How Often Do You Come To JWD During A Day, Week or Month??? Hours or Mins?

by minimus 559 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    Where have you been? I've been searching high and low for hours! I guess you just did up and walk off. You gave me a fwight!
    Sergei Prokofiev's "Classical Symphony" [# 1] has concluded. He was in class, I believe, and conducting a work by F.J. Haydn. That was the moment of inspiration that prompted him to write a piece in the manner of Haydn. I do enjoy what is, arguably, his most famous symphony. Mine, however, is the # 5. Somehow, I find myself transported to a prehistoric world of mists and earthy upheavals. Terrible Lizards and their plodding gait---stomp, stomp, stomping through primeval glens. A few pterodactyls thrown in for good [or bad?] measure. Why do I think these things? I tell stories to my students and urge them to never lose their imagination. Is that wrong?


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    Michael Haydn, Frank Joe's little bro, is on NPR now---"Symphony # 34." Bet you didn't know that the guy known in the London of yesteryear as "the greatest composer in the world" had a younger sibling. More than one, I'd imagine.
    Chance of rain this eve. Cannot e'en remember when last the cats and dogs came down. So cold when I awoke. Turned the heat down too low. Up to 60 degrees now. Tolerable.
    Spent some time with Arianna Stassinopoulos and Maria Callas last night. Great story of la prima donna assoluta. Is A.S. the Arianna Huffington I used to see on different news shows---like FOX? She looks very familiar. Was too shy to ask.
    Wish I knew how to spell Xarwenka. His famous piano concerto is now playing, with Earl Wilde at the keyboard. It is a work, full of sound and fury, signifying SOMETHING!
    I shall return, DD. Odd-jobbing today. Helping a former client muck out his house. Strange that some of my former clients let everything go to pot after my departure years ago. Better gather up my strength---I'm going to need it!


  • J-ex-W

    No comment...or rather, too many posted comments!

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    I sometimes let things other people say and do get me down. Like, you talk too much, or you're invisible, so why even bother thinking you exist? Or someone hurts your feelings, and she doesn't even know it; maybe she'd feel bad if she knew. Is that a reason for me to quit? For awhile I even considered not talking with you anymore, DD. We're all hanging on by a thread. I wonder often why civility and kindness are so difficult to exhibit. My point of view is different from yours, but do you need to bop me over the head? I am going to continue believing that in some insignificant way I am helping someone, somewhere. But how can I, Dear Diary, when only you know my thoughts? I so often in daily life feel ignored OR AM ignored. I try to be positive-minded, but it's so difficult. And then, the on-going harrassment from Schizo---what am I to do? Oh well, DD. Perhaps, in my solitude, I will find an answer. I do still believe in God. Are most prayers answered "NO"?


  • misanthropic

    CoCo I come here everyday now just to read your diary entries. Not just because it's become habitual, but I love being able to see life through your eyes.
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts and in a way letting me inside of your world. Judging from the number of times this threads been viewed, I'd say I'm not the only one ;)

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    I am feeling better since we last talked. I never have doubted God and his goodness. You simply never know how cheer and a sense of usefulness will re-enter your life. Perhaps the biggest change in my character is that I don't give up so easily any more. I refuse to sit and stare hopelessly at the walls any longer. If a little un-named girl in the Bible could, through her faith in God's prophet, turn a mighty warrior of another nation toward worship of the Almighty, well then.......?
    Thank God for small favors---a kind word at the right time turns the despair of the lowly one into incalculable joy!
    Am I being fulsome? I think not.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    It's going to be another cold one tonight. Went for a walk after music lessons---around 4:30 this afternoon---and it was already biting through my many layers. Got the heat back on. Preparing dinner as I listen to Mozart. "Friday Night at the Opera," with Sean Bianco, begins at 8:00.
    Going to the gallery tomorrow. Amazing that we sell so-called subliminal art for big bucks. Some call it "camouflage" art. DD---sometimes I'm not sure if skeptics are saying, "No, it exists nowhere, nohow," or if they simply feel that, yes, the images are there, but are in no way significant. I know what is and what is not---to my eyes, anyway. Convincing others, well, that's another matter entirely. I explain to gallery clients how we artists consciously---or unconsciously---create subliminal or secondary imagery. It is real, they see it, and they buy it [the explanation and the art]. But in religious matters, the discussion takes on an entirely different tone. Jesus made some comment about one's rising from the dead not convincing unbelievers...What was the point he was making? I need to look up those paintings of Ottavio Ocampo. The Holy Land images in miniature making up the larger portrait of Jesus. All I know is I what I know. I'm no authority. But I don't like Big Mother telling me that I didn't see what I saw, and she'll take the strap to my behind if I don't be good. Mommie Dearest.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    Well---I made it through the night. But tried sleeping on the couch to get away from the heater. Had to keep it on due to chilly temps. Actually I feel quite rested and do not have the usual wry neck.
    NPR announcer mentioned the horrible storms that had recently occurred in Europe. Million$ in damage---Euro$. I believe it was the Scottish Chamber Orchestra that was recently performing some music of Jean Phillipe Rameau that required wind machines and percussion to reproduce the sounds of nature in all her fury. It was uncannily eerie having the presence of the real thing while employing the man-made mechanisms.
    Georges Bizet's youthful [composed at 17 years old] "Symphony in C Major" has concluded, as well as the "Largo" from Handel's "Xerxes." Both mine faves!
    Am anxious to tell you more, DD, about the two heavenly Marias:

    Maria Celeste---Galileo Galilei's convent daughter
    Maria Callas---la prima donna assoluta

    Fascinating, absolutely remarkable stories! Back innabit, DD!


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    Don't know if I caught the name---a Dr. Bohanon [?], molecular scientist, who's devising a means to put 2 cups of joe [sans the bitterness] into a doughnut! Mention of Dunkin' Donuts, Krispy Kremes, etc. Haven't had a doughnut in years---Should I go back to the old ways, DD? The protracted service coffee break?
    Had to tell you this!


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    My soul is at war within me! Is the pious Maria, devoted to Father and Church, the one capturing my heart and mind, or Maria the Tempest, chanteuse imperatrice? Can't I be friends with both? I must tell you first, DD, about la prima donna Maria. Mme. Hidalgo was about to audition Mlle. Callas, noticing that the poor, awkward girl was staring at her sandals and biting her nails. The teacher could not imagine such a creature wanting to become a singer. Maria opened her mouth, Madame closed her eyes. Dramatic emotion poured forth in a cascading violence of sound. The young lady found a place, tuition-free, in Athens' principal conservatory.
    I've more to tell you, DD, but I gotta eat---just returned from the gallery and the laundromat. Can't do bed sheets in the bath tub.


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