My letter to the "Glorious Ones."...

by Justice-One 82 Replies latest jw friends

  • Justice-One

    I thought you guys might get a hoot out of this letter that I just mailed....

    Dear Elders (Or should I call you “Glorious Ones”?)

    You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can never fool all the people all the time. – And you certainly do not have ME fooled anymore. You will never know who I am. But I am at every meeting. (I even make sure to answer from time to time!) I have no desire to be cut off from all my friends and family (even if they are cultists.) And making my feelings known in public would have that effect. So I have to be content with living my double life. But I just wanted you “Glorious Ones” to know my true feelings. All is not well in your compound. Oh, I mean flock.

    I can’t tell you how much fun it has been to watch as your organization implodes under the weight of its false teachings, doctrine, and prophecies. (Not to mention the lack of love shown.) It must be very disheartening for you cult leaders to see the growth in the U.S. approaching ZERO. The negative numbers are not far away. But I’m sure Bethel is not above doctoring the books, so we will probably never see them.

    I can still hear the words of the brother from the stage at a District Convention back in the early 1970’s…”Just remember brothers; stay alive ‘till 75.” But hey, as the brother told us from the platform just a few weeks ago, “the Society has never made a prediction about when the end would come.” What a bald faced lie.

    So “brothers” I would like to close with this. – You are being laughed at more and more these days. And a LOT of it is coming from within your “loyal” ranks. Oh, and one more thing. F#%k you.

    Geez. Sometimes I just crack myself up! BTW, that stamp was the BEST 39 cents I EVER spent!

  • candidlynuts

    your gonna tie up every wednesday and friday night up for them for months now with all the elders meetings they'll hold trying to find out who wrote the letter!! LOL

  • megsmomma

    I like would be a good letter to send annomously to all the congregations and make them wonder who among them is sending it!!

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Love it

    Did you send it to the kh you attend? They'll probably bring in a forensic expert to check the dna and fingerprints on it to track you down lol.

  • Justice-One
    I like would be a good letter to send annomously to all the congregations and make them wonder who among them is sending it!!

    Great idea!

  • Justice-One
    Did you send it to the kh you attend? They'll probably bring in a forensic expert to check the dna and fingerprints on it to track you down lol.

    Yup I sure did.

    I didn't do it.

    Nobody seen me do it.

    You can't prove a thing.

    Words to live by.

  • lisavegas420


    Maybe a bunch of us could send it to local KH's.


  • lowden
    I can still hear the words of the brother from the stage at a District Convention back in the early 1970’s

    Won't this statement narrow down who the elders could suspect Justice One??

    Like, the ones who were around then?

    Get my drift?



  • Justice-One

    It does narrow the field, but not that much. Besides, I put in other "disinformation" to throw them off.

  • unbeliever

    Let the witch hunt commence. How will you keep a straight face when the local needs talk is given?

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