Have you ever had an encounter with a UFO?

by free2beme 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • south african beef
    south african beef

    Why am I not surprised that this thread is predominantly American?

    Apparently virtually all the UFO sightings in the world have been made in America.

    Uh huh, of course they have!

  • Abaddon

    Okay... three scenarios;

    One; FTL (faster than light) travel is possible; in this scenario;

    • People see super advanced aliens who can travel the vasty depths of interstellar space faster than light, but are incapable of hiding their presence from people barely out of the trees.

    This is unlikely; someone who can travel between stars FTL will only be seen when they want to be seen, or don't have access to their super advanced technology, so if FTL travel IS possible;

    1. People see super advanced aliens as a deliberate part of the aliens study of humans
    2. People see super advanced aliens because they have a mechanical problem

    Two; FTL travel is NOT possible; in this scenario;

    • People see aliens whose technology we might even be able to understand

    In this scenario;

    1. They spend their lives studying aliens races including our own for the lve of study
    2. They spend their lives grooming alien races to join the peace-loving Galatic Foundation
    3. They are scout ships, and the invasion fleet is coming

    Three; people don't see aliens ships

    Obviously people who have seen sh1t they can't explain have a good reason to go for one or two above.


    • Why invade a planet when they can have the same resources from anywhere?
    • Why be seen when to an advanced techology avoiding being seen would be simple (we have already got prototypes of systems that are invisable to radar; not 'stealthy', invisable)?
    • Why is the evidence never any good?
    • Why are the people who claim they've made contact never credible? Wouldn't an alien species wanting to make contact go for Kofi Anan, Stveen Hawkins and Richard Dawkins? Instead of Bubba the pig farmer from Alabama?
    • How come in the past thirty years the number of people with video cameras has increased by maybe 1000%, and STILL we don't have decent proof.

    I know what I think is the case, but I know that 'believers' have tantrums if their beliefs aren't validated, normally along the lines of how closed minded people who want EVIDENCE are, LOL. Yes, they laughed a Galileo. They also laughed at Coco the clown...

    People have seen shit in the skies for thousands of years, and they've always seen things which matched their beliefs. DO the research; stuff in the skies is not new, it just changed from religous interprtted stuff to Sci-Fi interpretted stuff; common features of alien sightings can be traced to that feature being shown in a film or magazine, not before. People lie to themselves and to others. Eyewitness evidence is notoriously unreliable.

    Add it all together and what you have is much about nothing.

    Having said that I ran SETI on my PC for years...

  • MegaDude

    I did see what looked like a giant exploding silver star in broad daylight around five o'clock in the evening. Upon looking at it with a pair of binoculars it was a silver weather balloon reflecting back the sun like a mirror. It was quite an impressive sight just hanging there in the cloudless blue sky.

    I have also seen the Space Shuttle racing across the evening sky reflecting the sun. Looked like a fast-moving bright star.

    I don't see why UFOs matter. They aren't going to help you pay your bills, cure cancer, or bring world peace. If they exist (and I personally don't believe that they do if you're talking about alien piloted UFOs) they don't seem interested in making any meaningful contact. If there is alien life and if it is intelligent and wise, it would behoove them to wipe mankind from the face of the earth as an insane species with parasitic tendencies towards one another and rotten caretakers of their own planet.



    The link you provided was really amazing. I watched the entire thing . . . Really amazing. I have seen a couple of things in my lifetime that could fall into this category.

    Personally, I think the "UFO Silence" is because of government cover-up by the powers that be, who do not want to lose oil revenue. Watch JTs link if you don't know what I'm talking about.

    While the UFO idea sounds "out there" . . . it is real IMHO . . .

    JW thinking aside since I know now they do not have any credible answers.


  • AnonyMouse

    Occam's Razor?

    Any resource an alien would need is in far more abundance on Jupiter. Visiting earth would be mearly for study.

    And waiting for us to suddenly stop being stupid, which won't happy anytime soon.

  • skyking

    Time for bed here. I'll post tomorrow.

  • Oroborus21


    I haven't other than technically spotting flying things i couldn't identify.

    Some of my family members have. My parents and another couple were travelling from Roswell, New Mexico to Albuquerque on that long stretch between Roswell and Vaughn when they spotted a large saucer shaped ship hovering or landed on the desert some distance off the highway. My dad was driving and pulled over. All four of them got out and looked at it for about 10-15 minutes they said when it rose and tore off out of sight in a way that my dad said he had never seen anything do before. But keep in mind this was in the mid- 50s and the AFB there in Roswell and at Holoman (Alamogordo) were doing a lot testing of experimental aircraft so it could have been somethng like that.

    A few years ago my sister told me of a freakier experience that she hadn't shared with anyone until recently (a few years ago). She described a time, again when the family was living in Roswell, and she said that there was a period of time when these "tiny golden bubble of light" would come to the house, through the walls and kind of interact with her. When someone else would come into the room they would go right through the walls and away for the night.

    The freaky part is that she told me she had never told anyone but was telling this story to my brother and he about hit the floor because the very same experience used to happen to him about that same time period and it was something he thought that he had imagined and he had never told anyone either.

    then there is my other brother who for a while (or maybe still does) thought he was an alien-replacement for my "real brother" but that's a whole other story.

    Anyway, i just wanted to say that i once wrote an essay evaluating the possibility of Extraterrestrials in the context of JW theology and found that it pretty much excludes that possibility. (I still have it and will put it on my website when I get around to it). Anyway the bottom line reason why is because JW theology posits this "grand universal trial" of mankind (like the Job analogy) and requires that God's only choice in balancing the scales against Adam's sin was the necessary sacrifice of an untainted (perfect) sinless man, namely Jesus. This in part, was due to the angelic host of onlookers who God doesn't want any problems with :-) and so there is this whole notion of a righteous precedent supposedly giving God the right to immediately squash any more Satan-like rebellions from any of his free-willed angels. If you follow me so far, then you can easily see that if there WERE any OTHER creatures of free-will in the Universe that God had created that he could have cited them as an EXAMPLE of faithfulness instead of having to resort ot the Jesus solution. (And Christians "know" that these other (ET) creations have to be perfect because had they sinned themselves they would have required their own savior, yet the scriptures and reason indicate that Christ died only the one time.)

    To some extent, this logic extends over to non-JW Christianity as well, so persons who are Christian or who believe the bible is true, can't believe in ETs for these and other reasons.


  • skyking

    Abaddon said

  • Why are the people who claim they've made contact never credible? Wouldn't an alien species wanting to make contact go for Kofi Anan, Stveen Hawkins and Richard Dawkins? Instead of Bubba the pig farmer from Alabama?
  • That statement is so full of BULL Shite I can smell him from here. President Charter was an eye witness, Dan Rather was an eye witness. President Ronald Reagan was an eye witness and a full blown believer. I could go on for the rest of the day giving you names of credible people that have saw UFO's. Least but not last, all the Astronauts on the first moon trip have came forward and said they saw a UFO following them exsplan that.

    The problem is not the credibility of the EYE WITNESSES but the lack of physical proof.

  • skyking


    I have often wondered about this hieroglyph it looks like it is showing a Helicopter, a UFO, and a modern jet.

  • Moomin

    President Ronald Reagan was an eye witness and a full blown believer.

    Must be true then :p

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