though the prototype's near, on-ground decimation could put me off surface transport for an eternity, and then some.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    Janus is looking both ways. I am attempting to look forward with conviction and hope. A life lived in fear is a life half-lived. The little fakir was so right in declaring that love and truth shall prevail and that injustice must be made visible. Tyrants and murderers only seem invincible; they do fall.

    We must speak our truth though at times there is great wisdom in silence. As publishers, we spoke far too much and proclaimed far too loudly our own righteousness and not that of GOD. And now, looking forward, I do wonder about what is truly righteous.

    Does one have the luxury of time in settling timeless questions of life and death in one's own mind? This one has. Whether there is eternity or there is not eternity, my concern is how I use this moment. I am content to let the universe unfold as it should. Anxiety over my personal destiny was part of youth, and that is gone, as well as the dark imaginings of which Max spoke. Max has given me clarity ...

    Looking forward,


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    P.O. has just revealed that there are more disaffected, lost sheep than I could ever have imagined. They are hounded by elders who apparently have no capacity to understand your personal trial, your anguish. There is no excuse whatsoever to be anything less than an active participant in God's Organization. Feeble, frail, elderly, emotionally demolished due to personal tragedy ... get to the meetings!

    Is HIGH DEMAND ORGANIZATION a fitting appellation?


  • VoidEater

    Diary: Please assure CoCo that the strong no longer need the crutch of the fabulist, apocalyptic, nihilist organization they have escaped from. I am a little worried.

  • llbh

    Dear Diary

    i like voideater's take on this.

    I do not have the answers about my long term destiny and suspect that i never will though i would like to, This was the reason for me joining the wts. The fact that they did not sate this desire and lied to boot is one of the reasons i left . To not consider the issue though is to not look at the stars and wonder in awe.

    Yours reflectively llbh

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    You just never know whence the answers shall come!

    Yes, the strong are seeing clearly now. I told P.O. that my absence of 18 months from the KH has resulted in a state of mind and condition of heart I could never have believed possible. But those still in have cognitive dissonance, i.e., if they've begun thinking. They cannot connect their perpetual anxiety and angst to its actual source: the Society. P.O. and I wanna help ease their voyage of discovery and emancipation.

    I've found peace in my acknowledgement of not needing to have all the answers. I still look at the stars - ever in awe - but no longer care about all the details ...

    Thanks for the floating thoughts.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    Our paths should not have crossed. Not at this time. Not at this place. He was in Paris (no, not that Paris), and I was headed for The Sound. The water was a bit choppier than usual. I had forgotten to take the requisite Dramamine. You know me, Dear Diary. I can't even manage a carnival ride without major nausea. So it shouldn't surprise you then that I "went by rail," the old ferry bobbing deliriously like a cork. Am I digressing? The paths that crossed. Yes, that's what you're waiting to hear. I know that.

    We finally made it to shore. The waves were merciless and we nearly took out a section of dolphins before mooring. I was never so glad to hit the shore, and hit it we did. [Highlights from "Carmen" are playing now on NPR, 02:35 a.m. Is this Christmas music? The announcer, Mort Jacobson just said so but I didn't catch how] Once on the dock I dodged the hustle and bustle as best I could but how do you stop a tidal wave? I simply wanted to get to Town, flag down a cab and get to the old Henderson place and settle in with Betty and Don. They would be glad to see me, I them. It had been too many years.

    I got jostled - not the usual or expected jostled - so abruptly that my grip fell to the splintered deck and I lost my balance. Before I completed my tumble forward, I felt a firm clasp on my shoulder. Suspended animation, the descent abruptly arrested. As I regained my composure and a measure of dignity lost, I turned around to thank the stranger who stopped my fall.

    It was no stranger ...

    Back later, D.D. Breakfast beckons. I can't go too long without food.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    It was Stan, my younger brother. We had neither seen nor even talked to each other for the 5 years since I defected. The parting was acrimonius, to say the least. I was his hero, his mentor in all matters, but especially those spiritual. We just looked into each others' eyes for what seemed hours, oblivious to that continuous bustle and jostling I mentioned earlier. Neither of us uttered a sound, perhaps each in his own way afraid to be the first to give in (you know, a guy thing). When I saw the tears streaming down my little brother's face I knew we both were home.


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