My letter to the "Glorious Ones."...

by Justice-One 82 Replies latest jw friends

  • restrangled

    Justice one....great letter.

    I have talked to my mom (devout JW for 72 years) about what I have read on this site and let her know it was my opinion that there are a lot of people living double lives in most KH's. She agreed and even said she felt about 1/2 of the elders were too.

    Can you imagine if everyone at once made an exit that felt as you do?

    It would be thrilling.

    Best regards,


  • yaddayadda

    If I was an elder I would think it was from some bitter and twisted youth who is pissed about something an elder did and wants to vent his little spleen. I think it's a pretty lame effort really, especially the childish 'f#ck you' at the end, which just reinforces in the mind of the elders the kind of moronic stereotype person that would even bother to write such a letter; if I was going to go to that kind of effort to write to the elders anonymously while living a double life (a good idea in itself) then why not put something decent in it, something factual that will really get them thinking.

  • Justice-One

    I'll say this, you have a good screen name. I bet a lot of people are thinking Yadayadayada when they read your posts.

  • gordon d
    gordon d

    Excellent letter but please.... NO COPYCATS!!!

    If this letter is copied and sent to other KH's then it won't take long for a DO or CO to see at as some spam attack. If anyone else feels compelled to write a letter, make it original, use elder names, and a local post-mark.

    Just a thought....


    P.S. Maybe you should consider some assertiveness training to help you come out of your shell and truly say what you mean...LOL

  • lovelylil

    I smell a "local needs" part coming. Please update us Justice. Lilly

  • restrangled

    Justice One,

    I did not see the F*** you at the end. That my friend takes away from your letter. I was concentrating more on your content. It is always better to remain dignified in all you do.


  • Kudra

    You're a SUPER TROOPER!

    nice work.



  • penny2
    But I am at every meeting

    Be interesting to know how many still attending every meeting feel this way.


  • watson

    (He hates the cans! Stay away from the cans!)


    "The new phone books are in, the new phone books are in!"

  • BlackPearl

    Pure genius!

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