If the "Kool-Aid" came out...

by Justice-One 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    The thing to remember with groups such as Jonestown, Heavensgate, David Koresh's group is that there were many other members that were "strained" out, that were not willing to go that extra mile, people who stayed behind and some who tried to get family members out.

    I firmly believe that the WTS has not reached that point yet. That there are many people yet that are still willing and able to walk away if such a thing started to develop.

    Many JWs give lip service to the WTS directives, e.g., the type of movies they watch. Many watch R-rated movies at home either on cable or DVD/Video that they either rent or purchase. Many JWs find convenient excuses to see their df'd family members. Many JWs go to Las Vegas and gamble, after all no one knows they are a JW there. JWs put down on their slip that they study with their family and they haven't even shared a scripture with them in 2 years. JWs put down time on their slip that they spent golfing and happened to mention "god" to their golfing partners.

    The WTS needs some really intense physical and economic persecution of their members to weed out these people.

    Blondie (no koolaid thank you)

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