If the "Kool-Aid" came out...

by Justice-One 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I agree with BkuesBrother, very few, if any jws would commit suicide at the orders of the gb. They just haven't got that level of control over many of their members these days.

  • candidlynuts

    i think that with the emphasis the past few years on organizational loyalty , that the numbers of who'd partake of the koolaid , will only grow.

    you cannot question, you have to let them do the thinking for you.. so the type of person who WOULD drink the koolaid is who will stick with the org. people who think for themselves clearly see that the org is demanding tribute and loyalty that should only go to God and Jesus.

  • KW13

    I think a suprising number of people would turn it down if it were possible, and that they'd immediately realise that its all a fraud - probably just when its too late.

  • Sunspot

    I think that a significantly alarming number would follow anything they GB says or "suggests", rather than to face any underlying fears that the WTS isn't all they thought it was. It's far easier sometimes just to go along with the program they have always followed when it takes too much courage to admit they might have been wrong.


  • freetosee
  • Jim_TX

    "I was wondering the other day how many would drink if the Kool-Aid came out at a future meeting? "

    I think that there would not be a 'choice'. ALL would be 'encouraged' to participate.

    I personally believe this is a very real scenario - and that it would/could happen on one of their 'memorials' that they have annually... when they get the majority of their attendance.

    This is why I cringe when I see folks who have not attended in months, say that they're going to attend.

    The way that they'd present it would be that they have gotten 'new light' - and that everyone - even the young ones (translated - babies) would partake (translated - drink the 'kool-aid').

    Folks. This 'religion' is not to be trifiled with. They're dangerous. If they get cornered by the governments - they're likely to do most anything. And the 'sheep' (aka members) are supposed to follow - no questions asked.


    Jim TX (mentalling the aftermath of Jonestown in KHs all around the world)

  • Gerard

    Let's say that it fails and only the hard-core 0.5% would drink it.

    0.5% of 6million is 30,000 people.

  • SirNose586

    They could try to pull it off, and this is how they might do it...

    The build up takes months. At the DCs and CAs, they announce that the FDS has been given inspiration that this Special Lord's Evening Meal will be the last ever. Everyone is directed to spend all time remaining in service, prayer, and Bible reading. Inactive ones are given special attention and exhorted to attend. There will be new light revealed to everyone in attendance. Attendance is mandatory! Halls are rented out far in advance so that every congregation may have the SLEM at the same time. Choked up prayers are given liberally throughout, and soppy, emotional talks work everyone into a emotional orgasm. People get up and hug each other, cry with each other, and by this point are ready to partake (New Light).

  • AlmostAtheist

    It would have to have some scriptural slant to it. Wasn't Enoch "taken" by God so he didn't have to suffer among wicked humanity? Are there any examples of straight-up suicide in the Bible?

    The Enoch bit would be a decent starting point for a "let's all kill ourselves" letter.

    But the bigger point is that they would never encourage it. Hard to rake in the dollars from a bunch of loyal corpses...


  • SirNose586
    It would have to have some scriptural slant to it. Wasn't Enoch "taken" by God so he didn't have to suffer among wicked humanity? Are there any examples of straight-up suicide in the Bible?

    The Enoch bit would be a decent starting point for a "let's all kill ourselves" letter.

    But the bigger point is that they would never encourage it. Hard to rake in the dollars from a bunch of loyal corpses...

    Good point, they'd probably include Enoch in final talk. But the scenario we're imagining is that the WTS is totally cornered and about to be dismantled...so in a last ditch effort, they go Jonestown.

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