Have you ever had an encounter with a UFO?

by free2beme 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • parakeet

    Several years ago, on the way to a friend's house at night, I saw a series of small bright red lights chasing one another very rapidly across the night sky. It went on for at least 20 minutes. I'd never seen anything like it before and was intrigued.

    When I got to the friend's house, I told her and her husband that I had seen a UFO; that is, that I had seen something flying that I couldn't identify. When I described it, my friend's husband, a retired military man, told me that what I saw was tracer fire from military aircraft doing night exercises at a nearby military base. Mystery solved, but only because I asked the right question at the right time to the right guy.

    I believe most UFO sightings are ordinary events that we don't have enough information about to make an identification.

  • skyking

    There are alot of people like Abaddon that are so smart that we the ordinary peasants of this world have to stand in Ah being over shadowed by his glory. I hope just to be warmed by his glow.

    I do not know one way or the other if there are Aliens visiting this world and neither does Abaddon. But one thing is for sure he has to be right, just ask him, then stand back, and notice the warming beam of his intellectual wisdom as he types away at his computer with intellectual superiority over the world that eagerly awaits too read his profound wisdom.

  • skyking
    Okay, I call you on this piece of BULL. Prove this statement; or is this another example of uncritical and credulous thinking? Make sure you take into account work on the 'neutrino problem' done since 1990 and that your replacement model can explain heavy elements




    First off I do not have an opinion about this anyway shape or form. What I am trying to state here is be opened minded.

  • free2beme

    Maybe we are like a wild life preserve that other alien races visit, when on holiday. Who knows, but either way, I think there has to be at least the open minded enough attitude to realize there is a chance there is.

  • jimbo

    Hey Abaddon, if and when you see sh1t that you can not explain which of the three senarios do you go with?

    I have recently become comfortable to acknowledge that there are some things that I do not understand. I don't condemn others for their views, or think that they are inferior just because they view things differently.

    jimbo (willing to read your viewpoint and free to think you might be full of sh1t)

    PS I enjoy your posts!!!

  • JWdaughter

    No UFO experiences. I live near several military bases and Boeing, as well as a lot of municipal airports. Nothing I see in the sky has ever shocked or scared me. I used to live in NYC and have teenagers, so I could probably see an alien and just think it was a teenager with a unique style sense. Or something.

  • JWdaughter

    I don't have strong feelings that there are UFO's. I kind of wish there were, but I doubt it. It would be fun though.

    My feeling is if our government can't keep quiet that the vice-pres. nearly killed a man, or that a senator was messing with teenage boys,or military guys killed an innocent, then perhaps it isn't capable of the secrecy and discretion necessary to keep us from discovering any UFOs that they are aware of. I don't think the govt. is capable of such massive secret keeping. They can't even keep people in the witness protection program very effectively, from what I understand. Doubt they could keep an alien out of public eye for more than 3 days. Unless, of course, they hired Tom Cruises security team.

  • zagor
    Personally, I think something is to the sightings. I think people might sometimes mistake military planes or other things, as UFOs. That is always going to be a percentage, but not all the time. I think there is something to it, and that is why I keep an open mind. I have always wanted to go to Area 51 and watch the night sky, just outside the outskirts and when I see programs about it on the History or Discover channel, I enjoy watching. What do you think though, any experiences like mine? Please share your thoughts.

    I think you've gotta seperate plane sighting from the sighting of new and concealed technologies, which might be far more exotic than most people here probably realize, and are not involving aliens. Do you honesty think that F16 or F22 or even stealths are as far as military thechnology streaches??

    There are so many ways to achieve propulsions that doesn't involve petrol as we know it today. I'd recommand reading book by Dr David Clarke and Andy Roberts "Out Of The Shaddows - UFOs', The Estublishment & The Official Cover-Up"

    I believe that there must be other life forms in universe, but that is just my belief, like belief of many religious people ,i.e. no proof, just a gut feeling. I did see several different things that I could not explain (light balls, etc) but to underline expression I could not explain. It doesn't mean that they are not explainable at all.

    The problem I find with many sighting is that they are all too often sensationalized by media to the extent where you don't know anymore where facts end and editor's immagination begins. And as the story gets retold suddenly many others "remember" thing they've seen too.

  • Abaddon


    So, you don't bother reading posts you respond to properly, refuse to believe expert archaeologists about a well-known feature of Egyptian inscriptions and monuments because in this case you prefer your own uninformed opinion, repeat (unknowingly I guess given the level of research you undertake) false claims about the origin of coins and misleading characterisations of golden ornaments, make utterly false statements like "we have more proof of UFO's than we do the Sun burning Hydrogen" and idolise those with the same pathological tendancy towards pseudoscientific nonsense, and THEN all of a sudden I am a bad guy?

    First off I do not have an opinion about this anyway shape or form.

    So was it the aliens that typed "we have more proof of UFO's than we do the Sun burning Hydrogen"? That sure looks like an opinion. Or do you mean now that it is obvious you don't know what you are talking about you no longer feel like making sweeping statements and unsupported, grandious claims?

    What I am trying to state here is be opened minded.

    So open minded the top of your head has fallen off...? Since when did credulous acceptence of any old rubbish some idiot puts online equate with being open minded?

    Don't be so pathetic. Don't you have ANY self-respect? Or do you dislike it when the rubbish you come up with gets shown to be rubbish? And don't make this an issue of intelligence; as I point out, the accurate information is freely available to those who are bothered enough to look for it; a failure to do so is laziness or stopping your 'research' when you've found someone saying what you want them to say. If you want to avoid having people point out you post garbage, stop posting garbage, take responsibility for your actions.

    Your pro 'electric' sun links are out-of-date as you either ignored or didn't get the caveat I put in, as I knew in advance you'd come up with some crackpot chuntering on about 'missing neutrinos' because they are ignoring or ignorant of the most recent research.


    Four; FTL (faster than light) travel is possible; in this scenario;
    1/ People see super advanced aliens as a deliberate part of the aliens study of humans

    This is against aound scientific practise unless you WANT to effect the subject you are studying, for example;

    • specifically researching how people who have seen aliens or believe in them for illogical reasons are treated by those who haven't seen aliens and/or don't believe in their presense here for logical reasons
    • destabilising human culture
    • preparing humans for first contact

    All this assumes a high enough level of 'specialness' about humans to justify the expenditure of resources. Statistically we are unlikely to be all that special, just such compliocated interactions require a leap of faith.

    2/ People see super advanced aliens because the aliens have a mechanical problem

    Which I exclude as if this was so there would be more evidence, as the 'hey I forgot to take any photos' beam would be SNAFU along with the cloaking device.

    3/ People see super advanced aliens because the specific aliens they are seeing have not developed a means of remaining unseen

    We are far closer to 'invisability' than FTL, so this is unlikely.

    4/ People see super advanced aliens because the specific aliens they are seeing are oblivious to the fact that the humans see them, or do not identify humans as intelligent enough to attach significance to what they are seeing

    Would require aliens of far greater mental capacities than humans, and if they're like that what are they doing hanging round Earth as it's unlikely to be special enough to be of even passing interest.

    5/ People see super advanced aliens because there are insufficient numbers of people seeing them to arouse any concern in the aliens

    Sloppy alines? Mmmmm...

    All of the 'Fours' do require a bit of a streach, IMFFHO


    Scenario three IS seeing 'em. What I saw would influence whether I thought it was scenario one or two. Small ships would iprobably ndicate non-FTL with a mothership somewhere. Big ships would be more likely 'starships' as opposed to in-system transport.

  • AuldSoul


    We are far closer to 'invisability' than FTL, so this is unlikely.

    And in this exception you ASSUME they would take roughly the same path of technological advancement we have taken. However, you have no reason to suspect this of any hypthetical ETs. Maybe the Romans didn't kill their Archimedes, and it changed everything.

    Would require aliens of far greater mental capacities than humans, and if they're like that what are they doing hanging round Earth as it's unlikely to be special enough to be of even passing interest.

    Imagining the higher brain functions of a hypothetically superior ET race based on ours? Why? Why would not their ways be above our ways and their thoughts above our thoughts? In other words, you might not know what makes Earth interesting to them.

    Statistically we are unlikely to be all that special, just such compliocated interactions require a leap of faith.

    Since you have nothing to compare to, I would LOVE to see the pie chart of THIS data. What statistics do you have to determine the "specialness" (or lack thereof) of the human species to any given ET species? If you have such statistics, then you also possess proof of ETs.

    I think you are excluding every suggested possibility based on terran thinking, and applying terran thinking to the probable behavior of ETs. Can you account for why you believe an FTL capable ET species would think like a carbon-based mammal just barely out of the trees?

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