Have you ever had an encounter with a UFO?

by free2beme 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • james_woods

    Just for the heck of it (as I am a strong skeptic of both JW and UFO) -

    What do the JWs say about these "sightings"?

    * the people that see them are either crazy or demonized or liars?

    * it is secret government super-planes that the CIA is trying to cover up?

    * it is a manifestation of the demons and therefore a sign of the times?

    ( I assume that they do not believe it could really be an alien race from another planet in a ship of their own making)...


  • rebel8

    There is a forum for the town nearby to the wt farm. Can't think of the name of it right now....

    I started a thread once asking what it was like to live near all the wt farmites & the people responded that there are a lot of ufo sightings there. I think 1 even said there are lots of ufo sightings near jws.


  • Sunspot
    Why are the people who claim they've made contact never credible?

    Maybe because they think they would be seen as crackpots, foolish and open to ridicule for admitting they have seen something that others with closed minds will not accept or be willing to investigate more thoroughly.


  • Abaddon


    LOL. So you think President Carter and Reagan are credible witnesses? How low do you want to set the bar? A nematode couldn't limbo under it if you count those two. You also miss the fact I say MADE CONTACT. None of the people you mention claim to have made contact with aliens. Please try to respond to what I say rather than going off on one...

    I fully accept people see stuff they can't explain, I just find the jump from 'can't explain' to 'alien ship' a rather large one as such an explanation fails to explain things that need explaining, like how super-advanced aliens need Earthlings or Earth, or how their ability to screen their presense is not significantly advanced to our own despite having travelled between stars.

    But I am glad you agree there is a lack of physical proof. What proof is there then? It isn't the classic hieroglyph helicopter...



    ... it is no more proof of UFO's or ancient helicopters than my hairy arse.

    Of course, quite why people don't type 'hieroglyphs helicopter' into a search engine and find out what the deal for themselves is I don't know. They seem to stop when they find something that proves what they want to believe and go no further - be it 9/11 or UFO's. The pathology of belief...

    It isn't hard too find out facts, you just have to want to. Yes, it would be cool if Egyptians saw/used helicopters, but something being cool is not a determinant of whether it is true or not.

    Come on, roll up roll up, any more proof of UFO's?

    Or do we have to put them in the same group of 'unexplained stuff people say they saw' like yeti, bigfoot, nessie, the Virgin Mary, ghosties, demons, and lets not forget the demonised blue smurf walking down the aisle of the Kingdom Hall...?

    How come it is so easy to see any claim of smurfs walking down the KH aisle as a lie, as we know this doesn't happen in real life, and so gladly accept other stuff we know doesn't happen in real life as real?

  • james_woods

    Maybe because they think they would be seen as crackpots, foolish and open to ridicule for admitting they have seen something that others with closed minds will not accept or be willing to investigate more thoroughly.


    Unfortunately, many of them do not have the rationality to realize they would face ridicule. I would give as a tragic example (and one particular pertinent to ex-JWs, given the doomsday aspects of their demise) the "Heaven's Gate" suicide cult in California.

    I would certainly have a closed mind to accepting or even investigating the idea that there might be a Starship hiding behind the Hale-Bopp Comet, and that the true followers should wear black PJ & Tennies, advertise on the Internet, and then self-mutilate their genitalia and subsequently self-immolate their mortal bodies with beggies and Vodka while awaiting the arrival.

    If I were forced to investigate it "thoroughly" some of my first questions would be -

    * Why is it hiding behind the Hale-Bopp Comet? Does George W. really have something that could bring down a Starship?

    * Why can't you be a follower by just looking at the Hale-Bopp through a telescope until the day, leaving your nuts "intact" (in more than one manner of speaking), and then be among the first to actually "see" the blessed event?

    * Also, doesn't your High Leader have a really crazy look in his eyes in that photo on the Website?

  • skyking

    The hieroglyph does not prove UFO's are real. Some think that this hieroglyph has a new hieroglyph re-carved over an older one. Like a double exposed picture. But this also takes a big leap in faith too believe this. There is on proof for this double exposure theory. I have read dozens of reports about this assumption and that is all it is an assumption based on finding any reason to disprove it.

    Some individuals do not like what they seen so they had to find an alternative explanation for what the the hieroglyph shows. Like pulling a bunny out of a hat.

    Some say it is digitally enhanced, But even when it is not enhanced you can still see them. How hard some people try to discredit what they do not understand. By the way this is not the only old proof for there are alot of old items the are just as hard to explain.

  • james_woods

    In quotation from above -

    Many scientist today are rethinking how the Sun works and a brave few say they can prove the Sunis anElectric Furnace. So it all guess work. We do not really know what we think we know.


    Excellent point about not knowing all things. Those few electric furnace men must be brave!

    But, then - "you can be sure if it's Westinghouse"

  • Abaddon


    The hieroglyph does not prove UFO's are real. Some think that this hieroglyph has a new hieroglyph re-carved over an older one. Like a double exposed picture. But this also takes a big leap in faith too believe this. There is on proof for this double exposure theory. I have read dozens of reports about this assumption and that is all it is an assumption based on finding any reason to disprove it.

    No, it takes listening to people who know what they are talking about who can prove what they are talking about. The Egyptians defaced or wrote-over the inscriptions and statuary of previous Pharaohs/Dynasties on a regular basis; this is not the only example, just the only one that happens to look like a helicopter.

    To disregard the opinion of experts based on a regular occurrence with multiple examples you need to come up with something better than 'ah, I'll believe what I like'. This is something of a pattern skyking; AGAIN, you choose to disregard the testimony of experts in order to hold-on to some favourite belief. You're welcome too, just don't expect it to be taken as a good argument based on facts.

    The glider is well-known. If a genuine artifact (there are possible problems with the story http://kjmatthews.users.btopenworld.com/cult_archaeology/out_of_place_artefacts_2.html) is no more-or-less surprising than clockwork mechanisms made by ancient Greeks; remember, the Egyptians carried out primitive brain surgery. Do you know how amazingly close to the actual diameter of Earth Eratosthenes's measurement was? If you start with a false premise of how primitive 'primitive' people are you can easily make much ado about nothing. But claims it is anything more than a toy or votive offering to Horus are unsubstantiated.

    The golden aeroplanes are a wonderful example of 'true believers' willingness to misrepresent things in a light favourable to their beliefs; the one that looks a little like an A4 Skyhawk is just one of a collection of highly-stylised ornaments intended to hang from a necklace that resembled winged insects, birds, bats and sting rays. The selection of one out of context is rightfully described here http://kjmatthews.users.btopenworld.com/cult_archaeology/out_of_place_artefacts_6.html as "disingenuous and borders on dishonesty".

    "Here is an old Roman coin" is either proof of your poor research and standards of evidence, or your gullibility in repeating some idiot's error as I found the same false claim made elsewhere. It is French, dating from 1680 http://www.dudeman.net/siriusly/ufo/art.shtml. Whether it is Ezekiel's wheel, a contemporaneous sighting, or whatever is scarcely the point as the fact that people see stuff in the sky and have done for Milena is not disputed.

    At least you agree "there really is no concrete proof".

    But we have more proof of UFO's than we do the Sun burning Hydrogen and Helium.

    Okay, I call you on this piece of BULL. Prove this statement; or is this another example of uncritical and credulous thinking? Make sure you take into account work on the 'neutrino problem' done since 1990 and that your replacement model can explain heavy elements.

  • AuldSoul
    Okay... three scenarios;

    Four; FTL (faster than light) travel is possible; in this scenario;

    • People see super advanced aliens who can travel the vast depths of interstellar space faster than light, who do not concern themselves overly with hiding their presence from small isolated groups of carbon-based mammals barely out of the trees.

    This is entirely plausible; someone who can travel between stars FTL will only be seen when they don't care to remain unseen, or don't have access to their super-advanced technology, or do not necessarily have the technology to cloak just because they have developed FTL travel, so if FTL travel IS possible;

    1. People see super advanced aliens as a deliberate part of the aliens study of humans
    2. People see super advanced aliens because the aliens have a mechanical problem
    3. People see super advanced aliens because the specific aliens they are seeing have not developed a means of remaining unseen
    4. People see super advanced aliens because the specific aliens they are seeing are oblivious to the fact that the humans see them, or do not identify humans as intelligent enough to attach significance to what they are seeing
    5. People see super advanced aliens because there are insufficient numbers of people seeing them to arouse any concern in the aliens

    For instance, I once laid near an ant bed and watched it. I tried to imagine what the ants thought of me, towering over them, if they saw me at all. I came to the conclusion that they would not likely identify me as a species of animal, they would probably decide whether or not I was food and whether or not I was a threat to them and go about their business of being metaphorical symbols of insignificance. Until I read this thread, I did not consider whether I should hide from the ants.

    I have never had an encounter with a UFO, but I have recently become convinced to keep an open mind regarding the possibility of alien interactions with our species. Specifically, I have become convinced that extraterrestrials have been interacting with humans for a long time.

  • james_woods

    AuldSoul - I am simply amazed at your scientific courage:

    For instance, I once laid near an ant bed and watched it.

    You do not, of course, do this very long beside an agressive Texas Fire Ant hill. We had an embarassing little incident where some volunteer firemen were out at a country "deer lease" on a "training mission". As part of the anti-dehydration effort with Coors Beer, one of the party (an assistant chief) had a little fallie-down and go-to-sleepy on such an ant-hill.

    It put him both into the hospitals, and, of course, into the local news.


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